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Everything posted by F2F

  1. MySpar Forest2Falls pre-rides this weekend!! First loop 37km-750m climbing, 8am on Sat, 19 April from MacMac Forest Retreat. Second loop 34km-900m climbing at 8h00 on Monday,21 April. Come test the legs and lungs before the race! Pre-entries will close on Wed, 23 April, so get entering!! www.entrytime.com
  2. Event Name: MySpar Forest2Falls MTB Marathon When: 26 April 2014 Where: Mac Mac Forest Retreat, Between Sabie&Graskop, Mpumulanga Category: MTB The MySpar Forest2Falls MTB Marathon is an iconic Lowveld race that is to be experienced by all MTB'ers atleast once in their lifetime!The race attracts over one thousand participants and is a favorite event on the calender for most mountain bikers due to the fantastic environment ,trails,great organisation and value for money! It is a scenic,enjoyable ride yet challenging for the longer distance riders The race is also the 2014 Mpumalanga Marathon Champs this year and we are expecting some great racing and many experienced riders on the day! The race consists of 17 km, 35 km and 75 km distances and therefore accommodates riders of all ages, categories,level of fittnesses...you name it!! Visit our website for the route profiles or contact Dennis for any route enquiries: O78 1012 1680. To Enter visit entrytime ! Pre-entries will close on Wed, 23 April. For regular news and updates,join our facebook page! Go to Event Page
  3. RACE REPORT: My SPAR Forest2Falls MTB Challenge 2012 Saturday, 28 April saw the 14th Forest2Falls Mountain Bike Challenge dawn on a perfect, sunny day. From as early as 05:00 people started arriving at the Mac Mac Forest Retreat camping grounds. As the last preparations were set in place, the Line Entry queue grew longer and longer as riders, who waited until the last moment, registered for the big event. The ladies at the registration tables did a sterling job to enable the event to start on time. With 970 entries, this was one of the biggest fields to enter since the start of the event, 14 years ago. A buzz around the coffee tables where the last minute effort was made to boost the energy levels and final adjustments at the Cycle Junkies gazebo, all added to the electrifying atmosphere of expectancy. At 08:00 sharp 177 brave, 70km riders started off with a bang! The riders were faced head-on with a course filled with single tracks, grasslands, stiff climbs and down hills, technical and open roads. The Provincial Traffic Department, who assisted us amidst a very hectic long weekend, did a great job as they guided the riders to the Green Heritage site. At 08:20 it was time for the 537 riders to face their 35km challenge. Charged with adrenaline, they departed for the beautiful Forest Falls with a great balance of climbs and down hills. At 08:30 the 256 champions of tomorrow started their 17km challenge. Riders had to peddle hard in order to claim the title as King and Queen of the Mountain, 21 km into the 35 km lap. The “King” turned out to be nr 1225, Lourens Luus, and the “Queen” was nr 1081, Yolandi du Toit. Congratulations with this outstanding achievement! The riders were full of praise for the welcoming smiles and encouragement they experienced at the various refreshment stations. Many commented on the breathtaking view as they meandered through the Komatiland plantations and indigenous forests. Whilst the riders were conquering their fears, struggling with their own, and in some cases their fellow rider’s battles, the vibe back at camp was kept alive with Music from the SASCO events truck. We were privileged to have Sarel from Sabie, the well-known SA’s Top Chef competitor, as the commentator for the day. The stalls supplied a variety of excellent food and the children enjoyed the jumping castle and kids entertainment. Shalom Christian School would like to once again thank our main sponsors, My SPAR, Coca-Cola Fortune and Komatiland for creating a platform where sport lovers can compete and simultaneously enjoy our beautiful God-given nature. Their continuous support contributed to the success of this event. We are looking forward to expanding our future collaboration in taking this event to a higher level! RESULTS: RACE 1: The overall winners of the 70km race were: MEN: 1. Lourens Luus from Hazyview, with a time of 2.53.21 2. Brand Du Plessis - 03.00.31 3. Hein Engelbrecht - 03.08.22. LADIES: 1. Yolandi Du Toit with a time of 03.42.10 2. Dalene v.d.Leek - 04.18.22 3. Robyn Assad - 04.35.14. RACE 2: Overall Winners for the 35km: MEN: 1. CP Van Wyk – 01.27.08 2. Declan Sidey – 01.27.15 3. PJ Luus – 01.27.24 LADIES: 1. Alison Emery – 01.45.12 2. Mirande Rossouw – 01.50.09 3. Talita Botha – 01.51.20 RACE 3: Overall Winners for the 17km: MEN: 1. Keegan Clark – 00.44.05 2. Hadrick Coertze – 00.51.45 3. Shane Russell – 00.55.49 LADIES: 1. Debra Booyens- 00.58.33 2. Marina Du Preez- 00.59.49 3. Wendy de Beer- 01.00.21 All other results available on our website, www.forest2falls.co.za or www.entrytime.com
  4. What a fantastic race!! REALLY looking forward to this event! A race not be missed...
  5. Forest2Falls 2012 Results available on our website, www.forest2falls.co.za and www.entrytime.com. For your photos, please go to www.jetlineactionphoto.com Have a marvelous day!!
  6. Hi Rob! We are thankful that you enjoyed the race! With a growth of approx.40%, we are inspired to go even bigger and better next year! The organizers would appreciate an email on forest2falls@gmail.com, with feedback / suggestions concerning the race. Action Photo will contact us and we will post the info as soon as the photos are ready. Feel free to contact them. +27 (0)11 719-0712 The results will be on our website no later than Thurs,3 May. www.forest2falls.co.za Keep the wheels rolling!!
  7. Hi Rob, entries are coming in fast. Expecting between a 1,000 and 1,200 riders. Looking forward to a GREAT race!!
  8. Just 9 more days to the race!! ...and 7 more days (Thurs,26 April) before pre-entry closes at 17:00. From Friday the 27th a late entry penalty of R50 will apply, so make sure to enter before then! Registration Enquiries: Sandy Tel: 082 410 8094 Email: pinocchio@lantic.net See you there!!
  9. PRE-RIDE! There will be a pre-ride for the actual Forest2Falls race on Saturday,14 April at Mac Mac Forest Retreat, halfway between Sabie and Graskop. We will start at 7:30 for 8:00am to do the 17km and 35km route, head back to Mac Mac at 11:00am and will then do (for those interested) the second 35km loop which forms part of the 70km ride! We will be back at 14:30 for lunch at Mac Mac! Pre-ride is free, please bring own snacks and drinks! For more info, contact Chris: 082 4673 079.
  10. Kosmonooit, all the results from last year can be found on our website www.forest2falls.co.za, if you'd like to confirm that you most probably weren't last:) We've brought in a number of changes to the routes this year, especially to the 70km race, as a few people felt that the routes were a bit tough. Enjoy the Giants Castle Challenge! Hope to see at the Forest2Falls again in the future.
  11. News for the 75km riders! It's now official, the race will only be 70km instead of the proposed 75km. Many new, long, single tracks could be expected and an EXTREMELY EXCITING bush tunnel of approx. 100m have been added to the track. Definitely something to look forward to!! The profile should be uploaded soon!www.forest2falls.co.za
  12. Event Name: My SPAR Forest2Falls MTB Challenge When: 28 April 2012 Where: Mac Mac Forest Retreat, between Sabie and Graskop, Mpumulanga Category: MTB The My SPAR Forest2Falls MTB race, one of the most enjoyable and most scenic events on the MTB calendar, will be taking place in just a few weeks. Situated on the Drakensberg Escarpment of Mpumalanga, exactly halfway between Sabie and Graskop, close to the Mac Mac Falls and Pilgrims Rest, this can truly be the family breakaway you were looking forward to. With three routes to choose from, this truly is an event for the whole family. We are looking forward to exciting new routes as some of the trees have been harvested and we pledge to give you a new experience. For our faithful participants; yes, the Forest Falls, the view over the escarpment and the exciting single tracks will still be there with the needed extras not to make the route boring. For the young and not-so-young non-cyclists in the family, there will be a lot of entertainment ranging from a jumping castle, live music, free handouts by various sponsors, food stalls with special treats, and much more. For the cyclists, choose any of the three distances, which surely will meet your level of fitness and sense of adventure. Date: 28 April 2012 Venue: Mac Mac Forest Retreat halfway between Sabie and Graskop on the R532. Registration: Friday, 27 April, 15:00 – 21:30 and Saturday, 28 April, 06:00 – 07:30 (Registration will close at 07:30) Participants can come and enjoy free pasta and mince on Friday, 27 April and get into the vibe! Distances: 17km; 35km; 70km; Race orientation: 07:45 for all participants Entrance fees: 17km: R50 35km: R120 70km: R140 Note: Less than 5entries in any one category will be classified in the preceding category. Pre-entries close at 17:00 on 26 April 2012 and a late entry penalty of R50 will be charged. Proceeds will go towards charity. Route information: 17km We have listened to participant’s suggestions and made some changes.Please keep in mind that you will be in mountainous terrain with the inevitable up hills. For the adult MTB beginner, this is an excellent start. The parents or a responsible adult must accompany children under 12 and be prepared to occasionally walk with them, whilst enjoying the scenery. Remember your supply of water! You will have a Refreshment Station on route. Starting time: 08:30 (Be sure to be at the starting point at 07:45 for the orientation) 35km The 35km race is the most beautiful route of all, which passes the Forest Falls, meanders through the mysterious pine forests, and zigzags down single tracks and clatters over fallen pine cones. If you are in top form,energetic and not afraid of a dare, this one is for you! If you just want to enjoy the outdoors and the beautiful scenery, come along and enjoy the ride. You won’tregret it! The route has been described as an excellent example of mountain biking at its best. If you are a MTB enthusiast, this is it! Starting time: 08:20 70km The 2011 route proved to be a nightmare for most of the participants.After the “warming up” stage of the first 35km, the fit and brave will continue into the York plantations for the challenging but not murderous 40km stage.Some minor changes are inevitable due to forestry activities but under the very experienced supervision of Denis Lawrie and Raymond Emmerick, you can be sure of the best possible route. At approximately 45km in the race, the King and Queen of the Mountain will be selected. The route has an approximate ascent of 1580m, which is challenging but manageable. Three refreshment Stations will be on standby to assist in the best way possible. You can do it! Starting time: 08:00 For more information and assistance, contact Chris @ 082-467 3079 or email: forest2falls@gmail.com For pre-entries, please visit www.entrytime.com (As this is a long weekend, please ensure that your accommodation is booked and confirmed. Visit our website for suggestions. Day visitors are very welcome to join us.) Go to Event Page
  13. The My Spar Forest2Falls MTB race, one of the most enjoyable, most scenic and well-organized events on the MTB calendar, will be taking place in just a few weeks. Situated on the Drakensberg Escarpment of Mpumalanga, exactly halfway between Sabie and Graskop, close to the Mac Mac Falls and Pilgrims Rest, this can truly be the family breakaway you were looking forward to. With three routes to choose from, this truly is an event for the whole family. We are looking forward to exciting new routes as some of the trees have been harvested and we pledge to give you a new experience. For our faithful participants; yes, the Forest Falls, the view over the escarpment and the exciting single tracks will still be there with the needed extras not to make the route boring. For the young and not-so-young non-cyclists in the family, there will be a lot of entertainment ranging from a jumping castle, live music, free handouts by various sponsors, food stalls with special treats, and much more. For the cyclists, choose any of the three distances, which surely will meet your level of fitness and sense of adventure. Date: 28 April 2012 Venue: Mac Mac Forest Retreat halfway between Sabie and Graskop on the R532. 8]Registration: Friday, 27 April, 15:00 – 21:30 and Saturday, 28 April, 06:00 – 07:30 (Registration will close at 07:30) 8]Participants can come and enjoy free pasta and mince on Friday, 27 April and get into the vibe!Distances: 15km; 35km; 75km; Race orientation: 07:45 for all participants Entrance fees: 15km: R50 35km: R120 75km: R140 Note: Less than 5 entries in any one category will be classified in the preceding category. Pre-entries close at 17:00 on 26 April 2012 and a late entry penalty of R50 will be charged. Proceeds will go towards charity. Route information: 15km We have listened to participant’s suggestions and made some changes. Please keep in mind that you will be in mountainous terrain with the inevitable up hills. For the adult MTB beginner, this is an excellent start. The parents or a responsible adult must accompany children under 12 and be prepared to occasionally walk with them, whilst enjoying the scenery. Remember your supply of water! You will have a Refreshment Station on route. Starting time: 08:30 (Be sure to be at the starting point at 07:45 for the orientation) 35km The 35km race is the most beautiful route of all, which passes the Forest Falls, meanders through the mysterious pine forests, and zigzags down single tracks and clatters over fallen pine cones. If you are in top form,energetic and not afraid of a dare, this one is for you! If you just want to enjoy the outdoors and the beautiful scenery, come along and enjoy the ride. You won’t regret it! The route has been described as an excellent example of mountain biking at its best. If you are a new MTB enthusiast, this is it! Starting time: 08:20 75km The 2011 route proved to be a nightmare for most of the participants. After the “warming up” stage of the first 35km, the fit and brave will continue into the York plantations for the challenging but not murderous 40km stage. Some minor changes are inevitable due to forestry activities but under the very experienced supervision of Denis Lawrie and Raymond Emmerick, you can be sure of the best possible route. At approximately 45km in the race, the King and Queen of the Mountain will be selected. The 2011 route had an approximate climb of 1200m, this has been reduced to an approximate 800m which is still challenging but more manageable. Three refreshment Stations will be on standby to assist in the best way possible. You can do it! This is a challenge. Go for it! Starting time: 08:00 For more information and assistance, contact Chris @ 082-467 3079 or email:forest2falls@gmail.com Visit our website: www.forest2falls.co.za For pre-entries, please go to www.entrytime.com (As this is a long weekend, please ensure that your accommodation is booked and confirmed. Visit our website for suggestions. Day visitors are very welcome to join us.)
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