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Everything posted by Demetri

  1. 29er is allready advantage over 26er. Fitness not where i want to be, i do alot of trail running and not so much road running. Weight 62kg 1.8 length (skinny dude). Yes i considder myself fit. I can ride a bike and i can ride the hell out of it (guys be like WTF when i pass them). Setup is pretty standard with good components that suit my riding style. Thanks for your input.
  2. How is the climbing on the 34 with 1146 cassette? With my current setup 32T 1142 cassette i hardly to never touch the 42. I normally make use of the 37 for climbing also depending how steep it is.
  3. Please let me know how it feel and your input on it. Thanks
  4. Haha...I like the Straight forward answer. Thanks mate.
  5. So i've ordered my oval 34T along with 1146XT Cassette and new chain and now i'm just starring at it. Did i make the right decision in going with a 34T seeing im on 32T round at the moment with 1142 cassette.....shouldnt i have gotten the 32T rather? Interesting read on some forums and youtube and the guys complaining about the oval messing up their clutch and all sorts of derailleur problems. How true is this? This oval thing really got me excited and now i'm more confuse after parts arrived. Input needed and thanks.
  6. Yes meant 1150..thanx for correcting me.
  7. Also running direct mount but lyne pulse. Decided to go for the 34T oval. Currently running 32T direct round chainring with 1142 at the back. 1050 Sunrace or 1146 XT soon to be on.
  8. Im Sold. Thanx guys. Just ordered one locally at www.lynecomponents.com great team and always getting great service from them. Will see and give feedback once on.
  9. Thank you all for your input. I will give the oval a go and see how i like it.
  10. Good feedback. I have read that it somehow put less strain on your knees, how true is that? I'm coming from Patella Tendinitis or i'm still battling with it because of trail running which i still do. I can do easy 100km on the MTB with slightest of knee pain that doesnt force me to stop.
  11. Thanx. Appreciated. I'm thinking of sticking to Lyne Pulse and getting from them. Reason why is that it's soft on my pockets and won't break the bank:).
  12. Good day hubbers. I am in the process of upgrading my chainring. Currently im running a Lyne Pulse crank with 32T round chainring and 11 42 Cassette. I am strong on the climbs so the combination is good. What i found out is im out of gears on the flats and the slightest of downhill. I want to get a 34T chainring to remedy this. I now am stuck at getting a Oval chanring or a Round chainring. Any input would be much appreciated. Oh i'm on a hardtail.
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