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Posts posted by AMid

  1. Evening all, Fairly new to forums. Be gentle ????

    A riding buddy has a query:


    How much does MTB bike weight affect/matter to the general intermediate rider ? More cross country / marathon type riding mainly.


    My mate is in the market for a new bike, He's a large human at 6ft4 & 103kgs and a budget limiting him to aluminium frames only.


    He recons he could drop a further 5-8kgs personally. Some people advising carbon / some aluminum.


    Would he notice much difference?

  2. Hi Madbradd, my first frame that went was a 2013 anthem, the warranty frame issued then was a 2017 which has now cracked as well....so ya, I'd rather move away from the brand entirely then risk a broken frame at 60km per hour on a gravel road ????????????????....I can think of more fun things to do ????

  3. Thanks guys, but yes I am on a super long seatpost already, it's at least 5 inches inside the tube and well below the join at the top bar. Have warranteed them but considering moving away from the brand anyhow. Was more wondering if certain brands were possibly stronger than others. Yes, I believe they have had some design flaws , cracked seat post tube seems common .........eish

  4. I'm also 105kg, and have riden anything from carbon xc bikes, to 160mm enduro bikes, to road bikes and gravel bikes. Never any issies because of the weight - so I am gonna go ahead and say it'a not that. You are not that heavy....


    But, you are tall. Very tall. So I am also going to guess that your seatposts are extended very far out of the frame. Post a pic of your bike? What this probably means is that you have very little seatpost in your frame which is probably where you will find your frames have cracked.


    General rule of thumb is to have at least 10cm of seatpost insertion, bit at yout height and weight I'd want more in the frame.


    So if the above is the case - you have 2 options, look for a super long seatpost (some droppers are over 50cm long), or look for a bike with a high seat tube. Unfortunately with the way bikes are going seat tubes are getting lower to accomodate longer travel dropper posts - so option 1 is going to be easiest (and cheapest).


    But anyway, post a pic of the bike and where it cracked and take some measurements to see how much seatpost you have in the frame - I' curious to see if what I described is the case...

  5. Hi All


    TOTAL newbie to this forum story (I'm sure I probably stuffed this up :)

    Im looking for new bike advice pls.

    I prefer mainly marathon type riding, maybe 10% trails.

    I've had two alloy Giant Anthems, both bikes ended up with cracked seat post tubes, just above the top bar join. Super frustrating.....

    I'm 105kgs and 1.95cm tall, so not a little human....

    Any constructive advise would be HIGHLY appreciated like brand / size etc.

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