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  1. Hi all, wanted to just share a heads up for cyclists on the spruit near alberts farm. A colleague was held up at gunpoint this morning. Garmin watch was taken, fortunately nothing else. I believe it was between 6 and 7, this is the location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/26%C2%B008'51.7%22S+28%C2%B000'00.5%22E/@-26.1476944,27.9995917,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d-26.1476888!4d28.000147 was assisted by other cyclists shortly after the incident.
  2. I think 7.5 with the powertap and no bottles / bags.
  3. "Overkitted"
  4. Damn, posting this here feels a little out of place with all the MTBs....
  5. quick question, there was also a draw for 5 x USN shopping vouchers, did that happen?
  6. well done both, have a blast there.
  7. Not in the conditions, have emailed the contact address to find out, will post a reply here.
  8. Damnit!! I just read this in the Ts & Cs You are allowed to enter for both prizes of the competition and you may enter more than once given you follow the correct process to do so. So if I had 2 strava account and completed each of the challenges twice during each fortnight, I could have had additional entries, if I'm interpreting that correctly.....
  9. I think it becomes 50% after the first draw even.
  10. Explain more... Would 2 chances of 0.4 not give you twice 0.8, i.e twice as likely as 1 x 0.4% chance? If there's 2 people entered in the draw the its 2/2 = 100%. With 4 ppl, it would be 50%? or would it be 1 in 4 (25%) and then 1 in 3 (33%) so then added odds are 58%? This is bugging me more than it should. Probably should have paid more attention during stats lectures. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  11. 0.83% change of weeening wena.
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