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  1. update, got a sincere reply at last. Good communication taking place. I'm still not happy, but at least it is being discussed.
  2. fabes, don't get me wrong, not trying to just think of "no's" to suggestions. But my idea with the original post was to try and get the "sportsmanship" or humanity out of them, not the business side. What is the big deal about not allowing substitutes. Even if it is a case of "cold feet". Everyone wins. The organizers get the money, the substitute is happy and the guy that does not or can't compete is happy. I really don't see what the big admin issue is? I can only think it is to prevent "scalping". But there are various ways to stop this, this threat has lots of suggestions.
  3. Yup we thought about that, unfortunately circumstances dictates that I can't take her. But yes we thought about just "starting" the race and then go home. In her current state she will be able to float and kick on her back - she's an excellent swimmer! But can't risk the "fighting" at the washing machine turn buoys! Too fast for me...even when just kicking! I mailed them to ask if someone can bring her ID just to get "something" - well yes no response. Understand they may be busy, just funny how quickly they respond when you enter, but in case you have a problem......nothing...
  4. ...update. Still no reply from organizers regarding the email I sent that lead to this "rant". It gets worse, she can't drive to "register" to at least get the "goodie" bag...no offer from them to post it...
  5. ...probably not! Thanks but I'm not taking part. My wife is the athlete...I'm just grumpy...just kidding - she's got more natural ability so only she entered. I can do the long slow stuff, she's all about speed! This would have been her first 5150, she was only worried about the 10k run.
  6. Just an update. My wife saw surgeon this morning and all is fine and on the way to recovery. Stitches are out and he gave ok for light training. She still can't cycle on the road or swim properly, but she can kick while floating on her back and cycle on stationary bike (that someone just dropped off at our house, people are great!!)...she's even contemplating just showing up and racing...it is the organizers problem to assign life guards to her to guide and helpers for cycling, the running part she can walk...maybe she can still make the cut-offs!...but yes not worth it to screw up rest of swimming life just to prove a point! Thanks for all the positive replies to the post. O yes and still no word from organizers. I know "race" is Sunday, so they are probably too busy running their "business" to worry about one "client"...excuse the sarcasm, but this is not a sport - as I picked up from the replies...They have not even offered to send her the goodie bag, maybe we should just drive the 80k's to register and pick it up...but yes spending more money just to prove a point seems silly. To anyone racing on Sunday, may it be all you expected and enjoy it to the maximum! Remember it's about the running! Heard commentator once said "Swim and bike for the show, run for the dough!"
  7. Thanks Hubbers, this is very therapeutic. Enjoying the civilized (ok mostly) debate! This bad experience taught me about choices. She chose to enter and abide by their rules like anyone would and be fine with it so long as all goes to plan. Then the taxi appeared and chose to turn right into our path. She survived, but her sport has been dealt a blow - she is actually a swimmer dabbling in tri's. Shoulders are relatively important for competitive swimming. I chose to post this "rant" on the hub, to see if I'm being a stupid idiot that just wants to change the system because it failed us. You guys chose your responses, some for, some against. So in the end it will just be great if this helps me to choose more carefully. So I'm choosing to search for races/events etc. that has some feeling of "right and wrong" (good sporting principles) and being naive and believing people (organizers) can make their choices not based on small print no-one ever reads but based on principles. Enjoy sport and please, please watch out for taxi's - they really choose not to think about anyone else! The driver told the police that he saw us, but thought we were still far. So he chose not to wait 5 sec's because he is in a hurry. Everyone always talks about gifts in life, TIME is still the best gift!....o yes not the magazine...
  8. ...seems not to be an exception. I'm asking for a logical explanation. E.g. the entrants names goes on a stone tablet that takes 6 weeks to make and needs to be handed to the insurers. So two weeks before the race it is physically impossible to change the name and therefore the race cannot continue because it is not insured and the majority suffers...ok seems not so logical...
  9. Ok, many hubbers misunderstand, so I changed wording. Yes a refund will be nice to cover medical costs, but the point I'm trying for is a formalized substitution policy in specific case where injury causes you not to take part...like in any other "sport"
  10. ...my post heading probably put too much emphasis on the "money" part. I don't care about the refund, I just stated it may help. I care about not being able to have a formalized way of substituting an injured athlete...(like in any other sport). I may be naive but I see IM, 70.3, 5150 etc. as a sport and not a business...ok yes I'm naive!
  11. Then you might as well do the race, you'll feel way better...a few days after the finish...and yes a taxi driver will do it for free!
  12. Does the 20 mins and R300 includes the metal plate, x-rays, scar and stitches?
  13. Logical - get the numbers, how many entrants gets injured - again not something you can still compete with - so you can physically not compete. May not be that much to warrant more costs, may just be as easy as replacing one athlete with another? How long does online entry take? 2 minutes, 5 minutes? So how long should sub take? Get the name, get the proof of injury, add 5 minutes to enter new athlete?
  14. Agreed, but still no logical reason. Scalping can be prevented by administering the subs. I.e. injured athlete fills in form, attaches injury report and enter details of sub. Therefor sub cannot enter on scalped ticket..Fees are handled be IM guys, not athletes...
  15. Agreed, we're both past the ranting part, it happened two weeks ago, she's already well on rehab, this is not the point, I asked for a legitimate, logical explanation why subs are not possible in case of physical injury. Money is paid and spent on the event, don't have problem with that. Just need an explanation, not advice.
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