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  1. Hi Dale, thank you for those words. I've made numerous attempts, but the issue lies in dealing with people who are excessively arrogant. They never believe they're in the wrong; instead believing it must be you who is wrong. Consequently, my feedback on this matter fell on deaf ears. Moreover, I believe the more feedback you give them, the more convinced they become of your supposed wrongness. Hence, I suggested the establishment of an institute catering for beginner to intermediate cyclists, treating them with enthusiasm and relevant respect.
  2. I've been involved with the institute for over 20 years for various reasons, including injury rehabilitation, long-term training when I raced in Europe, and numerous bike fittings. However, my experience with the institute has been somewhat tainted not by the quality of their scientific approach, but rather by the attitude of the individuals in charge. I've always believed that arrogance leads to ignorance – when someone thinks they know everything, they close themselves off to new learning opportunities. Unfortunately, the majority of the individuals running the institute exhibit this arrogance, particularly towards cyclists, especially beginners and intermediates who share the same passion for the sport as professionals. Fortunately, I've had the privilege of coaching at another institute with a vibrant community of 6500 mountain biking members, and my sentiments are echoed throughout this club. It's disheartening to see such disregard for customers' opinions and feedback, resulting in frequent mistakes not due to incompetence but rather an unwillingness to listen. Chris, my critique extends beyond just the bike fitting department. However, my last bike fitting experience with them was particularly disappointing. The technician seemed rushed and indifferent to my concerns, leading to an overtightened head tube bearing which ultimately caused damage. I'm curious, did you have a successful bike fitting experience?
  3. My statement is based on over 20 years of experience with this professional organization. From injury rehabilitation to long-term training when I raced in Europe, and numerous bike fittings, I've been fortunate to coach at an organization boasting over 6500 mountain bike members, many of whom share my sentiments. I am, therefore, simply reflecting on many years of experience. The reason I've engaged with them for so long (before you ask) is that at the time, there were few other options available. Additionally, I hoped that over time, the individuals managing the cycling division would mature and improve. Essentially, I hoped they would become more respectful in their dealings with cyclists. Unfortunately, it seems to have deteriorated as they hire and train new staff who emulate their behavior. It's disheartening to witness such a brilliant institute treating the cycling industry, particularly beginners and intermediate cyclists, with disrespect, considering that 95% of the industry comprises these individuals, who possess as much love and passion for the sport as anyone else. There's a pressing need for a similar institute focused on supporting and enhancing the experiences of these types of cyclists. Fortunately, there are now many alternatives run by individuals who treat their clients with dignity.
  4. I presume that your original personal attack on me implies that you are involved in sports science. The attitude suits the institute
  5. "Ineffective" not sure how auto spell achived that. I apologize that you were unable to resolve it independently.
  6. Unfortunately their arrogance is so bad it actually makes them infective most of the time. It is a shame so much knowledge, and wasted on arrogance and ego.
  7. Trust me that won't help.
  8. I am looking for a partner to race the Sabie Experience with me. Male or Female. Im looking for someone who is fit, I would like to ride it hard but not 100% The entry we be covered by me. Please let me know if anyone is keen. you can WhatsApp me on 0721788558 Regards Jurgen
  9. Nope too busy buying bikes the one next the trance is a Dogma cool hay
  10. Road bike are different as they dont have to go through the same hardship. Actually my favorite bike was a giant anthem (MTB) i loved it and i am still sorry i sold it. I am comenting on the Giants top of the range bikes and in paticluar the Trance advance.
  11. Sorry I will get my Lawyer to right it next time.
  12. What i did not do is attach a photo of the bike ring which is hardly damaged to prove that did not happen. Find attached I have R 250 000. worth of biks in my garage i dont need to beg for a spare part.
  13. I can assure you at R 65 000.00 it is no Prank !!!!!!
  14. The Giant came out with a really poor seat post with a clamp attached to it which did not clamp properly to the saddle and as a result after a couple of rides the saddle would tilt up and down. Giant them selves admitted it was a design floor.
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