I recently returned from living abroad for 13 years and during my time abroad made a lot of Cycling contacts so I thought it only natural to share my knowledge and contacts with local youth in Cape Town. I was then urged by the club to get involved firstly in the Region then into the Western Cape. A new Western Cape committee was formed early in August where I was duly elected as the Transformation and Development officer and its was also decided that I would be the Western Cape,s delegate to run for the vacant Vice-Presidents position. This entailed running against a candidate that has been involved in SA cycling for many many years so realistically I didn't have a chance. Incidentally the same person holds the position of Road Director and Chief National Team Selector and is now the Vice-President. But here is what I would like readers to know........I was flown to PMB (Mountain World Champs) to attend a special general meeting where the election for the new Vice-Presidents position was to take place.It was know before the meeting started that my colleague and I would be late and that the meeting was to be postponed until we arrived.......bearing in mind the Financial Director of CSA booked the tickets, car hire and accommodation all provided by CSA. However before we reached PMB the election had taken place and the meeting concluded with the new Vice-President elected. The reason given to me was that CSA misinterpreted their own constitution and that it was not necessary for me to attend. So over 10k of Cyclists money was wasted on flying us all the way to PMB. The reason have written this article is because I recently organized a trip for 6 youngsters to go and race in Ireland without a cent funding from any regional,provincial or National body.Juniors who recently attended the Track World Champs had to pay for their own trip to represent their country.........I can guarantee you that this does not happen with Rugby,Cricket and Soccer. The Board of the CSA is really not reflective of diverse nature of SA and his run like a Mafia.......My colleague who was supposed to attend the meeting with me has since be suspended from all Cycling Activities until a disciplinary hearing for writing a letter to the UCI outlining the state of Cycling in SA . This might not affect many readers but if you have kids coming through the Cycling ranks in SA or are an elite rider with ambitions of representing SA then this is for you. I will now probably also be disciplined for Cycling into disrepute......... I will let you all be the Judge of that....... Regards Gerald Francis