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Posts posted by Winner2010

  1. I will give the person who lends me the bike all my details.... I will insure the bike and give a % of the winnings.


    Sorry if I sound arrogant, I just really cant stand people talking when they dont know who or what they talking about.


    If I do ride it and dont win, I will be the first to apologise. Anyways.
  2. Ok boys... Im out of this! I will chat to you all after the 13th of March... I don't do negative talk or people.


    Mark my words, I WILL WIN IT!


    I will be sure to put all my experience that got me my UCI points to use...


    Cycle safe and I will chat to you all after the 13th.

  3. Now I understand what people mean about the hub been full of negative and full of sh*t by the so called "Hot Shot World Fun Ride Champions"

    I will get a tandem, Post my name with my winning time for MR BIG H. I rate his fat, rude mouth may just be zipped...


    Even better, get me the tandem, let me ride it and you can take the winnings... I'll just take an apology...
  4. Thanks Big H for your comments.... You dont have to worry about me getting a seeding, like they say, its not what you know, its who you know.

    And gelling as a team, I fully understand..... Like I said, I have riden a Tandem before in an argus, with a fun rider and went under 3 hours. If you work in IT and studied to fix PCs and get thrown with a laptop, you will know your way around it.....I know my way around any bike, I think having competed in 4 different disiplines of cycling overseas and having plaecd says something.


    I give my word, If I get a tandem for the Argus, I WILL WIN IT!
  5. Hello Hubbers.


    As you will be able to tell, im new on the hub. I've heard alot about but have never ever got into it...


    Unlike me to the hub, im not very new to cycling. Iv done alot, riden and completed 11 Argus tours, 6 of them under 3 hours, riden a Giro and been overseas.......oh, and im still only 21.


    Anyways, Im very keen on doing another Argus on a tandom but cant seem to find one. Have already riden the argus on a tandom a few years ago but it was just for fun. I would love to do it this year but to win it. I am pretty sure that if I rode it, my partner and I would win it. My partner and I have done a few rides on a tandom and flew. He is definitly the climber between the two of us but the two of us as a team could do wonders.


    I really hope this can start a big topic helping to find a tandom. I will sign, insure whatever I need to do for this bike, no worries with that.


    Please Help.


    Yours in Cycling.

    Winner 2010
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