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Everything posted by REDHUB CYCLING

  1. Event Name: Redhub Triathlon/Duathlon Road and MTB When: 13 October 2019 Where: Cradle Moon Lake Side Lodge, Gauteng Category: Multisport Redhub Events are about options for the whole family, for the first timer Multi-Sport athlete and for the Elite Athlete, on the same day at the very best venue in Gauteng. ​ For the Triathletes focused on shorter distances ,the following is offered: Road Sprint Triathlon 750m / 20km/ 5km or the Cross light Triathlon for the MTB Triathletes 750m/12km (MTB) /5km. ​ Longer distances for Triathletes are catered for in the Standard Road Triathlon over 1.5km/40km/10km or similar effort for the Cross Triathletes with a 1.5km/25 km (MTB) 10km split. Duathletes choose between a Road and MTB option , 4.8km/40km/5km for the road option and 4.8km/23km/5km for the MTB option. ​ Team entries are catered for as a fun format where 2 or 3 team members pass the chip on to the next team member in Transition. Options are for the Road Triathlon 1.5km/40km/10km or MTB 1.5km/23km/10km . ​ *Note that all runs are non technical off road runs in the Cradle Moon Lakeside Lodge reserve. ​ The Open Water swim options are 750 meters, 1500 meters or 3000 meters. Go to Event Page
  2. No- Fast One 13 Jan, REDHUB 27 JAN.
  3. Event Name: Summer Fast One When: 13 January 2019 Where: Rand Water, Gauteng Category: MTB EVENT INFORMATION: SUMMER FAST ONE DATE: 13 JANUARY 2019 START AND FINISH VENUE: RAND WATER EVENT DISTANCES: DISTANCE ONLINE ENTRY FEE LATE ENTRY FEE 70 KM R180.00 R220.00 40KM R140.00 R180.00 10KM R60.00 R80.00 3KM KIDDIES FREE FREE START TIMES: 70 KM- 07:30 40KM-07:40 10KM-07:45 HONESTY SEEDING: BATCH A BATCH B BATCH C BATCH D ONLINE ENTRIES CLOSE: 11 JANUARY 2019- 09:00 AM REGISTRATION: RAND WATER GROUNDS 11 JANUARY 13:00 TO 16:00 ROUTE DESCRIPTION: VERY FAST, MIXTURE OF JEEP AND SINGLE TRACK. ROUTE MAPS : will be published when available Cut-off times: N/A Prize giving: As soon as it is available TROPHIES TO ALL FINISHERS! ORGANISING COMPANY DETAILS: events@spectrumsport.co.za Cell No: 0825576884 RACE ORGANISER: Louis Harmse Cell No: 0825576884 PHOTOGRAPHER FOR RACE: HENNIE DU PLESSIS: E MAIL: hennie@presentmoments.co.za https://www.presentmoments.co.za/copy-of-lifestyle-photography-1 Go to Event Page
  4. Event Name: Redhub Triathlon/Duathlon MTB and Road When: 27 January 2019 Where: Cradle Moon lakeside Game Lodge, Gauteng Category: Multisport REDHUB EVENT #1 27 JANUARY 2019 Redhub 2019 series for Triathletes and Duathletes. Key points for the event and series: JOIN US FOR EVENT 1 ON 27 JANUARY 2019. (date changed to avoid some key clashes with other events). Redhub will host the event at Cradle Moon Lodge as always, catering for Road Triathletes, Cross Triathletes and Duathletes. Both road and MTB Triathletes will have Standard distances or Sprint format distances, A total of 6 options on the day. REDHUB SERIES POINTS SYSTEM: The point system created good traction in 2018! For 2019 we hope to have some fierce competition amongst participants. The calculations as done for 2018 were complex and will be simplified for 2019. For 2019 the first 5 Events rather than all 6 events will be used to calculate points, therefore participants who take part in all 5 Events could score higher points by calculating results in all events rather than best finishes. The final event for 2019 will be a stand-alone race day and will incorporate an Ultra Event plus Series winners will be announced. This will allow ample time to calculate the final series final results, rather attempting to do so in real time. Points will again be awarded: 10 for win in category, 7 for second, 5 for third, 3 for fourth and 1 for 5th place. For 2018 we had only points to work from rather than points and accumulated times, which resulted in multiple participants scoring equal points without being able to rank them individually.( where multiple participants finished in the same position in 3rd, we did not award trophies) We will keep accumulated times over the series for 2019 to be able to resolve this issue. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A category for junior athletes will be available for Duathletes , Sprint Road Triathlon and for Cross lite MTB distance. For the Duathlon entry fees will be R360. The Duathlon format will be 4/40/5 km for road athletes and 4/25/5 km for MTB athletes. Entry fees will be R450 for the Standard Road and longer Cross triathlon. Entry fee for the Sprint distance and shorter Cross Triathlon will be R345. All entry fees will include day licenses for athletes not registered with TSA. The event will remain, the family fun day out for the not so serious, an ideal format for the novice, but also an opportunity for the serious racers to test form, get into race shape for other events and achieve bragging rights by placing high in the results. Our aim is to maintain the event as the affordable, must do, fun event on the calendar. Cradle Moon Lodge is the ideal venue, with ample developing facilities, great natural beauty, plenty wild animals to see and much more as we develop the event. From a cost perspective, events are very expensive and much harder to sustain financially as is generally understood. We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding. We have turned the corner financially without a sponsor but are working to conclude sponsorship to improve the event in general and to enable us to afford better rewards, safety and controls. We do of course need sufficient participation to raise funds, develop the event into the premium event we envisage, so please share this information with your friends and family. Get your entry in for 27 JANUARY 2019. Redhub#1. Entries for 27 JANUARY will close at midnight 24 JANUARY. Late entries on the day will cost an additional R50. Start times on 27 JANUARY will be: Standard Road Triathlon, Cross Triathlon and Duathlon 7:00am. Sprint Triathlon and Cross Light TRI at 7:00 am. Race briefing will be at 6h40 am. Registration on the morning at the venue will be from 5;30 am. Race rules will be in accordance with TSA published rules. Standard road triathlon will be NON-DRAFTING and sprint distance will be a drafting ALLOWED race. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL RUNS ARE OFF-ROAD trail runs. Not technical in nature, but still undulating. A great different experience for road Triathletes. We have ALL the dates for 2019 available on our website under 2019 dates. Have a look at the dates and also Redhub associated dates on the website to plan your season! Go to Event Page
  5. Event Name: Redhub Ultra When: 28 October 2018 Where: Cradle Moon Lakeside lodge, Gauteng Category: Multisport REDHUB ULTRA TRIATHLON and CROSS TRIATHLON REDHUB WILL HOST ITS FIRST ULTRA TRIATHLON ON 28 OCTOBER 2018 Key points for the event: · The REDHUB Triathlon series has been a great success. Due to popular demand Redhub is adding a REDHUB ULTRA EVENT FOR ROAD AND MTB!!! · Redhub will host the event at Cradle Moon Lodge, catering for Road Triathletes and Cross Triathletes. The Usual Redhub Series Event #6 and the REDHUB ULTRA will be running concurrently on 28 October. · Entry fees will be R 1900 for road Ultra and R 1 650 for the X-Tri Ultra This will include day licenses for athletes not registered with TSA. · Distances for Road Ultra will be 1.9km swim, 90 km Road and 21km run. · Ultra X-Tri distances will be 1.9km swim, 50 km MTB and 21km run. READ MORE: https://www.redhub-events.com/blog/redhub-ultra Go to Event Page
  6. Event Name: REDHUB TRIATHLON MTB AND ROAD When: 28 October 2018 Where: Cradle Moon Lakeside Lodge, Gauteng Category: Multisport REDHUB EVENT #6 28 October 2018 Redhub 2018 series for Triathletes: Sixth EVENT ON 28 October 2018, Redhub#6, event 6 of 6 for 2018. Key points for the event and series: · JOIN US FOR EVENT 6 ON 28 October 2018. · Redhub will host the event at Cradle Moon Lodge as always, catering for Road Triathletes, Cross Triathletes and Duathletes. Both road and MTB Triathletes will have standard distances or Sprint distances, A total of 6 options on the day. · NOTE: The format will be a challenge for the experienced Duathlete, but is aimed to draw more beginners into the world of multisport. For the Duathlon entry fees will be R325. The Duathlon format will be 4/40/5 km for road athletes and 4/25/5 km for MTB athletes. In addition, a category for junior athletes will be added for Duathletes. . · The point system is in place after event 1. Series standings will be published on Spectrum Sport website. Points are awarded to the first 5 finishers in each category, and series trophies (and more) at the end of the season, for category achievers. All competitive athletes should watch this space and take part! The series comprises of 6 events. Competitors score points in 4 events. WITH 1 EVENTS TO GO, athletes who missed out on previous events are still very much in the running! Best 4 finishes for each competitor is used for final calculations at the end of the year. · Entry fees will be R395 for the standard road, longer cross triathlon and R295 for the sprint REDHUB EVENT #6 28 October 2018 Redhub 2018 series for Triathletes: Sixth EVENT ON 28 October 2018, Redhub#6, event 6 of 6 for 2018. Key points for the event and series: · JOIN US FOR EVENT 6 ON 28 October 2018. · Redhub will host the event at Cradle Moon Lodge as always, catering for Road Triathletes, Cross Triathletes and Duathletes. Both road and MTB Triathletes will have standard distances or Sprint distances, A total of 6 options on the day. · NOTE: The format will be a challenge for the experienced Duathlete, but is aimed to draw more beginners into the world of multisport. For the Duathlon entry fees will be R325. The Duathlon format will be 4/40/5 km for road athletes and 4/25/5 km for MTB athletes. In addition, a category for junior athletes will be added for Duathletes. . · The point system is in place after event 1. Series standings will be published on Spectrum Sport website. Points are awarded to the first 5 finishers in each category, and series trophies (and more) at the end of the season, for category achievers. All competitive athletes should watch this space and take part! The series comprises of 6 events. Competitors score points in 4 events. WITH 1 EVENTS TO GO, athletes who missed out on previous events are still very much in the running! Best 4 finishes for each competitor is used for final calculations at the end of the year. · Entry fees will be R395 for the standard road, longer cross triathlon and R295 for the sprint · Entries will be on https://www.redhub-events.com/enter-now. Get your entry in for 28 October 2018. Redhub#6. Entries for 28 October will close at midnight 25 October 2018. Late entries on the day will cost an additional R50. · REMEMBER Points system is as follows: Athletes score points for the 4 best race finishes during the series. 10 points for a category win, 7 points for second, 5 points for third, 3 points for fourth and a single point for fifth. By entering at least 4 of the 6 events during the year, athletes improve their chances for a higher overall finish. So if you enter only 3 or less events in the series you score less total points. If you enter all six events, your 4 best finishes will be used to calculate your total for the series. · For the Redhub series, we cater for categories as follows: Overall Men, Overall Ladies, Men and Ladies in age group 20-29 will automatically compete for Overall honours. (The Overall winners can of course come from a higher age group, Specific individual age group categories will be: Men/Ladies 30-39, 40-49 and 50+. Junior category will be available in the sprint and Cross Light events and Duathlon. · Start times on 28 October will be Standard times for Road Triathlon, Cross Triathlon and Duathlon 7:30am. Sprint Triathlon and Cross Light TRI at 8 am. · Race briefing will be at 7h15am. · Registration on the morning at the venue will be from 6 am. · Race rules will be in accordance with TSA published rules. Standard road triathlon will be NON-DRAFTING and sprint distance will be a drafting ALLOWED race. · Distances for the event on 28 October will be as published. · PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL RUNS ARE OFF-ROAD trail runs. Not technical in nature, but still undulating. A great different experience for road Triathletes. Go to Event Page
  7. Event Name: REDHUB Triathlon/Duathlon ROAD AND MTB When: 19 August 2018 Where: CRADLE MOON LAKESIDE LODGE, Gauteng Category: Multisport Redhub 2018 series for Triathletes: FIFTH EVENT ON 19 AUGUST 2018, Redhub#5, event 5 of 6 for the 2018. Key points for the event and series: EVENT ON 20 MAY WAS A GREAT SUCCESS DISPITE VERY COLD WEATHER! WITH 300 ENTRIES ON THE DAY, JOIN YOUR TRIATHLON FRIENDS AND FAMILY FOR EVENT 5 ON 19 AUGUST 2018. Redhub will host the event at Cradle Moon Lodge as always, catering for Road Triathletes, Cross Triathletes and Duathletes. Both road and MTB Triathletes will have standard distances or Sprint distances, A total of 6 options on the day. NOTE: The format will be a challenge for the experienced Duathlete, but is aimed to draw more beginners into the world of multisport. For the Duathlon entry fees will be R295. The Duathlon format will be 4/40/5 km for road athletes and 4/25/5 km for MTB athletes. In addition, a category for junior athletes will be added for Duathletes. . The point system is in place after event 1. Series standings will be published on Spectrum Sport website. Points are awarded to the first 5 finishers in each category, and series trophies (and more) at the end of the season, for category achievers. All competitive athletes should watch this space and take part! The series comprises of 6 events. Competitors score points in 4 events. WITH 2 EVENTS TO GO, athletes who missed out on previous events are still very much in the running! Best 4 finishes for each competitor is used for final calculations at the end of the year. Entry fees will be R375 for the standard road, longer cross triathlon and R275 for the sprint distance and shorter cross triathlon, AND R295 for the Duathlons. This will include day licenses for athletes not registered with TSA. Triathlon is an Olympic Sport and sanctioning elevates the status of the event, improves safety for the athletes, assist with the marshalling and time keeping and promote the sport in general. The event will remain, the family fun day out for the not so serious, an ideal format for the novice, but also an opportunity for the serious racers to test form, get into race shape for other events and achieve bragging rights by placing high in the results. Our aim is to maintain the event as the affordable, must do, fun event on the calendar. Cradle Moon Lodge is the ideal venue, with ample developing facilities, great natural beauty, plenty wild animals to see and much more as we develop the event. We do of course need sufficient participation to raise funds, develop the event into the premium event we envisage, so please share this information with your friends and family. Entries will be on spectrumsport.co.za . Get your entry in for 19 August 2018. Redhub#5. Entries for 19 August will close at midnight 16 August 2018. Late entries on the day will cost an additional R50. REMEMBER Points system is as follows: Athletes score points for the 4 best race finishes during the series. 10 points for a category win, 7 points for second, 5 points for third, 3 points for fourth and a single point for fifth. By entering at least 4 of the 6 events during the year, athletes improve their chances for a higher overall finish. So if you enter only 3 or less events in the series you score less total points. If you enter all six events, your 4 best finishes will be used to calculate your total for the series. For the Redhub series, we cater for categories as follows: Overall Men, Overall Ladies, Men and Ladies in age group 20-29 will automatically compete for Overall honours. (The Overall winners can of course come from a higher age group, Specific individual age group categories will be: Men/Ladies 30-39, 40-49 and 50+. Junior category will be available in the sprint and Cross Light events and Duathlon. See the following table for series dates and event format for the year. Start times on 19 August will be Standard times for Road Triathlon, Cross Triathlon and Duathlon 8:00 am. Sprint Triathlon and Cross Light TRI at 8:30am. Race briefing will be at 7:30 am. Registration on the morning at the venue will be from 6:30 am. Race rules will be in accordance with TSA published rules. Standard road triathlon will be NON-DRAFTING and sprint distance will be a drafting ALLOWED race. Distances for the event on 19 August will be as published. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL RUNS ARE OFF-ROAD trail runs. Not technical in nature, but still undulating. A great different experience for road Triathletes. The last Event for 2018 will be on 28 October, mark in your calendar! Go to Event Page
  8. Event Name: Redhub 2018 Series For Triathletes: 20 MAY 2018 EVENT When: 20 May 2018 Where: CRADLE MOON LAKE SIDE GAME LODGE, Gauteng Category: Multisport Redhub 2018 series for Triathletes: FOURTH EVENT ON 20 MAY 2018, Redhub#4, event 4 of 6 for the 2018. Key points for the event and series: EVENT ON 8 APRIL WAS A GREAT START AND SUCCESS WITH 400 ENTRIES ON THE DAY, JOIN YOUR TRIATHLON FRIENDS AND FAMILY FOR EVENT 4 ON 20 MAY 2018. Redhub will host the event at Cradle Moon Lodge as always, catering for Road Triathletes, Cross Triathletes and Duathletes. Both road and MTB Triathletes will have standard distances or Sprint distances, A total of 6 options on the day. NOTE: The format will be a challenge for the experienced Duathlete, but is aimed to draw more beginners into the world of multisport. For the Duathlon entry fees will be R295. The Duathlon format will be 4/40/5 km for road athletes and 4/25/5 km for MTB athletes. In addition, a category for junior athletes will be added for Duathletes. . The point system is in place after event 1. Series standings will be published on Spectrum Sport website. Points are awarded to the first 5 finishers in each category, and series trophies (and more) at the end of the season, for category achievers. All competitive athletes should watch this space and take part! The series comprises of 6 events. Competitors score points in 4 events. WITH 4 EVENTS TO GO, athletes who missed out on event 1 and 2 are still very much in the running! Best 4 finishes for each competitor is used for final calculations at the end of the year. Entry fees will be R375 for the standard road, longer cross triathlon and R275 for the sprint distance and shorter cross triathlon, AND R295 for the Duathlons. This will include day licenses for athletes not registered with TSA. Triathlon is an Olympic Sport and sanctioning elevates the status of the event, improves safety for the athletes, assist with the marshalling and time keeping and promote the sport in general. The event will remain, the family fun day out for the not so serious, an ideal format for the novice, but also an opportunity for the serious racers to test form, get into race shape for other events and achieve bragging rights by placing high in the results. Our aim is to maintain the event as the affordable, must do, fun event on the calendar. Cradle Moon Lodge is the ideal venue, with ample developing facilities, great natural beauty, plenty wild animals to see and much more as we develop the event. We do of course need sufficient participation to raise funds, develop the event into the premium event we envisage, so please share this information with your friends and family. Entries will be on spectrumsport.co.za . Get your entry in for 20 May 2018. Redhub#4. Entries for 20 MAY will close at midnight 17 May 2018. Late entries on the day will cost an additional R50. REMEMBER Points system is as follows: Athletes score points for the 4 best race finishes during the series. 10 points for a category win, 7 points for second, 5 points for third, 3 points for fourth and a single point for fifth. By entering at least 4 of the 6 events during the year, athletes improve their chances for a higher overall finish. So if you enter only 3 or less events in the series you score less total points. If you enter all six events, your 4 best finishes will be used to calculate your total for the series. For the Redhub series, we cater for categories as follows: Overall Men, Overall Ladies, Men and Ladies in age group 20-29 will automatically compete for Overall honours. (The Overall winners can of course come from a higher age group, Specific individual age group categories will be: Men/Ladies 30-39, 40-49 and 50+. Junior category will be available in the sprint and Cross Light events and Duathlon. See the following table for series dates and event format for the year. Start times on 20 May will be Standard times for Road Triathlon, Cross Triathlon and Duathlon 8:00 am. Sprint Triathlon and Cross Light TRI at 8:30am. Race briefing will be at 7:30 am. Registration on the morning at the venue will be from 6:30 am. Race rules will be in accordance with TSA published rules. Standard road triathlon will be NON-DRAFTING and sprint distance will be a drafting ALLOWED race. Distances for the event on 20 May will be as published. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL RUNS ARE OFF-ROAD trail runs. Not technical in nature, but still undulating. A great different experience for road Triathletes.View the schedule for the following 2 Redhub events below and mark in your calendar! Go to Event Page
  9. Event Name: Redhub 2018 Series For Triathletes: 8 APRIL 2018 EVENT When: 8 April 2018 Where: CRADLE MOON LAKE SIDE GAME LODGE, Gauteng Category: Multisport Redhub 2018 series for Triathletes: THIRD EVENT ON 8 APRIL 2018, Redhub#3, event 3 of 6 for the 2018. Key points for the event and series: EVENT 2 ON 25 FEBRUARY WAS A GREAT START AND SUCCESS WITH 400 ENTRIES ON THE DAY, JOIN YOUR TRIATHLON FRIENDS AND FAMILY FOR EVENT 3 ON 8 APRIL. Redhub will host the event at Cradle Moon Lodge as always, catering for Road Triathletes, Cross Triathletes and Duathletes. Both road and MTB Triathletes will have standard distances or Sprint distances, A total of 6 options on the day. NOTE: The Duathlon is the only event which will be changed substantially after our successful event 1 of January 7. The second run of the Duathlon will be 5 km only rather than the 10km used during event 1. The new format will still be a challenge for the experienced Duathlete, but is aimed to draw more beginners into the world of multisport. For the Duathlon entry fees will be reduced to R295. The Duathlon format will be 4/40/5 km for road athletes and 4/25/5 km for MTB athletes. In addition, a category for junior athletes will be added for Duathletes. . The point system is in place after event 1. Series standings will be published and communicated during this week. Points are awarded to the first 5 finishers in each category, and series trophies (and more) at the end of the season, for category achievers. All competitive athletes should watch this space and take part! The series comprises of 6 events. Competitors score points in 4 events. WITH 4 EVENTS TO GO, athletes who missed out on event 1 and 2 are still very much in the running! Best 4 finishes for each competitor is used for final calculations at the end of the year. Entry fees will be R375 for the standard road, longer cross triathlon and R275 for the sprint distance and shorter cross triathlon, AND R295 for the Duathlons. This will include day licenses for athletes not registered with TSA. Triathlon is an Olympic Sport and sanctioning elevates the status of the event, improves safety for the athletes, assist with the marshalling and time keeping and promote the sport in general. The event will remain, the family fun day out for the not so serious, an ideal format for the novice, but also an opportunity for the serious racers to test form, get into race shape for other events and achieve bragging rights by placing high in the results. Our aim is to maintain the event as the affordable, must do, fun event on the calendar. Cradle Moon Lodge is the ideal venue, with ample developing facilities, great natural beauty, plenty wild animals to see and much more as we develop the event. We do of course need sufficient participation to raise funds, develop the event into the premium event we envisage, so please share this information with your friends and family. Entries will be on spectrumsport.co.za . Get your entry in for 8 APRIL 2018. Redhub#3. Entries for 8 APRIL will close at midnight 5 APRIL 2018. Late entries on the day will cost an additional R50. REMEMBER Points system is as follows: Athletes score points for the 4 best race finishes during the series. 10 points for a category win, 7 points for second, 5 points for third, 3 points for fourth and a single point for fifth. By entering at least 4 of the 6 events during the year, athletes improve their chances for a higher overall finish. So if you enter only 3 or less events in the series you score less total points. If you enter all six events, your 4 best finishes will be used to calculate your total for the series. For the Redhub series, we cater for categories as follows: Overall Men, Overall Ladies, Men and Ladies in age group 20-29 will automatically compete for Overall honours. (The Overall winners can of course come from a higher age group, Specific individual age group categories will be: Men/Ladies 30-39, 40-49 and 50+. Junior category will be available in the sprint and Cross Light events and Duathlon. See the following table for series dates and event format for the year. Start times on 8 APRIL Standard times for Road Triathlon, Cross Triathlon and Duathlon 7:00 am. Sprint Triathlon and Cross Light TRI at 7:30. Race briefing will be at 6:40 am. Registration on the morning at the venue will be from 5:30am. Race rules will be in accordance with TSA published rules. Standard road triathlon will be NON-DRAFTING and sprint distance will be a drafting ALLOWED race. Distances for the event on 8 APRILwill be accurate as published. The swim distance on 7 January was too long and the 10 km run was slightly long. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL RUNS ARE OFF-ROAD trail runs. Not technical in nature, but still undulating. A great different experience for road Triathletes. Go to Event Page
  10. Event Name: Redhub 2018 Series For Triathletes: 25 FEBRUARY 2018 EVENT When: 25 February 2018 Where: CRADLE MOON LAKE SIDE GAME LODGE, Gauteng Category: Multisport Redhub 2018 series for Triathletes: SECOND EVENT ON 25 FEBRUARY 2018, Redhub#2, event 2 of 6 for the 2018. Key points for the event and series: EVENT 1 ON 7 JANUARY WAS A GREAT START AND SUCCESS WITH 300 ENTRIES ON THE DAY, JOIN YOUR TRIATHLON FRIENDS AND FAMILY FOR EVENT 2 ON 25 FEBRUARY. Redhub will host the event at Cradle Moon Lodge as always, catering for Road Triathletes, Cross Triathletes and Duathletes. Both road and MTB Triathletes will have standard distances or Sprint distances, A total of 6 options on the day. NOTE: The Duathlon is the only event which will be changed substantially after our successful event 1 of January 7. The second run of the Duathlon will be 5 km only rather than the 10km used during event 1. The new format will still be a challenge for the experienced Duathlete, but is aimed to draw more beginners into the world of multisport. For the Duathlon entry fees will be reduced to R295. The Duathlon format will be 4/40/5 km for road athletes and 4/25/5 km for MTB athletes. In addition, a category for junior athletes will be added for Duathletes. Juniors who competed on 7 January will receive points in relation to their performances on the day. The point system is in place after event 1. Series standings will be published and communicated during this week. Points are awarded to the first 5 finishers in each category, and series trophies (and more) at the end of the season, for category achievers. All competitive athletes should watch this space and take part! The series comprises of 6 events. Competitors score points in 4 events. WITH 5 EVENTS TO GO, athletes who missed out on event 1 are still very much in the running! Best 4 finishes for each competitor is used for final calculations at the end of the year. Entry fees will be R375 for the standard road, longer cross triathlon and R275 for the sprint distance and shorter cross triathlon, AND R295 for the Duathlons. This will include day licenses for athletes not registered with TSA. Triathlon is an Olympic Sport and sanctioning elevates the status of the event, improves safety for the athletes, assist with the marshalling and time keeping and promote the sport in general. The event will remain, the family fun day out for the not so serious, an ideal format for the novice, but also an opportunity for the serious racers to test form, get into race shape for other events and achieve bragging rights by placing high in the results. Our aim is to maintain the event as the affordable, must do, fun event on the calendar. Cradle Moon Lodge is the ideal venue, with ample developing facilities, great natural beauty, plenty wild animals to see and much more as we develop the event. We do of course need sufficient participation to raise funds, develop the event into the premium event we envisage, so please share this information with your friends and family. For start times and Route maps visit http://redhub.co.za/2018/01/redhub-event-25-february-2018/, view the newsroom. Entries will be on www.spectrumsport.co.za . Get your entry in for 25 February 2018. Redhub#2. Entries for 25 February will close at midnight 22 FEBRUARY 2018. Late entries on the day will cost an additional R50. REMEMBER Points system is as follows: Athletes score points for the 4 best race finishes during the series. 10 points for a category win, 7 points for second, 5 points for third, 3 points for fourth and a single point for fifth. By entering at least 4 of the 6 events during the year, athletes improve their chances for a higher overall finish. So if you enter only 3 or less events in the series you score less total points. If you enter all six events, your 4 best finishes will be used to calculate your total for the series. For the Redhub series, we cater for categories as follows: Overall Men, Overall Ladies, Men and Ladies in age group 20-29 will automatically compete for Overall honours. (The Overall winners can of course come from a higher age group, Specific individual age group categories will be: Men/Ladies 30-39, 40-49 and 50+. Junior category will be available in the sprint and Cross Light events and Duathlon. See the following table for series dates and event format for the year. Start times on 25 February. Standard times for Road Triathlon, Cross Triathlon and Duathlon 7:00 am. Sprint Triathlon and Cross Light TRI at 7:30. Race briefing will be at 6:40 am. Registration on the morning at the venue will be from 5:30am. Race rules will be in accordance with TSA published rules. Standard road triathlon will be NON-DRAFTING and sprint distance will be a drafting ALLOWED race. Distances for the event on 25 February will be accurate as published. The swim distance on 7 January was too long and the 10 km run was slightly long. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL RUNS ARE OFF-ROAD trail runs. Not technical in nature, but still undulating. A great different experience for road Triathletes. Go to Event Page
  11. Event Name: Redhub 2018 Series For Triathletes: 7 JANUARY 2018 EVENT When: 7 January 2018 Where: CRADLE MOON LAKE SIDE GAME LODGE, Gauteng Category: Multisport Redhub will host the series at Cradle Moon Lodge as always, catering for Road Triathletes, Cross Triathletes and Duathletes. Both road and MTB Triathletes will have standard distances or Sprint distances, A total of 6 options on the day. The entry fee will be R25 higher for 2018, but this will include sanctioning fees for TSA. The event will be an official sanctioned event on the Central Gauteng Triathlon calendar. A point system will be in place to award points to the first 5 finishers in each category, and series trophies (and more) at the end of the season, for category achievers. Entry fees will be R375 for the longer distances and R275 for the sprint distances. This will include day licenses for athletes not registered with TSA. Triathlon is an Olympic Sport and sanctioning will elevate the status of the event, improve safety for the athletes, assist with the marshalling and time keeping and promote the sport in general. The event will remain, the family fun day out for the not so serious, an ideal format for the novice, but also an opportunity for the serious racers to test form, get into race shape for other events and achieve bragging rights by placing high in the results. Our aim is to maintain the event as the affordable, must do, fun event on the calendar. Cradle Moon Lodge is the ideal venue, with ample developing facilities, great natural beauty, plenty wild animals to see and much more as we develop the event. We do of course need sufficient participation to raise funds, develop the event into the premium event we envisage, so please share this information with your friends and family. For Event Route maps and profiles visit http://redhub.co.za/2017/11/redhub-event-7-january-2018/, view the newsroom. Entries will be on http://entry.spectrumsport.co.za/Home/ArtMID/421/ArticleID/34/REDHUB-TriathlonDuathlon-MTB-and-Road. Get your entry in for 7 January. Redhub#1. Entries for 7 January will close at midnight 4 January. Late entries on the day will cost an additional R50. Points system will be as follows: Athletes will score points for the 4 best race finishes during the series. 10 points for a category win, 7 points for second, 5 points for third, 3 points for fourth and a single point for fifth. By entering at least 4 of the 6 events during the year, athletes improve their chances for a higher overall finish. So if you enter only 3 or less events in the series you score less total points. If you enter all six events, your 4 best finishes will be used to calculate your total for the series. For the Redhub series, we will cater for categories as follows: Overall Men, Overall Ladies, Men and Ladies in age group 20-29 will automatically compete for Overall honours. (The Overall winners can of course come from a higher age group, Specific individual age group categories will be: Men/Ladies 30-39, 40-49 and 50+. Junior category will be available in the sprint and Cross Light events only. See the following table for series dates and event format for the year. Start times on 7 January. Standard times for Road Triathlon, Cross Triathlon and Duathlon 7:00 am. Sprint Triathlon and Cross Light TRI at 7:30. Race briefing will be at 6:40 am. Registration on the morning at the venue will be from 5:30am. Race rules will be in accordance with TSA published rules for NON DRAFTING races. Go to Event Page
  12. Event Name: REDHUB TRIATHLON/DUATHLON (MTB AND ROAD) When: 29 October 2017 Where: CRADLE MOON LAKE SIDE GAME LODGE, Gauteng Category: Multisport Calling all Road and MTB triathletes. Redhub is hosting a TRIATHLON and DUATHLON for both MTB off-road triathletes and road Triathletes to take part in one event where we are combining both disciplines. The venue is Cradle Moon lake Side Game Lodge (previously known as Heia Safari Ranch) in the cradle of human kind. The venue is a mere 30 minutes’ drive from most areas in Johannesburg and Pretoria. The venue is tranquil, quiet and offer a bush experience complete with viewing game close up, a beautiful lake and facilities for the whole family. The date is 29 OCTOBER 2017, the triathlon is over challenging but relatively short distances with some unique and fun differences from the norm. For a start the course will combine a swim start for roadies and MTB participants. The cycle leg will be split where roadies will complete a 40 km loop around the cradle and MTB riders will ride a challenging 25 km route inside the venue boundaries. The run will again bring the two disciplines together with a 10 km off-road run for both disciplines. The run is not too technical but quite tough and scenic. Specialist trail running shoes are not essential. This format gives the roadies a chance to experience a run, quite different from the typical road event. The goal is to have a day out for the family, push hard and test you form! Or use it as a training event. Or just have fun and experience the unique flavour of this format and environment. Hosting events are costly. Entry fees are becoming prohibitive in general. For this event, the organisers are setting out to have a fun, challenging day at a reasonable cost to participants. Entry fees are R 350 each. The fee will include your conservancy entry fee valued at R 50. Support tables during the race, extensive route marking, and a medical support team on hand, attending marshals and overall timing and publishing of times of participants. Split times and transition times will not be recorded officially. All those with triathlon watches are requested to record their own split times. The event will start at 7: 15 am strictly. Roadies will ride around the cradle area on open public roads. The route requires participants to turn left only (not crossing traffic at any point in time), with no stop streets and a shoulder 95% of the time, but is still on public roads open to normal traffic. Marshalls will be at every turn to assist with safety. This is the first event of its kind at the venue and participation is limit at 120 entries. Entries will be open on www.spectrumsport.co.za from 15 SEPTEMBER and will close on 25 OCTOBER 12:00 PM. LATE ENTRIES ON THE DAY: R375 EVENT DETAILS: DATE: 29 OCTOBER 2017 VENUE: CRADLE MOON GAME LODGE http://cradlemoon.co.za/v2/contact/ EVENT DISTANCES : TRIATHLON: :1,5km Swim : 25km MTB/ 40km Road : 10 km Run DUATHLON: :4 km Run : 25km MTB/ 40km Road : 10 km Run ENTRIES LIMITED TO: 200 CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: 25 OCTOBER, 12 PM START TIME : 7: 15 AM RESULTS: www.spectrumsport.co.za REGISTRATION: REDHUB CYCLING SHOP, 1 SETPERK STREET, RANDBURG CLUB, RANDBURG, 27 OCTOBER FROM 8 TO 5 AND 28 OCTOBER FROM 9 AM TO 11 AM. AT EVENT 5:30 T0 6:30 AM. TO ENTER CLICK: www.spectrumsport.co.za ROUTE DESCRIPTION AND MAPS: 1.5KM SWIM: 25 km MTB ROUTE AND ELEVATION: 40 KM ROAD TT ROUTE AND ELEVATION: 10 km RUN ROUTE AND ELEVATION: Go to Event Page
  13. Event Name: Redhub Triathlon/Duathlon (MTB And Road) When: 29 October 2017 Where: CRADLE MOON LAKE SIDE GAME LODGE, Gauteng Category: MTB Calling all Road and MTB triathletes. Redhub is hosting a TRIATHLON and DUATHLON for both MTB off-road triathletes and road Triathletes to take part in one event where we are combining both disciplines. The venue is Cradle Moon lake Side Game Lodge (previously known as Heia Safari Ranch) in the cradle of human kind. The venue is a mere 30 minutes’ drive from most areas in Johannesburg and Pretoria. The venue is tranquil, quiet and offer a bush experience complete with viewing game close up, a beautiful lake and facilities for the whole family. The date is 29 OCTOBER 2017, the triathlon is over challenging but relatively short distances with some unique and fun differences from the norm. For a start the course will combine a swim start for roadies and MTB participants. The cycle leg will be split where roadies will complete a 40 km loop around the cradle and MTB riders will ride a challenging 25 km route inside the venue boundaries. The run will again bring the two disciplines together with a 10 km off-road run for both disciplines. The run is not too technical but quite tough and scenic. Specialist trail running shoes are not essential. This format gives the roadies a chance to experience a run, quite different from the typical road event. The goal is to have a day out for the family, push hard and test you form! Or use it as a training event. Or just have fun and experience the unique flavour of this format and environment. Hosting events are costly. Entry fees are becoming prohibitive in general. For this event, the organisers are setting out to have a fun, challenging day at a reasonable cost to participants. Entry fees are R 350 each. The fee will include your conservancy entry fee valued at R 50. Support tables during the race, extensive route marking, and a medical support team on hand, attending marshals and overall timing and publishing of times of participants. Split times and transition times will not be recorded officially. All those with triathlon watches are requested to record their own split times. The event will start at 7: 15 am strictly. Roadies will ride around the cradle area on open public roads. The route requires participants to turn left only (not crossing traffic at any point in time), with no stop streets and a shoulder 95% of the time, but is still on public roads open to normal traffic. Marshalls will be at every turn to assist with safety. This is the first event of its kind at the venue and participation is limit at 120 entries. Entries open on www.spectrumsport.co.za and will close on 26 OCTOBER 24:00 . For All events online price is R 350.00 . LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE REDHUB SHOP, FRIDAY 27 OCT (8AM-5PM), SAT 28 OCT (9AM-12AM) AND ON THE DAY AT CRADLE MOON FROM 5:45 AM. ALL LATE ENTRIES WILL BE R400 EVENT DETAILS: DATE: 29 OCTOBER 2017 VENUE: CRADLE MOON GAME LODGE http://cradlemoon.co.za/v2/contact/ EVENT DISTANCES : TRIATHLON: :1,5km Swim : 25km MTB/ 40km Road : 10 km Run DUATHLON: :4 km Run : 25km MTB/ 40km Road : 10 km Run ENTRIES LIMITED TO: 200 CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: 26 OCTOBER, 24h00 START TIME : 7: 15 AM RESULTS: www.spectrumsport.co.za REGISTRATION: REDHUB CYCLING SHOP, 1 SETPERK STREET, RANDBURG CLUB, RANDBURG, 27 OCTOBER FROM 8 TO 5 AND 28 OCTOBER FROM 9 AM TO 11 AM. AT EVENT 5:45 T0 6:30 AM. TO ENTER CLICK: www.spectrumsport.co.za ROUTE DESCRIPTION AND MAPS: 1.5KM SWIM: 25 km MTB ROUTE AND ELEVATION: 40 KM ROAD TT ROUTE AND ELEVATION: 10 km RUN ROUTE AND ELEVATION: Go to Event Page
  14. Event Name: Redhub Cradle Moon 6 In 1 Race Day When: 10 September 2017 Where: CRADLE MOON LAKE SIDE GAME LODGE, Gauteng Category: Road Redhub is hosting a 6 in 1 RACE DAY ON 10 SEPTEMBER 2017 . It will consists of a MTB race , and at the same time a Duathlon for Road and MTB Duathletes. In addition, we are keen to have a pure running option for Trail Runners. The Ideal opportunity for Triathletes and runners to stay in race shape and for Mountain Bikers to ride a fun , but also competitive race over 25 or 50 kilometres of pristine Cradle Moon tracks. DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND a MTB race and a Trail Run will form part of this EVENT!!! The venue is Cradle Moon lake Side Game Lodge (previously known as Heia Safari Ranch) in the cradle of human kind. The venue is a mere 30 minutes’ drive from most areas in Johannesburg and Pretoria. The venue is tranquil, quiet and offer a bush experience complete with viewing game close up, a beautiful lake and facilities for the whole family. The date is 10 SEPTEMBER 2017, a run start for duathletes, the MTB race and Trail Run will start at the same time. After a 4km run for duathletes , the cycle leg will again be split where roadies will complete a 32km loop around the cradle and MTB riders will ride a challenging 25 km route inside the venue boundaries. The final 6 km run will again bring the disciplines together. The run is not too technical but tough and scenic. Specialist trail running shoes are not essential. This format gives the roadies a chance to experience a run, quite different from the typical road event. The MTB race will have a 25 km or 50km option and the trail run will have a 6km or 11km option. The goal is to have a day out for the family, push hard and test you form! Or use it as a training event. Or just have fun and experience the unique flavour of this format and environment. Hosting events are costly. Entry fees are becoming prohibitive in general. For this event, the organisers are setting out to have a fun, challenging day at a reasonable cost to participants. Entry fees are R 350 each for the Duathlon, MTB 50km R275, MTB 25 km R190 (Juniors R125) and the Trail Run R130. The fee will include your conservancy entry fee valued at R 50. Support tables during the race, extensive route marking, and a medical support team on hand, attending marshals and overall timing and publishing of times of participants. All spectators must pay a R30 Conservancy Fee at the Cradle Moon Lakeside Game Lodge gate. Split times and transition times will not be recorded officially. All those with sport watches are requested to record their own split times. The event will start at 7: 45 am strictly. Results will be will be published on the Spectrum Sport Website. Medals will be given to Category winners. Roadies will ride around the cradle area on open public roads. The route requires participants to turn left only (not crossing traffic at any point in time), with no stop streets and a shoulder 95% of the time, but is still on public roads open to normal traffic. Marshalls will be at every turn to assist with safety. Entries open on the Redhub online store. http://redhub.co.za/products/events/ EVENT DETAILS: https://www.cradlemoon.co.za/contact DATE: 10 SEPTEMBER 2017 VENUE: CRADLE MOON GAME LODGE EVENT DISTANCES DUATHLON : : 4 km Run :16 km MTB/32 km Road :6 km Run MTB RACE : : 25 km : 50 km TRAIL RUN : : 6 km : 11 km CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: 9 SEPTEMBER 2017, 12h00 START TIME : 7:45 AM RESULTS: www.redhub.co.za REGISTRATION: REDHUB CYCLING SHOP, 1 SETPERK STREET, RANDBURG CLUB, RANDBURG, 8 SEPTEMBER 2017. 8AM TO 5 PM, SATURDAY 9 SEPTEMBER 9AM T0 11 AM. AT EVENT 6 h 30 T0 7 h 00 AM. TO ENTER and BUY your ENTRY, FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW TO THE REDHUB ONLINE STORE, CLICK ON EVENTS, SELECT YOUR RELEVANT EVENT FROM: MTB MTB DUATHLON , ROAD DUATHLON , TRAIL RUN CLICK ON THE ENTRY FOR YOUR AGE CATEGORY AND MAKE PAYMENT(NO AGE GROUPING FOR TRAIL RUN) FIRST TIME USERS WILL HAVE TO REGISTER ON THE ONLINE STORE CLICK: http://redhub.co.za/products/events/ Go to Event Page
  15. Event Name: RedHub Cradle Moon 6 In 1 Race Day When: 10 September 2017 Where: CRADLE MOON LAKE SIDE GAME LODGE, Gauteng Category: MTB Redhub is hosting a 6 in 1 RACE DAY ON 10 SEPTEMBER 2017 . It will consists of a MTB race , and at the same time a Duathlon for Road and MTB Duathletes. In addition, we are keen to have a pure running option for Trail Runners. The Ideal opportunity for Triathletes and runners to stay in race shape and for Mountain Bikers to ride a fun , but also competitive race over 25 or 50 kilometres of pristine Cradle Moon tracks. DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND a MTB race and a Trail Run will form part of this EVENT!!! The venue is Cradle Moon lake Side Game Lodge (previously known as Heia Safari Ranch) in the cradle of human kind. The venue is a mere 30 minutes’ drive from most areas in Johannesburg and Pretoria. The venue is tranquil, quiet and offer a bush experience complete with viewing game close up, a beautiful lake and facilities for the whole family. The date is 10 SEPTEMBER 2017, a run start for duathletes, the MTB race and Trail Run will start at the same time. After a 4km run for duathletes , the cycle leg will again be split where roadies will complete a 32km loop around the cradle and MTB riders will ride a challenging 25 km route inside the venue boundaries. The final 6 km run will again bring the disciplines together. The run is not too technical but tough and scenic. Specialist trail running shoes are not essential. This format gives the roadies a chance to experience a run, quite different from the typical road event. The MTB race will have a 25 km or 50km option and the trail run will have a 6km or 11km option. The goal is to have a day out for the family, push hard and test you form! Or use it as a training event. Or just have fun and experience the unique flavour of this format and environment. Hosting events are costly. Entry fees are becoming prohibitive in general. For this event, the organisers are setting out to have a fun, challenging day at a reasonable cost to participants. Entry fees are R 350 each for the Duathlon, MTB 50km R275, MTB 25 km R190 (Juniors R125) and the Trail Run R130. The fee will include your conservancy entry fee valued at R 50. Support tables during the race, extensive route marking, and a medical support team on hand, attending marshals and overall timing and publishing of times of participants. All spectators must pay a R30 Conservancy Fee at the Cradle Moon Lakeside Game Lodge gate. Split times and transition times will not be recorded officially. All those with sport watches are requested to record their own split times. The event will start at 7: 45 am strictly. Results will be will be published on the Spectrum Sport Website. Medals will be given to Category winners. Roadies will ride around the cradle area on open public roads. The route requires participants to turn left only (not crossing traffic at any point in time), with no stop streets and a shoulder 95% of the time, but is still on public roads open to normal traffic. Marshalls will be at every turn to assist with safety. Entries open on the Redhub online store. http://redhub.co.za/products/events/ EVENT DETAILS: https://www.cradlemoon.co.za/contact DATE: 10 SEPTEMBER 2017 VENUE: CRADLE MOON GAME LODGE EVENT DISTANCES DUATHLON : : 4 km Run :16 km MTB/32 km Road :6 km Run MTB RACE : : 25 km : 50 km TRAIL RUN : : 6 km : 11 km CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: 9 SEPTEMBER 2017, 12h00 START TIME : 7:45 AM RESULTS: www.redhub.co.za REGISTRATION: REDHUB CYCLING SHOP, 1 SETPERK STREET, RANDBURG CLUB, RANDBURG, 8 SEPTEMBER 2017. 8AM TO 5 PM, SATURDAY 9 SEPTEMBER 9AM T0 11 AM. AT EVENT 6 h 30 T0 7 h 00 AM. TO ENTER and BUY your ENTRY, FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW TO THE REDHUB ONLINE STORE, CLICK ON EVENTS, SELECT YOUR RELEVANT EVENT FROM: MTB MTB DUATHLON , ROAD DUATHLON , TRAIL RUN CLICK ON THE ENTRY FOR YOUR AGE CATEGORY AND MAKE PAYMENT(NO AGE GROUPING FOR TRAIL RUN) FIRST TIME USERS WILL HAVE TO REGISTER ON THE ONLINE STORE CLICK: http://redhub.co.za/products/events/ Go to Event Page
  16. Event Name: REDHUB CRADLE MOON 6 In 1 RACE DAY When: 13 August 2017 Where: CRADLE MOON LAKE SIDE LODGE, Gauteng Category: MTB Support this initiative! The only one of its kind. The six in one takes advantage of a day out, racing in your discipline of choice in the best setting available in central Gauteng. The purest mountain bikers can compete in a separate race from the duathletes and the purest Trail runners can compete in a separate event from the duathletes. The Idea is however to develop an annual series of seven sporting days out during the calendar year at Cradle Moon where nature and game is being preserved and conserved. All just a twenty minute drive away in the heart of the cradle. Although racing and competing completely separately, the different sport codes and purists are getting a good understanding of each other’s disciplines and options. Duathletes are choosing MTB or road and are getting a taste of some solid trail running in the running legs and MTB duathletes are getting a taste of The MTB routes , after starting in completely separate starting batches. Each entry fee is contributing R50 to conservancy. Entry fees are kept on par with that of a typical golf game, rather than being excessive. Beginners are as welcome as the experienced with many options open to participants. During summer time , October , November and December, duathlon will be replaced by Triathlon. Dates for future events are this next one on 13 August! Then look out for 10 September , 29 October, 10 December. (October and December events will incorporate Triathlons.). READ MORE: /http://redhub.co.za/2017/06/redhub-cradle-moon-6-1-race-day-13-august-2017/ EVENT DETAILS: DATE: 13 August VENUE: CRADLE MOON GAME LODGE http://cradlemoon.co.za/v2/contact/ EVENT DISTANCES DUATHLON : : 4 km Run :16 km MTB/32 km Road :6 km Run MTB RACE : : 25 km : 50 km TRAIL RUN : : 6 km : 11 km CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: 12 August, 12h00 START TIME : 7:45 AM RESULTS: www.redhub.co.za REGISTRATION: REDHUB CYCLING SHOP, 1 SETPERK STREET, RANDBURG CLUB, RANDBURG, TO ENTER and BUY your ENTRY, FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW TO THE REDHUB ONLINE STORE, CLICK ON EVENTS, SELECT YOUR RELEVANT EVENT FROM: 1. MTB 2. MTB DUATHLON , 3. ROAD DUATHLON , 4. TRAIL RUNCLICK ON THE ENTRY FOR YOUR AGE CATEGORY AND MAKE PAYMENT(NO AGE GROUPING FOR TRAIL RUN) FIRST TIME USERS WILL HAVE TO REGISTER ON THE ONLINE STORE CLICK: http://redhub.co.za/products/events/ ROUTE DESCRIPTION AND MAPS: WILL BE UPLOADED SHORTLY Go to Event Page
  17. Event Name: Redhub Cradlemoon 5 In 1 Triathlon/duathlon When: 30 April 2017 Where: CRADLE MOON GAME AND LAKE SIDE LODGE, Gauteng Category: MTB Redhub is hosting its second event. This time a 5 IN 1 Triathlon/Duathlon for both MTB and road athletes to take part in one event where we are combining both disciplines. A relay for teams will also be available this time!! DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND a Duathlon will form part of this EVENT!!! The venue is Cradle Moon lake Side Game Lodge (previously known as Heia Safari Ranch) in the cradle of human kind. The venue is a mere 30 minutes’ drive from most areas in Johannesburg and Pretoria. The venue is tranquil, quiet and offer a bush experience complete with viewing game close up, a beautiful lake and facilities for the whole family. The date is 30 April 2017, the triathlon is over challenging but relatively short distances with some unique and fun differences from the norm. A swim start for triathletes and a run start for duathletes at the same time will get the ball rolling. After a 1 km swim for triathletes and a 3 km run for duathletes , the cycle leg will again be split where roadies will complete a 32km loop around the cradle and MTB riders will ride a challenging 16 km route inside the venue boundaries. The final 5 km run will again bring the disciplines together. The run is not too technical but tough and scenic. Specialist trail running shoes are not essential. This format gives the roadies a chance to experience a run, quite different from the typical road event. The goal is to have a day out for the family, push hard and test you form! Or use it as a training event. Or just have fun and experience the unique flavour of this format and environment. Hosting events are costly. Entry fees are becoming prohibitive in general. For this event, the organisers are setting out to have a fun, challenging day at a reasonable cost to participants. Entry fees are R 350 each. TEAM RELAY Entry R600 per team. The fee will include your conservancy entry fee valued at R 50. Support tables during the race, extensive route marking, and a medical support team on hand, attending marshals and overall timing and publishing of times of participants. Split times and transition times will not be recorded officially. All those with triathlon watches are requested to record their own split times. The event will start at 7 am strictly and end times will be published on the Redhub Website. Roadies will ride around the cradle area on open public roads. The route requires participants to turn left only (not crossing traffic at any point in time), with no stop streets and a shoulder 95% of the time, but is still on public roads open to normal traffic. Marshalls will be at every turn to assist with safety. Entries will be open on the online Redhub online store from 20 March and will close on Saturday, 29 April, 12h00. EVENT DETAILS: DATE: 30 APRIL 2017 VENUE: CRADLE MOON GAME LODGE http://cradlemoon.co.za/v2/contact/ EVENT DISTANCES TRIATHLON : :1 km Swim : 16km MTB/ 32km Road : 5 km Run EVENT DISTANCES DUATHLON : : 3 km Run :16km MTB/32km Road :5km Run CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: 21 April 2017, 12h00 START TIME : 7:45 AM RESULTS: www.redhub.co.za REGISTRATION: REDHUB CYCLING SHOP, 1 SETPERK STREET, RANDBURG CLUB, RANDBURG, 27 AND 28 APRIL 2017. 8AM TO 5 PM, SATURDAY 29 APRIL 9AM T0 1 PM. AT EVENT 6 T0 7 AM. TO ENTER and BUY your ENTRY, FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW TO THE REDHUB ONLINE STORE, CLICK ON EVENTS, SELECT YOUR RELEVANT EVENT FROM: TRIATHLON ROAD, TRIATHLON MTB, DUATHLON ROAD, DUATHLON MTB, TEAM TRIATHLON RELAY CLICK ON THE ENTRY FOR YOUR AGE CATEGORY AND MAKE PAYMENT(NO AGE GROUPING FOR TEAM TRIATHLON) FIRST TIME USERS WILL HAVE TO REGISTER ON THE ONLINE STORE CLICK: http://redhub.co.za/products/events/ ROUTE DESCRIPTION AND MAPS: 1KM SWIM: 16 km MTB ROUTE AND ELEVATION: http://redhub.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/MTB-Profile-1000x201.jpg 32 KM ROAD TT ROUTE AND ELEVATION: http://redhub.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Road-Profile-1000x201.jpg 5km RUN ROUTE AND ELEVATION: http://redhub.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Run-Profile-1000x201.jpg Go to Event Page
  18. Event Name: REDHUB CRADLE MOON MTB TRIATHLON When: 5 March 2017 Where: Cradle Moon Lake Game Lodge, Gauteng Category: MTB Calling all Road and MTB triathletes. Redhub is launching a dual triathlon for both MTB off-road triathletes and road Triathletes to take part in one event where we are combining both disciplines. The venue is Cradle Moon lake Side Game Lodge (previously known as Heia Safari Ranch) in the cradle of human kind. The venue is a mere 30 minutes’ drive from most areas in Johannesburg and Pretoria. The venue is tranquil, quiet and offer a bush experience complete with viewing game close up, a beautiful lake and facilities for the whole family. The date is 5 March 2017, the triathlon is over challenging but relatively short distances with some unique and fun differences from the norm. For a start the course will combine a swim start for roadies and MTB participants. The cycle leg will be split where roadies will complete a 32km loop around the cradle and MTB riders will ride a challenging 16 km route inside the venue boundaries. The run will again bring the two disciplines together with a 5 km off-road run for both disciplines. The run is not too technical but quite tough and scenic. Specialist trail running shoes are not essential. This format gives the roadies a chance to experience a run, quite different from the typical road event. The goal is to have a day out for the family, push hard and test you form! Or use it as a training event. Or just have fun and experience the unique flavour of this format and environment. Hosting events are costly. Entry fees are becoming prohibitive in general. For this event, the organisers are setting out to have a fun, challenging day at a reasonable cost to participants. Entry fees are R 300 each. The fee will include your conservancy entry fee valued at R 50. Support tables during the race, extensive route marking, and a medical support team on hand, attending marshals and overall timing and publishing of times of participants. Split times and transition times will not be recorded officially. All those with triathlon watches are requested to record their own split times. The event will start at 7 am strictly and end times will be published on the Redhub Website. Roadies will ride around the cradle area on open public roads. The route requires participants to turn left only (not crossing traffic at any point in time), with no stop streets and a shoulder 95% of the time, but is still on public roads open to normal traffic. Marshalls will be at every turn to assist with safety. This is the first event of its kind at the venue and participation is limit at 120 entries. Entries will be open on the online Redhub online store from 1 February and will close on Saturday 4 March 2017 at 12h00. EVENT DETAILS: DATE: 5 MARCH 2017 VENUE: CRADLE MOON GAME LODGE http://cradlemoon.co.za/v2/contact/ EVENT DISTANCES : :1 km Swim : 16km MTB/ 32km Road : 5 km Run ENTRIES LIMITED TO: 120 CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: 21 FEBRUARY 2017 START TIME : 7AM RESULTS: www.redhub.co.za REGISTRATION: REDHUB CYCLING SHOP, 1 SETPERK STREET, RANDBURG CLUB, RANDBURG, 2 AND 3 MARCH 2017. 8AM TO 5 PM, SATURDAY 4 MARCH 9AM T0 1 PM. AT EVENT 5:30 T0 6:30 AM. TO ENTER and BUY your ENTRY, FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW TO THE REDHUB ONLINE STORE, CLICK ON EVENTS, FIND YOUR EVENT FOR EITHER ROAD OR MTB AND CLICK ON THE ENTRY FOR YOUR AGE CATEGORY AND MAKE PAYMENT (FIRST TIME USERS WILL HAVE TO REGISTER ON THE ONLINE STORE) Go to Event Page
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