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4x4 entoesias

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  1. All your hate mail can be directed here: 4x4entoesias@gmail.com Spam is allowed I will try to reply to all fan mail
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=3KANI2dpXLw Julle het wragtig waar vir 10 bladsye lank gemoan en die hele tyd hou ek julle net vir die gek. Dit was so maklik om julle uit te lok ek kan dit eintlik nie glo nie. Die is een van die lekkerste forums wat ek nog op was. Ek dink ek gaan sommer nog vir lank hier by julle bly :clap:
  3. So 10 pages of you guys being idiots - nice...
  4. So it was YOU!!! Suicidal maniac.
  5. I was thinking somewhere like Groenkloof. I'll even give you a lift when you are tired
  6. So who was the idiot riding in the traffic lane today? I managed not to hit you today. I am glad you stayed on the shoulder and I am glad I have really good ABS assisted brakes with EBD. You are welcome to organize a meeting with me. Just give me your details and we can happily arrange something.
  7. Love that smell!!! You should try it sometime, maybe it will increase your own IQ. No wait, it won't make difference, just a waste of dirty air. Why are you a robo-Ox? Did you not know that an Ox is without his crown jewels? Oh wait, you wouldn't, you haven't tried the exhaust fumes yet.
  8. I had a wonderful weekend on the roads. All the cyclists I saw were driving on the shoulder of the road, in single file and didn't obstruct the road. I am glad you people are becoming more considerate of motorised transport...
  9. Do you know how many non-cyclists hate cyclists? Just today I heard at least 15 people voice this. And that was in the office I work. So now the odd "********" has caused this view of cyclists. Its not that I want to kill anyone - far from it - An accident is just waiting to happen is what I'm saying. Do you know why they hate them? Just read my first post about nearly driving over an idiot that swerved into a traffic lane... The 4x4 people have an issue with some okes destroying the environment and we have gone and started educating them. There will always be a "vrot kol" but the best way to fix it is too show that you are at least trying get things right. I don't see this being done in cycling (maybe someone can show me where too look?), all I'm seeing are cyclists obstructing the free flow of traffic (which is against the law) and causing people in all sorts of cars to get angry at them. Yes you are allowed to use the road. Do it by obeying the rules of the road. I have to do it in my vehicle, I am not allowed to run a red light or skip a stop street (and I dont because it is dangerous) so what/who gives a cyclist the authority to do that? I don't believe ALL cyclists are evil but some just need to be given a couple of "warm klappe" so they can wake up. Hopefully now you understand why I've joined your forum. I won't be the one that drives over you on purpose, it will be that Taxi driver who need to drop off his customers that will cause you the most harm. All of you who called me names and think I am just a tjop, you are the guys who need to look at your attitude and look at ALL the road laws. You are the guys that will be carrying on about how bad drivers are and how no-one can drive. While all those driver think even worse of you and again would say that all cyclists are a bunch of lycra monkeys. Use the advice or don't, its your life. PS: Just for the record, a Discovery 4 has terrain response and won't roll easily when going from tar to gravel - that lady was never in any danger of rolling her vehicle - it would just adapt to the gravel and carry on. Brilliant vehicle in my opinion.
  10. I am trying to make a point. In general road users are agro. More so if you have to drive behind a slow moving vehicle - truck, bicycle, whatever. Some people are worse than others. To save yourself from getting hurt, drive where it is safe. The guys riding in the shoulder are the intelligent ones, they actually value their own lives... Look all I'm saying is that you should be aware of the cars coming up behind you. If they hoot at you at least try and move out the way. Don't swear at them, it just aggravates the whole situation and again just adds to the whole view of cyclists. I personally don't think all cyclists are to blame but you do get a couple of bad apples and they are unfortunately making everyone else look bad as well.
  11. So I guess you have a death wish? Do you still not realise that you are flesh and bone, a car is steel and rubber? Who do you think is going to win the battle when the accident happens? That piece of plastic on your head? Or the lycra pants you wear. If you are in the fast lane on the highway, it is usually good manners to move to the left lane to get out of the way of faster vehicles. This is also true for the middle lane and why most heavy vehicles drive in the far left lane because they are slow. It is common courtesy. A truck driver understands this, why can you not understand this? A Bicycle is slow, move over. Now this 4x4 okie has been driving for a while and I usually drive around slower vehicles on the road (which includes bicycles) when I can. But when I can't, and if I drive faster than you I would expect you to move over because we are all decent human beings?. You ofcourse don't have to move, its a free country, you can do what you want, but it in the end it just adds to the general public view that all cyclists are a bunch of idiots who do not care about other road users and have no regard for road rules. Fine example you set... I don't mean to offend - especially those cyclists who do the right thing - But your arrogance will get you hurt. This is a part of the law: http://www.acts.co.za/rt_nrta/national_road_traffic_act.htm#regs_311_riding_on_pedal_cycles.htm 311. Riding on pedal cycles (1) No person shall ride a pedal cycle on a public road unless he or she is seated astride on the saddle of such pedal cycle. (2) Persons riding pedal cycles on a public road shall ride in single file except in the course of overtaking another pedal cycle, and two or more persons riding pedal cycles shall not overtake another vehicle at the same time. (3) No person riding or seated on a pedal cycle on a public road shall take hold of any other vehicle in motion. (4) No person riding a pedal cycle on a public road shall deliberately cause such pedal cycle to swerve from side to side. (5) No person riding a pedal cycle on a public road shall carry thereon any person, animal or object which obstructs his or her view or which prevents him or her from exercising complete control over the movements of such pedal cycle. (6) A person riding a pedal cycle on a public road shall do so with at least one hand on the handle-bars of such pedal cycle. (7) Whenever a portion of a public road has been set aside for use by persons riding pedal cycles, no person shall ride a pedal cycle on any other portion of such road. (8) A person riding a pedal cycle on a public road or a portion of a public road set aside for use by persons riding pedal cycles, shall do so in such manner that all the wheels of such pedal cycle are in contact with the surface of the road at all times. Your whole attitude stinks. You are probably that tjop that drives in the middle of a road just to annoy other people just for to go to your buddies and tell them how you managed to "pissoff" the chick in the M3... That is very mature of you
  12. If I remember correctly, Lynnwood does not have a shoulder lane after Hans Strijdom? So why did you ride there? Did you expect everyone to just accept that cyclicts that ride at maybe 30km/h, will be fun to watch? Why do you get mad when a vehicle drives behind you and starts hooting for you to get out of the way? If you are in the lane where cars drive then you are in the wrong. If you are in single file on the shoulder of the road then there won't be any problems. But nooooo you cyclists have to ride abreast so you can talk to your buddy annoying the cars behind you. And when someone loses their temper because of this you run to the cops... I don't care how macho you think you are, one day someone with a Taxi/SUV/car/Truck will drive over one of you because you had a stupid f. you attitude. It seems you don't get the whole physics thing. Car = 1500kg. Bicycle = ~10kg. Car is made of steel. Cyclist wears a helmet made of polystyrene. Cyclist is made of poo. Car drives over cyclist, poo comes out, poo everywhere, car ok, cyclist is out of poo and cannot be put back together... I hope you get the idea Now you are going to say that you have nowhere to ride, If you use google maps, I am sure you would be able to find a safer road to travel on that maybe has a shoulder. I was traveling South on Hans Strijdom drive the other day (going up the long hill past Garsfontein) and a couple guys on bikes (will full riding gear looking all professional) were riding abreast on the shoulder. 2 guys were constantly going into the traffic lane. I, had to swerve out the way to not hit him. Luckily I managed to squeeze between 2 cars on my right, otherwise I would have hit him. Obviously I hooted, this guy just flipped me the bird. So my attitude towards cyclists have changed completely and the next time one of you are in front of me I will casually go around you when I have the opening, open my sunroof and proceed to empty my can of pepperspray in your general direction. At least then you won't be able to annoy people on the road Seriously though, use your head when you are on the road. It does not matter if you think you are not doing anything wrong, DON'T DRIVE IN THE TRAFFIC LANE its might just turn out to be unhealthy.
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