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Vallende Vaandel

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Posts posted by Vallende Vaandel

  1. 3 hours ago, ScottCM said:

    With spring in the air for most of the people on here, how is everyone doing? What events do you have lined up, thinking about for the year ahead?

    training for sanlam cpt marathon has been going too well it seems and now I have pinched a nerve in the hip that just won't let up. Missed a total of 102km now with just 602km done June till date. I think I can manage another 180km before D day and hopefully be fine. At least I finaly have my nutrition issues sorted. But I miss my mtb so so much and with the bliss of cold weather gone keeping this running regime going in our lovely summer heat will be my biggest test yet

  2. 26 minutes ago, Shebeen said:

    it has been on Easter Saturday till covid and the religious people got it moved.

    since then it has been 17 (easter weekend), 15, 14 april, (both two weeks after)

    with a later easter next year it will be before


    so here is when it normally happened

    Infographic: What's The Most Frequent Easter Date in 500 Years? | Statista



    will swop my sunscreen for Jimmys basting, along with a single shot of cement 🙂

  3. On 7/9/2024 at 7:31 PM, b-rad said:

    Anyone with some inside info on the expected date for Two Oceans 2025?

    on a non-Olympic note - I see we have a date confirmed for 25 TOM but entries aren't open yet. Is it me or is 05-Apr early? Feels like it's migrating closer to the warmer side of the season, was hoping for a late April date. But at this stage I just cross fingers for an entry! 



  4. 2 hours ago, dave303e said:

    experience... you can't buy it...

    the initial question was what other tried and tested long distance fuel options were out there, since I started getting GI upset on Maurten after using it for a year and a half; now that I've increased length and duration. Sometimes it's not worth reinventing the nutrition wheel if a thousand others already went through the same rigmarole hence the reason we ask within our community. Experience, in this case - has to be bought 🙂 Since I now have the fun (if not expensive) task ahead of setting up comparison runs on brands X, Y and Z and see what works, what doesn't. Endurance vs Race products; Solids vs Gels vs Bars vs Jellies. When to start, frequency, combinations and whathaveyou's.

    Anyway thank you all for all the input. Now it's a game of either over or under doing it. Hitting a wall or hitting a negative split pb sprint home for all the wrong reasons... 


  5. 20 hours ago, SwissVan said:

    Your nausea could be caused by drinking or / and eating to much, how much are you drinking before and during?

    If your longest distances are 21km try drink less before / during the event and dilute the mixture with more water.

    Nausea during an event is horrible, been there and learnt my lesson….

    I fuel slow but I now deduce that I start too soon. I don't use any fuel on a run below 18km's, but do use water since I sweat profusely. If I run 20km or longer, I start using a gel/bar from 9km onward and stick to 9km intervals as opposed to time. As mentioned I qualify as a jogger not a runner and my LSD sits at an average of 6:40min/km to 7min/km depending on elevation gain. Still working on speed but all in good time. Drink mix only come into play at 25km's and up. So a 30km run for me will see me 3h20min+ on the road and then I aim for one drink mix sachet and 2, perhaps 3 fuels (gel and bar mix). I forget to drink water on the mtbbut force myself when running since I can't handle a gel without it. The 32Gi on the other hand feels completely fine without any water with no issues. But it hasn't been too long since I started them, will see how the next 4 long runs go.

    I'm going to stick with the 32Gi for now, see if I can get away not using a drink mix and prolong the fuel introduction to prevent overloading. Worst that can happen I can bonk, have a pity party and call my husband sniffeling and ask him to come pick me up feeling sorry for myself! I'm just scared stiff of electrolyte loss since I look like a livestock salt lick after 10km's...

  6. advice needed please - long distance fueling. I'm a die-hard Maurten fan but on longer distances they now give me nausea, nerves and cramps. (I have a snowflake princess stomach)

    My setup was a combination of Maurten non caffiene gels and solid bars, with Tailwind naked flavored drink mix. I run slow so I don't need to go overboard with high energy input. But on all my longs runs I use fuel to familiarize and train my gut, and dial in my consumption strategy.

    Recently switched to 32Gi endurance range - chew tablets and jelly bars. Taste is a 10/10. They do seem to work since their fame is slow releasing energy, just wondering what else is out there?

    I've tried Gu throughout the years but that's a definite no-no for me.

  7. On 5/10/2024 at 3:11 PM, ChrisF said:


    Thank you


    I had a nice session at SportsmansWarehouse.


    They dont have anything as wide as the New Balance shoes in 4E width ... at least that is the official answer, same as I got previously.


    Thought I might as well try on a few shoes and see what can or cant work.


    The Hoka Speedgoat is currently very expensive at SW ... so we moved on to the Asics range, in particular the "Blast" abd "Blast+".  These are marginally cheaper than the New Balance shoes, but apparently a longer lasting compound.


    UK "11 and a half" in Asics fits almost the same at the UK "11 4E" in New Balance, maybe 5mm more toe clearance for the same fit over the bridge.  


    Off course they did not have stock of the 11 1/2 in the "Blast" .... :P


    QUESTION - anybody that can give feedback on the differences between the "Blast" vs the "Blast +" ?



    Really need to go back and check the fit of the Hoka as well.



    Then keep an eye out for who has specials going ....



    PS - I tried to do a multi-quote post ... could not do it from different pages of the thread ... THANKS to the others that provided input, much appreciated

    I know shoes and how one experiences a brand is extremely user specific. But as someone who currently runs in broader shoes, I can vouch for and recommend Saucony. They cater for the wider foot and I solely use their road and trail shoes. I have the Guide, Ride, Triumph, Peregrine and Exodus, all in half sizes and all fantastic shoes for me. Poobie Naaido has specials all the time on them (given I don't mind purchasing the previous models). As I say, they were recommended to me as a broader shoe option and I won't stop using them until violently forced to.

  8. 21 hours ago, Shebeen said:

    question to the crowd.

    doing Two oceans ultra on saturday, mainly an experience/training to build up to comrades.

    I have been running to the loo since last friday with this gastro bug. think it's sorted now though. probiotics kicking in.

    I was hoping to test out nutrition for Comrades, but reckon need to go a bit more conservative. What are the easiest digestible locally available gels one can use. (I know about maurten, wondering if the hype and $$$ tag is justified.). Normally my stomach is ok with anything, and i've tried all different brands along the way. Was going to go with a combo of (zero caffeine) Gu and 32GI 



    Did a marathon end last year with the week leading up to it having the worst stomach bug of my life plus a cold. I trained with tailwind naked drink mix (unflavored) and Maurten gels + bars also ran the marathon on it. Imo worth the hype since this didn't put ANY stress on my already delicate gastric system and no flavor fatigue. Since I was knackered I ran longer than anticipated but the boost from the compact carbs helped me through. I also make a point now to include probiotic (Rawbiotic Gut) and immune boosters from the start to the finish of my training plan and I can happily report as someone who's destined to always suffer one of the two so far so good.

  9. On 4/4/2024 at 2:39 PM, peepeekaitjie said:

    so with the winter slowly approaching in the Cape. I have been wondering how to negotiate running throughout as this will be my first winter. the majority of my runs will be in the afternoons. I think a base layer and a shirt should mostly be fine. maybe a windbreaker in case. anything else seems like overkill, probably.


    How do you Kaapenaars manage training throughout the winter?



    A bit late to the reply - as snowflake as I am to the cold - shorts, mohair blister resist long socks, decent longsleeve breathable running shirt and in heavy rain my Salomon Bonatti pro waterproof jacket. Thin gloves to help with wind chill and early mornings I might opt for leggings. Base layers, wind breakers and thermal tights make me feel like those Robinsons Cook-in Chicken bags and imo not needed here. And as a female runner alone, I plak myself full of reflectors and lights - you will be shocked how 'polite' the cars are here and especially in our omnipresent downpours and fog it's best to mimic a krismis tree. But I can't think of any better time to run than in the winter rain here in the cape. Enjoy!!

  10. '24 sanlam marathon to qualify for '25 two oceans followed by hopefully '25 Comrades. Now with all this running ahead, last year I had enough problems with electrolyte and magnesium deficiencies and want to avoid this. I sweat profusely and know I can't get around this, even in winter. But the price of specifically Slowmag and Rehydrate are insane when you add up the months - is it just as simple as popping into the pharmacy and asking for any generic no-name alternatives? Or is there truly a reason for the pricier better known brands? Yes I'm a cheapskate.

  11. On 11/2/2023 at 10:29 AM, ScottCM said:

    How did the marathon go?

    So apart from the disrupted schedule and knee injury, I had a 6 day stomach bug followed by a cold. And since I'm not mature enough to know when to call it quits I still rocked up to the start line sniffling into a tissue and fearing to cough should something cough back...

    Loved it, hated it, a lot went wrong and none of you irresponsible people told me how addictive marathons are.

    But the worst was having only 1h20min of interrupted sleep the whole friggin night. I'm happily addicted to coffee - drink 2 cappuccino's a day. We have a Simonelli Oscar 2 and consider it our marriage councilor and closest thing I have to a personality. I can - and often do - drink a cup at 21:00 and still fall asleep within 5mins. Had a cup at 5 the night before because I'm convinced I'm somehow invincible. Ate an early dinner, popped a Slowmag... and my close to deceased GI tract gasped it's second invigorating breath and my heart decided it's time to join the sokkie jol into the wee hours of the morning. I eventually fell asleep at 03:21 from exhaustion. Lekke. Veeeeery lekke.

    Don't know how I got to the start line but I fell asleep sitting in my batch queue waiting and only realized I was actually attempting my first marathon when my watch gave the first of many little buzzes - 1 down 41 to go. Then my tired party animal of a stomach decided to reminisce about bfast and brought it back up for discussion, at the 4km mark. Twice the taste, zero the callories I guess? I just kept going, slow as hell but going. I swallowed some tears at 14km as I force fed myself Maurten bars and gels - worth its over priced hype for me - and went into elevator music mode. The supporters, fellow sufferers and lays chippies on offer were my saving grace. At 25km I realized there is no way out of this and at 30km I had an internal dialog that will make Charlize Theron blush.

    Anyway I did it. It was a terrible intro to the game but I loved it? At least the shoes, nutrition and gear were on parr with no hassles. Just stupidity that won't get solved anytime soon, but that's why I married a smart man so I can ignore his advice. Already signed up for next year and then some. Def have to see how far is too far. Literally.



  12. 4 minutes ago, Jewbacca said:

    My advice would be to forget long runs. 

    Do 10 to 14km easy runs consistently between now and the end of the month, get miles in the legs without the big recovery.

    Then just continue the taper as normal from October.

    The long run is just to remind the brain how to push through the barrier. No need to do lots of them at all. 


    Thanks Jewbacca, gonna stick to that sage advice.

  13. My first marathon is hopefully coming up 15 Oct - the very flat Cpt Sanlam. Been training for 18 weeks, started off beyond unfit to 30km on my long run feeling kinda good. My speed is internet explorer on dial up slow but I'm happy with that. My last long run (the 30k) was 2 Sept and due to personal problems and work schedules I only did 5 short runs the last 2 weeks, missing my 2 most crucial long runs. My question for the seasoned runners - is 770km base km's over 22 weeks going to be enough; have I unavoidably already started tapering beyond salvation; can 2 weeks of slacking iow 50km vs the goal of 95km make or break my fitness? Was at the physio today to sort out my stress spasms and she slapped me on the back saying to keep faith, don't try and make up for the missed runs and make the call closer to the race, depending what my runs add up to this last 3 weeks. My poor husband is gatvol hearing running complaints and advise me to rather get back on the mtb or stick to trail running.

  14. After suffering through 30mins of ads - so glad we don't watch dstv anymore - I had to wait for the presenters to sign off to make sure I hadn't missed the actual story... the coverage felt like an afterthought to pacify the running community. Where was the prompting and questioning we came to expect from Cart Blanche? The 'water under the bridge' comment was taken as a legit explanation, and the full extend of the blunders made still left as swept under the carpet. Lat night's coverage was just as anti climatic as the last minutes of the comrades itself

  15. Nic from Ballistic Bike Armour (ballisticba@gmail.com) although not here in WC, super fast service and his products never disappoint. He also sends a draft to make sure color / fit / expectations are met and for me it has always been on par. The decals and stickers have survived many harsh washes, mud and neglect.

  16. 1 hour ago, bleedToWin said:

    Thanks for this. I'm surprised that the opinion RE the cyclists is so one sided.

    We weren't told how many riders in the group, only that the group rode three abreast.

    Riding single file while eating the gutter can be very dangerous as cars will see that as an invite to overtake and overtaking a 20m long line of riders takes way longer than cars ever realise.

    Riding single file and taking up an amount of road that is within your legal right removes the invite, but also frustrates cars equally to bunching up, and still has the 20m long line issue once the corner visibility issue is resolved.

    Bunching up, while not perfect and not the way I would go about it, at least makes a quick safe pass  in the opposite lane possible later on and communicates "you shall not pass" on the dangerous sections...

    Edit: If it was a slow vehicle no-one would be placing the blame on them.

    ^^ This solid piece of logic makes a hellavalot of sense. On a busy / narrow road I would rather quickly overtake smaller bunches of riders at a time than having to extend my overtaking exposure on a long single file where there is no room to react for an oncoming vehicle. The key word to make this argument work is : patience from all parties.

    The 3 abreast vs single file on that corner in a way acted like a slow vehicle and was suppose to take away the temptation from the Getz for a tight squeeze overtake. Anybody willing to overtake on a solid line blind corner speaks volumes of their integrity. I wasn't there to see whether they fell into single file when the road opened up nor can I understand the brilliance of Mr Bikermice from Mars for flirting with Duane's number plate and being rewarded with a kiss from the bumper.

  17. Leatt's glove fit did change, and not in a good way for me - new generation gloves feel way shorter between index and thumb - just for the fun attached comparison of old vs new gen gloves, on both sizes S and XL - not the best or mathematically accurate comparison I know but visually the difference is there.



  18. 53 minutes ago, binxc said:

    From what I can gather from previous conversation with Ciovita, their higher models of bibs probably have more "racey" padding and might suit you better. They are quite a bit more expensive compared to the Corsa bib and don't have the zip at the back for bathroom breaks. I asked why they didn't have a high end model with this function and it seems they feel the target market is different (racing snakes are not likely to stop while riding - fair enough, provided the ride is less than 3-5 hours long). I think they are missing a trick here - there is a growing field of ladies doing ultra-endurance races who would appreciate a high end chamois with the ability to take quick bathroom breaks that don't involve stripping off top layers. There are very few in this part of the market, unless you are looking at spending over R4000. 

    I had a suspicion the higher end bibs would have thinner padding - but I'm a touchy feely kinda girl - so unless there is a shop I can go to and feel the chamois on them I won't drop my dollar. But, if they are in 100% actual fact thinner than the Corsa's I will order a pair today. The fit and feel on these woman specific bibs are mind blowing. My only gripe is that they are on the post-honeymoon size. Not too chunky to put you off but you kinda wish for thinner

  19. 1 hour ago, Spafsack said:

    Hi everyone

    Wonder if anyone has had the same issues. First off, i am a huge Ciovita fan, there website, user interface, service and delivery, product range, all of it is top shelf. However, my wife is struggling with pain, numbness in 'that' area. I bought her the navy bibs corsa 2 a few months ago. After 5km she already complains. She has the spez mimmik sadle, bike fit, set up, all 100%. She then tried her older giant liv bibs, no probs at all. Has anyone, woman, had discomfort from corsa 2 bibbs as well?

    It is actually such a pitty as she loves the brand, she has matching tops, but if its not working for her so be it. Keen to hear views.  

    Also a Ciovita fan and I have a Corsa bib. If it's a grand day out I go for my pancake-like spez shorts, and if we do another shorter ride the day after a I go for the Corsa option. Me and my husband have the same experience with the corsa bibs - the padding is thicker but not so as to want to overly complain. But I do get that numbing annoyed feeling if saddle time surpasses 2h or during a long climb (which I don't get with a thinner chamois)- if they were just 20% or 30% thinner I believe there would be no numbness involved and I would happily blow my budget on them.

  20. female rider here - Any short / bib with the padding of a a sealy posturepedic mattress will result in pain and misery as it adds way to much pressure on your autobiography. I bought minimalist shorts (pancake like padding) and problem was immediately solved - use them for my Saturday rides and Ciovita (their padding is thicker but not threatening) for the Sunday rides to show some tlc to my rear. Female specific shorts in this case is a must. Spez Myth saddle - had 2 in the last 7 years and never been happier

  21. Ballistics Bike Armour. Overnight shipping, always receive the best quality work from him and he's super helpful with any requests or modifications. And best priced imo. Got a custom frame protection kit and decals from him and it looks superb after many washes and tumbles. Well worth looking into

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