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  1. We should actually get the guys who do bike art onboard, to ensure that if they do decide to respray the stolen bikes, we can still catch them. But this was def. Organised
  2. Phen, I will discuss this with you off the hub
  3. Be careful what you wish for Watch what you say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have not said anything bad about TCS .... 2 can play your gameBabbelkous2009-01-18 09:43:41
  4. My reason for not commenting is simple - Nothing I can say will change anyone's opinions and I do not wish to engage in any kind of mud slinging as it would be pointless. Whether Eben's positive test was due to ignorance or not' date=' it still sheds a bad light light on our team and nothing can change that. If I get a decent result in a race now (despite the fact that I'm training my arse off every day), people will doubt my performances and start nasty rumours (as is happening already), and I'll have to deal with that despite the fact that I've done nothing wrong. Hence I haven't commented on the issue. Believe me this is not a nice situation to be in, but I can go to bed at night knowing I'm 100% clean, and I guess that in the end that is what counts. Despite that it still hurts when people say stuff about your whole team, all just because of one rider's mistake, but I guess we'll just have to deal with that. I'm still glad to be a part of TCS.[/quote'] Phen, for what its worth, I will have you in my team ANY DAY. You are probably one of the most dedicated cyclist I know. I am willing to offer my life, to say that I am positive that you have, don't and will not ever use dope. You work just as hard in cycling as you do in your personal/work life. It is really sad that you are being combed under the same mat and you out of everyone deserve it the least. I'm really sorry for you. I know the hours that you put in to improve yourself and I know that when you have a bad day or bad race you take in your stride. When you were down for a period last year, you still cycled and took doing bad in races as part of racing. It is honestly sad that people like you, Adolf, Jaco and Alex are also being blamed. When I know not one of you deserve it.
  5. So r u saying you are also using team Cough Syrup ??? Just joking Babbelkous ... Well, if you look closely (at my avatar) I am no longer associated with tCS IN NO WAY. Since last year end November. So....
  6. No the guy was from WADA, an independent person that they randomly selected ((from their pool of people) to come do the test. I had to go give a statement in which I had to, in writing state, that the rider was aware that he had to go for dope control and that I as (then) manager did do what I had to and that the rider knowingly left the race. I stood by the guy during the 3 and half hours while he and I were trying to get hold of Eben. Babbelkous2009-01-16 23:10:57
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