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  1. Race is not a card you pull out of a deck like the Joker you are., its real, it is so deep rooted in this society, it's stink is still everywhere. People wish to brush it under the carpet, pretend it doesn't exist, you are delusional. It will take 2 generations to undo what happened to our country. We forgive, we dont forget. And we dont pussyfoot around it either. If we fail to see it for what it is, how do we get better. When you sit at your desk, or workplace, how do you feel about the black manager, or black supervisor, or black CFO. Who has a black attorney, or a black accountant, or a black doctor or dentist. If you think BEE is bad, or the quota system in SARU is bad, or having flushing toilets are bad, you have issues. Its ok to say we arent, At least I know I have issues, i am not in denial. The tragedy comes about when its not recognized in yourself. The next time a black rider waves at you on the road, will you wave back. Or you sitting at the local coffee shop, and some black riders come in, do you welcome them to your table, do you acknowledge them even. The cycling fraternity has so much potential, we need the support of everyone to ensure safe roads, good etiquette and so forth. It requires a change of attitude. And that does not mean we ignore it. Address it, deal with it, get beyond it but dont ignore it. To Lucmcann, thanks, enjoy your weekend as well. Be safe. To Brogue and Krispy creme or whatever, get stuffed
  2. You dont have to agree with me, You dont have to like what I say either. But the truth will set you free. And its been ugly since the 3rd post. Dont be so self righteous
  3. ADMIN, have a look at this thread, read this readers comments, and then tell me why this "Ultimate Hubber" wasnt shut down for his demeanour. It been riddled with rhetoric, veiled threats of abuse, abuse, name calling, taunts etc. He even promised to have his more abusive friend get in on it.
  4. At no point did I call you a racist. I said you had an agenda. The results of which brought about this thread,the inferences, the subtle aggression the abuse, the name calling et al. Being born out of SA , good for you. That applies to you only. The rest of the responses to YOUR OP was lined with trash talk, nothing constructive at all. You feel you are entitled to tell me I have deep rooted issues, that need resolution, an Master gonna hep me get fixed. Bugger off, you call Brogue, his mate King Crispy or what ever he threatens us with, we all have demons to deal with here. This forum can be used for more positive ends, but like everything else, it goes in the crapper. Who is to blame. The riders, the A Holes, the morons, the noobs, the tjop We share the road, we want it safe for everyone. Agreed. The sense of entitlement still lingers. I say it like it is. Many of the repondents here need to reflect on the words used, throughout. You can almost see the racial bias in the responses. its typical, "how dare he", "those people" , "I told you so" have you friend you want to have help me read this, and disagree with my point of view. and no one has called me out on it.
  5. No I am not. And I didnt start the insults, that happened a long time ago
  6. Thats right ADMIN, shut it down, the noob isnt listening and behaving like master wants. And I am the name caller. What has my demeanour been like, u want to imho like u want. What arrogance. Btw, I dont spend my life on the hub forums, but In this case I am making an exception
  7. You cant send me to the naughty corner. Has this been a debate, you funny guy. Racism, however subtle you want to disguise it, is still racism. Call me a liar. Chip on my shoulder, seems a bit hypocritical coming and rich coming from you. Oh wait, yougonna tell me how many black friends you have next. Persona non grata yourself.
  8. Read carefully, after the OP, its been nothing but assumptions
  9. Its been a race issue from the beginning, im just calling it out. Interesting thought though, you never told me I was lying either. Just saying
  10. But am I telling the truth as it is, or not. Calling it as I see it. And it is regrettable indeed, the incident, the OP, and everything else that followed. I guess neither of you experienced any form of racism ever, so you're in no position to even identify it. There was a clear agenda, job done. And u get to say "those people" when you hang with your mates.
  11. You had your rant, ctg reponds, you dowhat you set out to do anyways, which is report them to ppa. So the club gets a soiled reputation, and smeared in this monkey court, the whities all get to feel good about themselves again, and continue the I told u so attitude. No excuses for poor road ettiquete, but u set out with an agenda, so job done. Move on
  12. Dude, there is no pleasing you, they call the meeting, dont call ameeting, delay the meeting. There is a hint of prejudice inthis thread, dare I say it, racist. I'm gonna say it, you're a white guy, they are oloured, you're used to being in charge, they taking over . Give it a rest.
  13. I dont need any thanks, it was lucky I was admiring the bike, and the guy riding didnt fit, no helmet, cleats, gloves etc. When he spotted me looking at him, he tried to get away, crashing on a traffic Island. Was really lucky there was a police van parked outside the Kenilworth race track entrance on Wetton road. The skelm tried to ditch the bike on the field behind Wynberg Sports Club, cops and I followed him in there. Skelm claims its a friend of his, who asked him to go buy him Buttons (Mandrax) with the bike. bike and skelm loaded into police van and taken to Wynberg Police Station. He still denies its stolen.
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