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Everything posted by Cradlelandowner

  1. I am a resident of the cradle and do not cycle but you may be interested in my perspective. We purchased in the area for the peace and quite and because we own horses which we keep on the property. When the initial proposal was made to tar the Kromdraai road and include a cycling lane we were most supportive of the proposal thinking that it would be used for families and tourism. Cyclists should have complimented the values which we moved to area for. Regretably this has not been the case. The roads over weekends are taken over by "professional" cyclists training for races. The cyclists do not remain in the cycling lane and often ride as many as 4 and 5 abreast. The origin of this topic is specifically as a result of the cyclist not abiding by the rule of the road and the compainent has admitted as such on this forum. How then can he complain? Cyclists remember that you are entering our area, it may be a pubic road but an argument can be made that your use of the road for training for races does not constitute a legal use of the road and there are many members of the community who are now so up in arms that an attempt could well be made to ban cyclists from the area which doesnt serve anyones interests. Our impression of cyclists is that you are a bunch of hooligans and this is reinforced by the bad driving habits dispayed by drivers with bikes hooked on their tow bar or on the roof. In general residents will be welcoming of anyone using our area responsibly. Work with us, behave responsibly and you will find a completely different attitude.
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