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Posts posted by GLuvsMtb

  1. go to his website. There is a "contact us" box where you can send your comments. maybe mention to him that if you send mail from your work email address, someones bound to notice and may even go to the papers with it. Not the type of exposure cradletrout.com is looking for...

  2. When I saw that the start of the 70km ride was 8:30 and the cut-off was 13:30, I decided not to do the event. The message was clear from the orginisers / PPA, come if you want to race, we don't want you here if you are an average cyclist that want to improve your (already complicated) seeding.


    I knew that 5 hours would be pushing it to complete the ride, and I was not going to drive 300 km there and back for the 40 km ride.
  3. 2009/08/01Die Burger Bergfietsuitdaging (voorheen Stellenbosch Bergfietsuitdaging)6000:01:0004:18:4113.923433.0798

    another "special" effort at Die Burger ride. Another 1hr winning time. This time the winner averaged 60km/h. wow! I must be doing something wrong. My ave is about 14km/h!

  4. 2009/07/04Pick n Pay/Weekend Argus/Rotary Knysna MTB Challenge5000:01:0002:42:5018.42057.34804

    I wonder how they got to a winning time of 1 hr. Was the guy on a BMW GS or is there something wrong here? fastest mtb race ever... averaging 50km/h.
  5. Racingsnail' date=' I have the same problem. Have a heavy entry-level hard tail and not doing too badly in races (well, middle of the field). However, I would love to know how much more I would enjoy the races with a nice bike...before spending all the cash on one... I am too bloody stingy to fork out the cash before knowing if I will like the bike on a 3 hour trip... :s



    Get a loan bike from your LBS or borrow ask a mate that has a nice bike to borrow it, go to a relatively fast trail, ride consistently at say 140 to 150 beats per minute on your regular machine for a lap of 1 hour or less, switch to the shop bike, do the same lap at the same heart rate and compare the speeds.
    The next day change the sequence around, ie new bike first and your regular bike second and compare.
    Don't worry about going too technical as more than 70% of races are done over non-technical terrain, but try to include a nice big climb. This is where you should see the biggest difference in times. I did this comparing my Giant Boulder to my Merida D3000FLX and averaged about 15% faster for the 4 kg weight difference and the XT components vs the deore components.
  6. True. I've been in there (Epic) three times and they are one of two shops I will never ever buy from or go into again. Even if they are the last shops standing.

    But other people' date=' who know the guys there and probably ride with them, like them and will support them. So yes, it's a personal thing.[/quote']


    I understand that some of the Morewood groupies are upset that Epic will be stocking the brand. I think the competition will be good for the industry.
  7. Bike shops are such a personal service. It helps to build a relationship with a shop that is easily accessable and with staff and management that understands your needs. The challenge often is that we don't quite know what we want, so how is the sales person supposed to know. My LBS phones me if I haven't been in for my fortnightly fix, to chat and to lure me back with new goodies that may interest me. I never feel rushed when I get there and even their dogs greet me with a smile. My shop of choice is

    EPIC BIKE SHOP, 39 Constantia Rd, Plumstead.

    Their prices are reasonable, and I never feel like they are stringing me along. On occasion I'd go in and say something like "I think my dereuler is buggered"(R1000). The mechie then takes a look, and tells me that I bent my hangar (R100).

    I try to stay away from "bargain shops" as I have had bad experiences regarding after sales service in the past.
  8. I currently ride a Merida D3000 flx. The carbon stays does not make such a big difference. I love my bike and if I ever get a DS, I'd not get rid of the HT. For some reason I just can't sell any of my old bikes.

  9. I personally don't care if I am F or H, I'd just like to get my number. I have paid for it end of June already. It's time that the PPA treat the MTB members as equals, and not as the "poor cousins" of the sport. The statement that the numbers will be ready for the first road race is not acceptable. I am one of the riders that last year started off with a bad seeding, as I was new to the sport. If I get my poper seeding, it will most certainly push me into the first bunch at MTB races (A-H).

  10. Willie has always been a gentleman and has over many years proved to be a valuable asset to cycling. It was Willie who got me back on my bike many years ago' date=' it was Willie who helped sponsor some of the best known cyclists today. It was Willie who personally financed bicycles for a number of cyclists who could not pay cash.

    I feel some have short memories and now critisize the man who made many of us what we are today.

    The old saying seems to repeat itself over and over "When days are dark, Friends are few"

    I am sure Willie has many many friends out there.

    Willie is my friend and I stand by him through thick and thin.



    Dankie Gypsy - ek beaam wat jy se 100%!!!

    Ek voel hierdie thread kan nou maar gesluit word en die wat wil kommentaar lewer of bespiegel moet die guts he om dit met Willie self op te neem...of los dit.

    "Dit maak nie van enigiemand 'n beter mens om kwaadwillige stories oor 'n ander te versprei nie"

    Does anyone have his contact details?
  11. I read somewhere that the reason the seeding is later is because the first road race is later so they are only aiming to get it done by then.


    Basically they couldn't give a stuff about the mountain bikers!



    I have for some time now suggested that PPA have a seperate devision that deals exclusively with MTB events and seedings. To date I have not had any response to any of my requests. These mainly consisted of the following:

    1. Seperate committee
    2. Seperate subs
    3. Dedicated mtb numbering boards and numbering stickers on frame

    4. Seperate seedings for MTB and road events, with a slightly modified system for seeding

    5. Seperate website
  12. Surely most PPA members ride more than 1 event a year (ie Argus)? Most members are renewed members with many races under the belt to assist seedings. So what if everyone had a k#k argus, I don't see them making so much fuss over other races that was affected by weather.

    In 2008 I did a 99'er in 42deg celcius with gale force south easters. I rode

    a 4:04 and only got a "26" for this event (= about J seeding for PPA).

    By applying double standards they are making life difficult for themselves.

    The Argus took place in March. Does it take 6 months to develop a seeding model for the event? I mean comon! If I took 6 months to resolve a complex problem at work, I'd be out on the street by now!
  13. My programme for the Epic consisted of the following:


    Monday - REST

    Tuesday - Commute to work and back 180 minutes @ 60 - 70%

    Wednesday - REST

    Thursday - Commute to work and back 240 minutes (MTB - did a lap at Majik Forrest after work) 70 - 80%

    Friday - Easy ride after work 180 mins 60%

    Saturday - LSD approx 120km 300 mins @60 - 70%

    Sunday - MTB skills approx 90 mins


    I would train for 3 weeks and then scale down in week 4, doing only my Saturday and Sunday ride. I also included races from week 9 to 12 over weekends in stead of my skills sessions.


    I used the Polar 12 week programme as a guide. I can send it along if anyone is interested. PM me.


    The real eye-opener to me was to keep the intensity down for as much as 80 or 90% of your training time. Try to keep it in the aerobic and anarobic zones and try to stay out of the lactic tolerance zone.
  14. What really blows my mind is that we were supposed to have renewed our memberships by 1 July already. Why is this only happening now? Surely the renewal date should have been the cut-off date.

  15. Daar is 3 algemene roetes met verskeie variasies:

    1. Du Toitskloof - Worcester - Robertson - Bonnievale

    2. Franshoek Pas - Villiersdorp - Worcester - Robertson - Bonnievale

    3. Sir Lowries Pas - Caledon - Stormsvlei - Bonnievale

    Jy kan ook 2 en 3 kombineer, en in plaas van Worcester om, kan jy Grabouw/N2 om ry. Afstand is baie dieselfde vir al die opsies.
  16. Sani 2 C = R 7 090 per team (3 days), Sabie Experience R3 250 per peam (4 days), Cape Pioneer = R12 500 (6 days); Nelsons Creek 3 days for about R1600 for 2 riders

    16 days for R24 440. You also get to see 4 great parts of the country over a 7 month period.

    Other option is to take that next business trip to the States and combine it with the Trans Rockies. It will cost you less than your 1/2 of the Epic.


    With all these events you know what you get before you commit to entering. I don't think the Epic in its current format will be supported by locals in the long run. What happens when the locals don't ride, and local supporters are not there to support the locals?

    I think that Grandstand had got a good thing going, and it is going to be a shame when the event loose its local flavour.
  17. Get used to all the cloak and dagger stuff. Last year this time, it was still going to be from Knysna to CT with the time trial in the middle of the race. Then 1 month before the event, BANG TT in Cape Town and 2 nights in one location.


    So don't be surprised if they change it up a couple of times till the start.
  18. I need to get decent lights for night riding. My current light configuration produces about 80 lumens, which is very under powered. Any suggestions that will not break the bank (under 2k if possible) will be welcome. I would prefer a local supplier before going to CRC with this. So if anyone has suggestions on who has decent stock of lights in CT, I will appreciate it.


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