Hi All This is my first post, so perhaps I should tread lightly. In the indomitable words of Chas from "Wedding Crashers", "WHAT AN IDIOT!". Snor should send him packing. He's a loose cannon; a ricochet. Bakkies Botha cost us 10 points in 11 minutes, and an "on-the-backfoot" mentality for the rest of the match. It was a case of catch-up from there on... It's time to dismantle the cult of Bakkies Botha once and for all. Despite the collateral damage caused by previous loose cannons such as James Small, at least there was no Jekyll and Hyde off-the-field god fearing mantle with James, as is nauseatingly obvious with Bakkies. It's disgraceful - there's no honour in it AT ALL!