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  1. Hi there's really not much else to be said I'm don't give a **** about Chris Bhota to be honest I'm more interested in the next guy or lady who finds themselves in the same predicament if you saw the look in his face when we bumped into him at the hospital then you'd understand why I think he was talking rubarb he could have jumped into my pocket he looked really surprised and embarrassed all said to him was hey you beat us here! Lol
  2. Hi to all who ride especially the DH guys and ladies and thanks for your good wishes! Well I'm the rider who crashed Saturday evening and I ride Tokai often and know the DH track well! I have had my fair share of crashes and the crash on Saturday wasn't that bad I just went off line when I landed the jump after the rock jump that veers off to the right and ended up in the vynbos and before I knew it my front wheel hit something and I went head first into the ground breaking my left wrist and dislocating my left shoulder which I popped in myself. This is when things got **** as the SOS number was a waste of time as goldencycles has already said I managed to free wheel back down and even if I had called an ambulance according to Chris Bhota there was no key for the boom but when we got to his house he was outside and said someone had brought him a key but we obviously dont need it and politely apologised which I believe was just to cover his ass! So off we go after arranging someone to fetch my bakkie and arriving at Constantiaberg I turn to my mate and we both realise its Chris! At the emergency entrance helping a lady who definitely needed that ride more than me as she broke her hip! My 1st concern is safety and so I do ride with all the protective gear necessary as to minimise the risk but when I needed help most there was none! Apart from my friend. I have a permit that's valid and feel that SANPARKS and the people who manage the trails should do some serious planning and come up with a solution i.e. An emergency number and service that can respond in this sort of situation! My friend tried desperately to help me and was powerless with regards to support from Chris or the emergency number but didn't give up until I was admitted into hospital! What a mate! There are many supportive riders and professionals who given the opportunity could solve this but Tokai has such a bad reputation for red tape. I am going for an operation tomorrow as I need to have a steel plate put into my wrist and possibly wire and also have my shoulder properly relocated in the socket! DH all the way like a friend of mine says pay the piper and ride till you die! I hope I will be able to ride DH still but encourage anyone who does so to be as safe as possible and always ride with a friend!
  3. Hi to all who ride especially the DH guys and ladies and thanks for your good wishes! Well I'm the rider who crashed Saturday evening and I ride Tokai often and know the DH track well! I have had my fair share of crashes and the crash on Saturday wasn't that bad I just went off line when I landed the jump after the rock jump that veers off to the right and ended up in the vynbos and before I knew it my front wheel hit something and I went head first into the ground breaking my left wrist and dislocating my left shoulder which I popped in myself. This is when things got **** as the SOS number was a waste of time as goldencycles has already said I managed to free wheel back down and even if I had called an ambulance according to Chris Bhota there was no key for the boom but when we got to his house he was outside and said someone had brought him a key but we obviously dont need it and politely apologised which I believe was just to cover his ass! So off we go after arranging someone to fetch my bakkie and arriving at Constantiaberg I turn to my mate and we both realise its Chris! At the emergency entrance helping a lady who definitely needed that ride more than me as she broke her hip!
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