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Posts posted by DaveVTC

  1. tubbies have the tube stitched inside the tyre and are glue onto the rim of the wheel. clinchers are your convential road wheel where the tube is seperate to the tyre.


    tubbies are generally much lighter than clinchers and used for racing

  2. People are quick to say how much doping takes place in cycling, but forget about the extent of steroid abuse in schoolboy rugby. There was a research article a few years ago where it was estimated that close to 80% of the players at the St Stithians rugby festival had used some kind of steroid during the year. What makes it even more scary is that the players wont deny it if you accuse/ question them about it. I guess that kids these days will do anything for "hero" status at their school

  3. Announcing the launch of the 2010 Grey Cycle Tour!


    On 5 January 2010, 10 Cyclists from Grey High School will ride from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth to raise funds for the Eastern Province Children's Home. In addition to the cyclists from Grey, 2 boys from the EP Children's Home will also accompany the team for an experience we hope they will never forget! The aim of the tour is to raise R50 000. The 2008 tour raised R580 000 and thus, with your help and support, we are confident that we can reach our target. The team will cover a distance of 1000km over 8 days.


    The route is as follows:


    1. Grabouw - Montsgu (160km)

    2. Montagu - Barrydale (63km)

    3. Barrydale - Oudtshoorn (175km)

    4. Oudtshoorn - George (60km

    5. George - Plettenberg Bay (100km)

    6. Plettenberg Bay - Storms River (60km)

    7. Storms River - Jeffery's Bay (107km)

    8. Jeffery's Bay - Port Elizabeth (75km)


    There is a website which has all the information about the charity, riders and history of the previous tours. Pictures and blogs will also be updated on a daily basis.




    Your support is greatly appreciated!!!





    it's quality not quantity

    Not to step on toes here but I find it strange that the posts from the ROOKIE clan makes that little bit more sense than some of our "more experienced" hubbers. Why is that?

    I sommer know I'm going to open a can of worms with this..

    at first I thought you were taking the piss and found the original post quite funny.


    as kirk lazarus would say:'everybody knows you never go full rookie'


    however it appears you are dead serious and would actually like ADMIN to change your status because you know how to ride a bike and don't like to talk ***.


    am undecided as to which is funnier now.


    but well done for starting it(not many rookies can claim a 30+ thread made up entirely from a brainfart)' date=' if nothing else you're closer to becoming a 'domestique'. nothing actually changes, but you can print out a noddy badge to hang up at home.





  5. I am currently having problems with chain lag/drag/wear against my FD when in the big blade of my crank (campy veloce FD, centuar crank)


    the only way to stop this is to adjust the FD so that the cable is very tight. Is this bad and going to lead to a cable snapping?


    Anyone else had a similar problem?Cry


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