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Posts posted by carbon29er

  1. I have found if you want drama in your living room either watch road racing like yesterday's Milan San Remo or watch a good movie.


    Definitely would not rate streaming this race as "drama". It competes with F1, golf and tennis as an alternative to chemical sleeping aids.


    Then again, looks like there is some drama actually getting it to stream. So title could be construed as accurate.

  2. Thanks for sharing this for me - yes at about 4:39 sec he refers to rioting - not even a protest.


    So what the difference between protest (not peacefully - when bricks are in the road and destruction has taken place), Rioting and an act of terror - from an insurance definition?

    I have no idea. I'm an accountant. Not a lawyer.

  3. Facts need proof. . . or are you going to tell me go and find it myself?


    You say it's a known fact that no one struggles to get in if they want to, how do you know this? My other half and her father attempted to get in 3 years ago, and it sold out before they could.


    You say it's a known fact that they sell more entries then they should, do you have proof of this? Or is this wild speculation that's now being construed as fact?

    What proof do you want?


    3 years ago I personally helped 4 riders through substitution entries, were your other half and her father not get able to get substitutions?


    It is a known fact that more entries are sold than turn up on the day. I could explain the tolerances to you but as I was you are only the question in an attempt to discredit my post and not for knowledge I will not divulge how I know.  In EXACTLY the same way hotels and airlines overbook knowing they have a proven no show rate.


    Once again I will state specifically to you that I do not post wild speculation and state it is a fact. Clearly you don't have the same standards if you need to question this.

  4. Did anybody what the Super cycling last night? The telephone interview with D Ballairs - was rather …. - I wonder what his body language was like. He started with really down playing the protest and the shortened route in rather babbling and a soft tone of voice. By the end of the interview I recall him referring to it as a Riot in rather a firm tone of voice. If anybody has the interview on PVR please confirm that what I recall is correct.


    Go to http://now.dstv.com/catchup/program/50c34bfc-4241-4395-8121-7a85893f9088

    and watch it as many times as you want. If you want.

  5. The reality is that the offer of preferential entry into the event for 2018 is worthless.


    No one who has wanted to enter this event for at least the past 3 or 5 years has been able to get an entry. Hell, I was able to enter a double lap this year on February 23 AND add a completely new rider to join me on the tandem. They happily took the extra R1,020.


    The only people who may have battled were those who were so fast asleep they were unaware of the cut off dates and probably were not very serious about riding.


    People who join PPA solely to get preferential entries to this event are wasting their money.


    It is a known fact that the CTCTT sell more than 35,000 entries which is the maximum allowed by the permits issued knowing full well that the WillNotPitch rate is very high. When last did this event see more than 30,000 finishers? The difference between the starters and finishers is a tightly held secret but is nowhere near 5,000 riders.

  6. The letters etc is what PPA / CSA should be doing not worrying about the breeze in CT  :devil:



    EX ****** ZACTLY

    Write to PPA CEO and ask him if PPA is taking this up. This is EXACTLY what they committed to do in these sort of cases. I cannot as I am not a PPA member.

  7. Exactly Gerald.


    When I saw an advert "up to 50% of fuel spend" I didn't read the T&C. I wrote about my own stupidity on this thread waaaaay back.  But that was not my main gripe. It was destroying a tyre and putting in a claim to find I was not covered.  I guess I had just got used to a broker who looked after my insurance affairs.


    Unlike the Active Rewards and Vitality itself, which are really easy to understand, Insurance rewards were really really complicated and once I read the stuff you have just posted it took me exactly 30 seconds to phone and cancel my vehicles from their policy. Even then, they refused to refund me the premiums paid and covered me for the rest of the 30 days. Pity I didn't have a claim in that time!


    Like all products in a capitalist economy, some suit some folk better and other suit other folk better. It is nice to have choice.

  8. So when you are lying knocked out in a ditch, how will Alexander forbes know to come save your life?


    Not everything is about smoothies. :P


    We get around R700 back on fuel a month, so thats all 4 tyres on my car in a year. :)

    Same way they always have.


    The whole experience on being promised up to R800 a month back on fuel and getting R40 really put me off them forever.  The small print was just to small to bother about.


    AF have looked after me really well overall for 20 years, I'm happy to pay a slight premium for first class service. When I had a home invasion they settled in a few days, when my bike was stolen in France it took 4 days from claim to be sorted.


    But I do accept that when it's not hidden in the small print Disco CAN offer a great service. Just not for me on insurance.

  9. I could think of nothing worse than a call centre calling me about an event that happened in my car.


    As for the DQ points and 50% of your petrol back scam.


    I tried Disco Insurance. After 2 months of getting R40 back on my fuel I had a tyre fail. Not covered. Went back to Alexander Forbes. Since then I've had 2 tyres incidents. Both replaced with a small excess. At R4,500 a tyre that alone is worth not getting a smoothie for safe driving.

  10. If they opened entries up today, I would enter! Yes I was fuming on Sunday and I had a few things to say but in hindsight, I was wrong and should have kept my mouth shut. I have done 27 consecutive starts(I am counting Sunday as a start because I managed to do 21km before being stopped) and this is the first time this has happened. Yes 2015 was short but at least they made a plan. IMHO it's still a great race and I will be there in 2018 for the 40th event and my 27th. CTCT will see my money again.

    You couldn't keep your mouth shut, the effort of riding into that head wind up Nelson Mandela Boulevard had us all gasping for air. Particularly, and it's a 1st for me, being blown over BEFORE the start mats and having to chase.


    So far I'm zero from 3 since the The Argus became the CTCT. 1 short coke and bar one overload session, 1 in post surgery recovery from CTCT training and then a fun jaunt almost to Tokai on Sunday. Is that my sub 3 CTCTs?


    What will next year hold?

  11. You have dominated this thread with a constant stream of repetitive bashing of the organizers, and sure, you are entitled to your opinion. 


    My question is: How is it that you seem to know so much about the state of mind of the organizers?  Are you part of the organizing committee?  Did they take votes or decisions in which you witnessed first hand this outrageously dismissive arrogance that you believe to be so obvious? 


    And seeing that is so clear  that the organizers are  inept, incompetent and useless (read: arrogant),  then it will be a slam dunk to wrench the event away to be staged  PROPERLY  by someone who obviously knows how to do it better?


    I look forward to the 2018 Carbon29er Cape Cycle Tour.  It will be GRAND!

    The only complaint I have is that it is disingenuous to use the wind as an excuse AFTER starting 4 batches of the race in the EXACT place where the wind is the strongest in central Cape Town knowing that the forecasts were for strong wind all week.


    Particularly after the experience in 2009 where the start was the problem.


    I have not once used any of the terms inept, incompetent or useless. I used arrogant. And I used it purely because of the lack of action around taking precautions at the start.


    Did the wind really increase in strength over the forecasts in the time between the Elites being in the chute before 6:15 and the time of the cancellation at 6:38? Or were they genuinely surprised that the wind accelerates through the Civic Centre like it does, despite using it as a start point for a number of years?


    Not once have I criticised the organisers ability to run a brilliant race. I have questioned using the wind at the start as THE excuse when it should not have surprised them.


    There is no option of me running the cycle tour next year. The organisers are extremely possessive and take no heed of advice or input from lay people. So I'm afraid you won't be joining a GRAND cycle tour as you so sarcastically put it.


    You de realise of course that Albert Einstein said "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."


    The wind blows. We start the cycle tour in the same place every year.

  12. Snip

    Besides the fact that the wind decided that it would prove the meteorologists wrong on the day and put on a show of near gale.


    You clearly did not look at ONE weather forecast between March 1 and today if the wind was a surprise to you.


    Or you are cut from the same cloth as the organisers who hoped to ignore the forecast wind by holding the start in the EXACT spot where the wind is the worst in central Cape Town.

  13. There is a lot of bashing of the organizers, use of words like "arrogant" and general whingeing of a galactic proportion.  This from some local rocket scientists who obviously know where and how to start the biggest cycle event in the world.


    To these people I say:  PLEASE exercise your free market right to not enter this race.  If the event and its organizers are so hell-bent on wrecking YOUR special day, then please PUNISH them by withholding your magic entry price, which I am sure will make them change everything to comply with your demands.


    To the other entrants who graciously accepted that a perfect storm of really cr@ppy circumstances ended the race, and chose to be adult about it - big up guys.  And then those selfless cyclists who kicked in to help distribute food and drinks to fire victims - NICE ONE.  You help sway the tide to show cyclists CAN be decent and caring people, not these self-entitled crybaby spoilt brats that tend to dominate social media when they are so inconvenienced by gale force winds, wild fires and dangerous protests.


    Some perspective please, people

    The arrogance of the organisers is not taking into account forecasts of strong winds while keeping the start in a place known to accentuate the effect of strong wind.  And then using those very same known problems as a valid excuse to cancel an event with 35,000 participants.


    I'm glad you find this pisspoor attitude to known problems acceptable. I don't.

  14. To Davis Bellairs and team....

    Well done , I take my hat off to you

    That was a hard decision, but the right one...


    Made easier by the refusal to move the start to a safe area out of a known wind tunnel where the design of the Civic Centre creates a vortex and amplifies the effect of the wind.


    I honestly don't think it was a hard decision at all. Once they worked out there would be no cost to them it was very easy.

  15. Without a doubt the correct call was made. I for one was extremely disappointed but after seeing videos of the start and how people were literally blown off their bikes, you can't blame the organisers for doing what they did. Had they gone ahead with the race and people had damaged bikes and hospital bills because of it, I'm sure they would have moaned just as much as the bulk of the moaners and groaners are doing in this forum. See you all at the 2018 CTCT!


    My contention is that the start chute is in the wrong place. The organisers know this as 2009 experienced the same problems.


    And with the wind being a known factor from forecasts they were so arrogant they did NOTHING to eliminate this risk.


    So I can and will blame the organisers for not making changes that would have made the start safer.  The only change we've seen at the start in a number of years is a new checking in system. Nothing that adds to safety.


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