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Posts posted by Octavian

  1. Our dogs got into a fight. The only thing that can stop them is pepper spray. Unfortunately the last time that my fiance used it she blasted herself in the face (nozzle was pointing in the wrong direction). It floored her instantly and had me choking as the whole house permeated with it...


    It's hardcore...

  2. What is very interesting is all the comments from the morally and ethically pure who are no doubt sitting at the office camping on the hub and potentially other websites etc which are not remotely work related.


    Hello kettle, I'm pot, you're black....


    As long as the work is done when it is expected of you, or even before it is expected of you, then there is no problem.....If you are not doing your work, then I agree....get off the internet!


    Four main forms of IP

    These are four completely different things

    • Patents
    • Trademarks
    • Copyrights
    • Trade Secrets (the formula for Coca-Cola)


    Coca-Cola as an Example


    Coca-Cola has a registered Patent for their Coke Bottle Design.


    Coca-Cola has a registered Trade Mark for their Name.


    Coca-Cola has a registered Trade Secret for their Coke Recipe.


    Three completely different things.

    Nowdays, everything I am writing is protected by Copyright automatically.

    I wrote it, so you can't copy this word for word.

    Maybe that is why we were made to write reports in school; taking information from different texts, and combining them in our own words.

    Does Coca-Cola hide their patent(bottle design number)?


    The Coca-Cola recipe is hidden; it is a *Trade Secret*, not a Patent.


    In some cases, you could keep your invention a secret like the Coca-Cola Company keeps the formula for Coke a secret. This is called a trade secret.

    The formula for Coca-Cola is the most famous trade secret.



    Where does a brand fit in?

  4. Pinarello is a private company and therefore I can't find their financial information, but let's look at Shimano (which also produces other products although bicycle parts are still 80% of sales). I'm doing this because it seems some of you says it ok to steal, because the companies make too much money.


    Year ended Dec-11:


    Assets Y216,000M

    Sales Y221,770M

    Net Income Y19,862M


    That gives a net income margin of 9%. Now I wonder how many companies you hubbers work for sell products for less or more than a 9% net income margin?


    Scarily, most of the guys posting on here about value for money, and how they aren't willing to buy this because it's to expensive, and someone's getting rich etc, etc, etc, don't even know what a net profit margin implies, and/or even what the net profit of the company they are working for is....


    You need to dumb down your arguments....

  5. I see this as a bit of 'new' money vs 'old' money. If you have been used to wealth from early on I dont think there is that type of need as oppsed to 'new' money, who generally dont carry the class of 'old' money.


    Much like the double chivas and ginger ale .............


    I thought something similar the other day.... One of our business associates is widely recognised to be worth well over a billion rand. He arrives at meetings in his 2000 Prado, probably worth less than R100 000? Parked next to him is a recently qualified "New money" attorney in his new model Range Rover. I wondered to myself, who has what to prove here?

  6. but that's the key right there! You may not... and that's a good quality to have! But the fact is that the majority of society is so materialistic and image orientated. Knock off Louis Vuitton handbags, Oakley sunglasses, and Pinarello frames would not be produced, if people didn't buy them.


    I agree that the majority of society is materialistic, especially in the backwaters of civilisation, but if you go to more advanced society's, you would clearly notice a strong movement away from materialism...Surely that is what we should strive for...My experience of people that want to brag about what they have is largely driven by from where they came from... Examples are rife in SA. I drove past a shack recently with an M3 parked outside of it....and I saw it again on my way back...

  7. ...hmmm... nope! I'm pretty sure they spend the big bucks for the bragging rights!


    Like seriously... spending 40k more just cos it's morally right... I think you may be living in the past, cos it doesn't sound like the world I live in! Most people are more concerned about image than ethics.


    Perhaps we live in different worlds...because I certainly don't attribute much value to something that someone has bought...thinking they are cool, etc...

  8. What many people seem to fail to realise is that people don't necessarily go for the brands because they are more expensive, thereby buying them some street cred with their friends, but because (I would like to think) buying something that is clearly a copy of someone else's intellectual property is morally abhorrent. It destroys incentive to innovate, and surely that must contribute to the death of any society...

  9. post-2696-0-01639900-1357191788_thumb.jpg


    one of the pic's from the 10 most beautifull school (university) libraries in the world.


    full link



    I love my library, but lost a bit of love for it when I had to move the last time...A box of books is damn heavy and it takes ages to repack a collection of books, nevermind that a book shelf is a dust collection hotspot..... Unfortunately I am slowly moving towards reading books electronically....

  10. Even when asleep, Theodore won't let go of the ball lest the others get it…




    My girl has this rope with a knot in that she sleeps with....We noticed for the first time the other day that she moves it around with her whenever she changes her sleeping position... Just like a little child with a teddy bear....

  11. And some store owners wonder why people throw rocks through their shop windows, or even worse quarts filled with petrol and a burning rag....? This kind of retribution is obviously totally inexcusable, but some people will do this kind of stuff.... If I was a store owner I would be terrified of this kind of retribution ....

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