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  1. Hi Yumeya Sorry to hear that you lost your Motion M01 GPS. If you can't find your device, then call us at the office tomorrow and we will try and make a plan to get you up and running with another device.
  2. We have added a new blog site with tutorials as well as downloads with extra content that you can share and use with the Motion M01-1. It is still new but will grow rapidly. http://blog.mobii.com We are going to be loading up, for example, setup files for precision timing different MTB routes with the Motion M01-1. If you have some files of tracks you want to add, you can send them to us.
  3. Thanks for the message Yumeya It was great having you around yesterday to take a look at the Motion M01-1 and the Motion Experience Centre, I am sure you will have a lot of fun with your device. If anybody else wants to demo the Motion M01-1 then you are welcome to visit us here in Cape Town.
  4. If you send us an example file of the output you would like your data exported to, then our developers can implement that file export structure. In general, if there is a broad need by our customers to implement a specific feature, then we usually do so quite rapidly. Our device is used in many, many different types of sports so there are always new features being implemented to cater for different sports.
  5. Hi Rouxtjie You can use any video footage supported by Windows Media Player to merge with your data. There is no built-in camera on the Motion M01-1. All you do is: - Record your ride with your Motion M01-1 and video camera (Eg: GoPro) - Synch the data to the Motion Experience Centre - Go to "Playback", select your overlays (Maps, Markers, colour settings, graphs, data overlays etc) that you want to see - Open the video control, load the video and synch it - Then press play. You can also view the video in slow motion (1/4 and 1/2 speed) with all your data overlaid. You also overlay your video onto a map as well. As mentioned in an earlier post, you can export to MBI (Our binary format containing all data) or GPX (Position data and HR only). We can view this data in Sport Tracks or Endomondo. If there are other formats people want us to export the data to then we can add that in. If you link photographs, notes and weather information with your activity then you can export this in our format so others can view everything in the Motion Experience Centre. If you want to download some example files to play around with in the Motion Experience Centre, then you can download a zip file containing some example activity files here http://www.mobii.com/files/MEC.zip The file is from one of our sponsored MTB riders who rode “Die Burger” MTB race. To import it: - Go to “Activity Review” - Click on the import button next to the green playback icon and select the mbi file attached. - You have the option of importing the entire profile, you can do so to view energy expenditure information on the rider. - View the graphs by clicking on the round buttons to the right of each graph. - Go to “Playback”, by clicking on the green icon at the top left of the screen. - In playback, you will need to activate a map layer, click on the cogs in the playback bezel and then go to the map layers tab. Select “OpenCycleMap” to get the map layer with relief data. The second file is a motor racing example. To import it: - Go to “Activity Review” - Click on the import button next to the green playback icon and select the mbi file attached. - You have the option of importing the entire profile, you can do so to view energy expenditure information on the rider. - View the graphs by clicking on the round buttons to the right of each graph. - View the laps by clicking on “Lap Summary”, you can also view it full screen by clicking on “Full screen summary” - Go to “Playback”, by clicking on the green icon at the top left of the screen. - In playback, you will need to activate the Killarney map layer, click on the cogs in the playback bezel and then go to the map layers tab. Select the button named “Add Layer”, then enter a name called “Killarney” and the Tile URL will be “http://maps.mobii.com/Killarney/Z{z}/{y}_{x}.png”, click accept and use that layer for viewing the custom Killarney map layer. Have fun trying it out.
  6. Here is a screenshot taken from our Motion Experience Centre. You change the colour of the shaded tail to reflect any metric's intensity. You can also change the actual moving marker's colour as well based on any metric we record.
  7. Hi Edman Thanks for the interesting questions, you seem to have a good understanding of the device already. To answer your questions. [*]Does the device have an option to record torque values transmitted by a power meter that has the capability? The ANT+ device profile for power transmits Torque and Cadence and we use those values to derive power. Now this also depends on the type of ANT+ Power meter you are connecting to, there are different variations of Power meters: - Power only - Wheel torque - Crank Torque - Crank Torque Frequency We calculate Torque depending on the type of Power meter that is connected and then use a formula specific to that type of equipment to derive the actual Power value, which we store. So at this stage, we use Torque merely as a means to derive the power. We currently do not store the Torque value, but we can easily add this to our data storage format if there are people who would like to view this metric. [*]Does the device handle cadence and speed values transmitted from a power meter e.g. a Powertap? We currently store cadence from the Power meter, not the speed value. We do however store the Speed value from a cadence sensor, but in general GPS takes priority over all equipment used. If you disable GPS for a specific activity, then we use the Speed value. We will be adding a firmware update in the future that stores the speed value from a power meter. [*]If multiple devices are transmitting the same data e.g. speed from speed sensor, from power meter and from GPS, how does it prioritise them or does it record all of them separately? GPS is prioritised, if GPS is disabled then we can use the speed value from the Power meter. [*]Will the device work with speed-only or cadence-only ANT+ sensors or will it only work with combined speed/cadence sensors (a different ANT+ profile)? Currently the Speed Only sensor is not added, all the others are. It is alo being implemented as a firmware update soon. [*]Does the device separate g and tilt values e.g. if I'm braking on a flat surface, will the tilt remain the same or will it shift due to the changing acceleration? The accelerometer will output a single value which we use to derive both G's and Tilt. If acceleration or decelleration values are less than 1 G, the sensor will not be able to accurately distinguish between tilt and acceleration. A gyro accessory is planned to be released which will enable the device to distinguish between acceleration due to velocity and tilt due to gravity. [*]Related to the above, is it possible to use the tilt meter to determine gradient (obviously given a stable mount and an initial calibration)? Yes, the tilt value can be used to determine gradient. At the moment there is no calibration function, but is a work in progress that will allow you "Zero Calibrate" the Tilt value when the device is mounted. [*]Does the device allow me to use advanced custom workouts e.g. on my Edge I can program a workout with multiple intervals and sub-intervals, based on time/distance etc., all with different targets? There is functionality to handle this in what we call Action-Triggers. This allows you to set "Action-Trigger Sets", each set can contain up to 32 Program Instructions, Each Instruction can contain up to 8 Triggers based on data or location variables and when the triggers are true you can fire off up to 32 Actions (Play audio, display specific displays, New laps, Pause, etc... List is endless). [*]The brochure mentions using two heart rate monitors on different channels. In this case, or if I were to use two power meters, how does it record the data? Does it record separate HR or power values for each one? You can connect up to 4 ANT+ devices. Whether that is 4 HR straps, or two power meters and two HR straps. The first of each equipment type paired in the Equipment group will be displayed on the device and you will be able to create Action-Triggers on those items. The remaining sensors of that 'Equipment Type' will be recorded and the data will be displayed in the Motion Experience Centre. [*]What format are the device's data files? Can I upload them to a 3rd party program like Sport Tracks or WKO+? Does your software have an option to convert the data to .csv format for, for example, further processing in Excel? We store our data in our own binary format. There is no way you can store 1/4 sec GPS data, plus Accelerometer data in traditional XML based formats. We do allow the export of data to GPX, which you can then import into 3rd Party software programs. GPX data we export contains the Position data plus Heart Rate data. You can import this data in Sport Tracks. We allow for data to be exported to CSV, but this is used mainly in the High-Performance code base, which has not been merged into the public release code as yet. [*]Your brochure and website say the price is R2695, but the shopping cart says R2995. Which is the correct price? The price was adjusted last week to R2995 as the introduction price had ended.
  8. Hi Ricochet_rabbit We chose to go the route of joining the ANT+ Alliance and developing the Motion M01-1 to be ANT+ enabled for a number of different reasons. The main benefit of using ANT+ is the low battery power consumption and the ability to use sensors from a multitude of 3rd party manufacturers providing customers with greater choice in terms of what kind of sensors they would like to use. Also, if you already have ANT+ enabled equipment form another manufacturer, then it means you don't have to buy duplicate pieces of the same equipment types. ANT+ device profiles are exanding rapidly and these profiles are continuously supported by the Motion M01-1 in the form of updated firmware which is released on a regular basis. We also use ANT+ for proprietry communication with sensors which do not fall into ANT+ device specific profiles. For example, we used it recently during the Dual Slalom MTB race arranged by the Tygerberg MTB club to record accurate lap timing using our Virtual Intersects system and broadcast it live to a computer as each rider crossed the finish line.
  9. We are in the Northern Suburbs in the Tygervalley area. Unit 6 Bella Rosa Mini-Factories 30 Bella Rosa rd Rosenpark Here are some pics of our setup taken a few months back http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.227668153916018.75198.112875998728568&type=3 We pretty much do everything under one roof, from electronic design and assembly to injection moulding the plastic parts and software development. If you call beforehand, then we can arrange that one of us is available to give you a full run down on the capabilities of the product and software. (021) 914 6982 We have spent the last few months launching the unit and you will be hearing more and more about us, I am pretty sure of that. There is also a gear review that came out in the magazine "Modern Athlete" this month.
  10. If you are in Cape Town, you are more than welcome to visit our office/mini-factory and see the unit in action. We can also help you get started and set up Action-Trigger sets, which allows you to program the device with some advanced features.
  11. Hi Yumeya Currently we stock our products via our website at www.mobii.com, after an order is placed the units are couriered out. We are still in the process of having retailers stock our units. In terms of which Speed/Cadence sensor would suitable, you could try a Garmin ANT+ Speed/Cadence sensor. We have a number of customers using these at the moment and the added benefit is that you can have speed & distance recorded when training indoors.
  12. Yes, that is Stefan Senekal riding with Team Falke. The guys have been using our device for quite some time now. He was doing really well until one of the guys in front stopped suddenly and he ended up going into the back of the stationary rider. We had the GoPro camera on Johannes Scribante who was also using our device. What you see there is the ability of the Motion Experience Centre software to synchronise your video footage with your data overlaid on top. It allows you to run the video back in slow motion as well to analyse your data along certain sections of a recorded activity. So you can, for example, see how fast you went through a particular section of a course and watch the video with the data on top to prove it!
  13. Hi YUMEYA To measure cadence you will need to purchase a separate ANT+ Cadence sensor, there are several different types to choose from different manufacturers. If you choose one that has the ANT+ Speed and Cadence profile, then you can use the Motion M01-1 to record data on an indoor trainer. We allow you to connect up to 4 ANT+ devices. So you can connect HR, Cadence, Power and leave the thrid channel free for an extra sensor, or use the 4 channels to connect to 4 HR sensors. The Motion M01-1 contains a built-in accelerometer. We use this accelerometer to measure rhythmic movements such as your running stride when the device is worn on your arm, or your paddle cadence if the device is mounted on the deck of a canoe. If you really wanted to, you could actually mount it to your leg and record cadence in that way, obviously this is not the recommended way to do so. The accelerometer will measure G-Force and Tilt angles of the bike as well. You can then use the G-Force data to determine the exact point at which you braked for corner, as an example. In the video's I posted earlier, the Motor racing guys used this feature to help improve their lap times. Here is an example video of our device recording an MTB ride at the Dual Slalom course at Nitida, arranged by Tygerberg MTB club.
  14. Hi Everyone The Motion M01-1 from Mobii will connect to ANT+ Sport accessories. ANT+ Sport is an alliance of manufacturers that produce sensor accessories such as Heart Rate monitors, Power meters, cadence sensors, etc. As we are a manufacturer on the alliance, we have the device profiles for ANT+ Sport equipment loaded on our Motion M01-1 GPS device. As new profiles and equipment items become available, these are available as free firmware updates to be able to be forward compatible with new items as they are launched. For those who would like a download a brochure on what our device is capable of, you can download that here http://www.mobii.com/brochure/Mobii_Brochure.pdf If you would like to see what the software looks like, then here are two examples videos which demonstrate some of its capabilities. and There are videos on the Youtube section of our facebook site http://facebook.mobii.com If you have any questions feel free to post them here.
  15. Mobii

    Mobii GPS

    Hi Tankman Currently the product is a receiver only. We are busy implementing "semi-live" tracking the Motion M01-1's which are used in events. This works using wireless ANT+, where we create our own data communication layer for devices to interact with each other, as well as with hotspot areas. These hotspot areas allow for data to be sent to, or from, the Motion M01-1 and we have a range of around 50m. From the hotspot location markers, the data can be pushed using traditional GSM, or even long range wifi to either an event screen for the audience or to a server for home viewing. In this way, during a race, the information on each rider is collected along various points of a course and pushed directly to the audience for viewing. So people can then the historical and current information including heart rate, speeds, pace, etc. This same system can be used by trainers who want to follow a group of riders and get real-time information pushed to a laptop in a chase car, as long as you are in a 50m range. Alternatively, the devices can communicate with each other and, when activated, you can share live information with your training partners. So you can share your progress with others and know if they are doing in comparison to you. These add-ons will become available as firmware upgrades for the device, which are scheduled to be released in August. These updates, like all others, are free for download to all Mobii users. We did not add GSM directly to the device as it consumes a lot of power and pushes the costs considerably higher. We will release a GSM module add-on further down the line, but that won't happen for at least a few months. We are going to be at the Knysna Oyster Festival, so if you happen to be there, you can catch us at the expo. Cheers.
  16. Mobii

    Mobii GPS

    Hi guys I am from Mobii, and saw this post. We started designing the product in Feb 2008, and we believe it will be adopted in a wide variety of sports. The Motion M01-1 has just been released after our preview at the Cape Argus and Two Oceans Expo's. The Motion M01-1 is made entirely in-house, even the plastic parts are injection moulded and coated by us. The software has also been developed by us. The device may seem to be too broad, but the system is completely configurable, and we have been working together with specialists to target specific sports. It contains sport profiles, so if you go running, the product has an entire customisable set of screens that targets running, likewise for other sports. You get to set all the parameters of interest to you, so if you want speed and ascent on one screen and then heart rate on another, you simply add it from the software. You can even change the size of the display font and customise the buttons. You get to set your readouts, even audio commands based on the type of information that is relevant to your needs. So lets, say you are trail running and want to hear a voice readout of your heart rate and distance to go, set for every 30 sec, you simply set this in the software. The G-Force sensor would then be set to calculate stride count and stride length as it would be in the running profile. The profiles are completely interchangeable, so if you are now cycling, you enter your cycling profile and then all your pre-configured displays and triggers are ready. It would then be in a ready-state to accept data from ANT+ compatible accessories specific for bikes, if they are present. The same goes for a number of other sports and activities. We even have people sky-diving with our Motion M01-1. We have made it possible for people to have a device that they can completely customise for their needs. So even if you have bad eye-sight, you can make the font larger. Adding video sync to the software playback, was a way in which we catered for those who want to have fun looking at their activity from another dimension. So people can show their friends how quick they were with video and data. It just makes things more fun, but also more analytical. Because we are new and the product is South African, we understand there will be sceptics out there. You may then want to keep an eye on our website, were we will be showcasing the device and software being used in a wide variety of sports. Mobii2010-05-01 15:01:01
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