The short version: This is the story of a Shova (dame) The bike her owner came to blame for everything that he never donePut her on a storeroom shelf But at one time he could have been Champion of the world (with apologies to Dylan/Darby) The long version: Was very happy with my GT IDXC (in go-faster red) and thoroughly enjoying the provincial XC and Marathon series (used to maintain fitness) between the extended off-road tours that I favour. Then I saw a virginal Morewood Shova and realised it was time, GT was now three years old and although still in perfect condition - well you know the feeling. LBS built her (funny that, since the GT was always a bloke) up, as per my spec. What a gal! Had two outings and then for various reasons didn't ride again for two months. Next ride I was generally out of sorts! What's happened? Aha, new bike must be to blame, right? So I compared it to the GT and set about fettling, "that'll fix it" said Jim. Stem first; angled down and 10m longer. Feels faster already. Bars; reduce width and change sweepback. Compare to GT, that's a match. Seatpost setback; check. Fork stiffness and rebound; check. A short ride thru' the cane and my position feels more like the GT. Very different suspension feel, but hey, a firm rear end is always desirable, right? Next time out was a multi-day trip through Eastern Cape. Disaster! She wasn't the sweet young thing I'd fallen for, honeymoon over already! She wasn't at all suited to my touring :-( *&^% it, what a waste of money; put the bitch (see how fickle we males are) in the storeroom and went back to the GT. Fast forward two years. GT finally worn out, time for a new bike. insert smiley hand rubbing icon here. 'Hold on a minute' says usually understanding partner, 'what's wrong with the grey one hanging in the storeroom'? 'Grey one'? says I. Upon checking, the bitch hasn't changed colour, but such a layer of dust on her! Time for a thorough wash, reinstall all the original parts (stem, bars, seatpost, etc.), lube and sell. Job done, test ride and . . . . . . what's happened, where's the bitch? Spend a bit more time on the suspension and double check the recommended settings. Wow, she's back, can this be true? Only one way to be really sure: next day I load up for a two day trip, 160km in the Natal midlands that I've done before. Come rain, come shine (and it actually rained all day, both days) but Ms Shova shone. Did I mention my fickleness? 'Cos, I'm in love again.