About 19.5km in to the 55Km race I hit a bottle neck before the technical section and had to wait 1.28 hours and to my surprise after feeling so frustrated not even 1Km after this I hit another bottle neck that I waited about 40 minutes in. So many riders just turned around and went back to their cars. We I like a dump *** waited and I could not believe that after this I hit another bottle neck that I had to wait about 18 minutes in. It was such a stuff up and so badly organized. On top of all this frustration and anger I had to endure the total distance of my race was only 38Km once I crossed the finish line. I would defiantly not recommend the 94.7 mountain bike challenge to anyone unless they don't mind sitting in the blazing sun for 2.20 hours and only doing roughly 1.5Km