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  1. Does anyone have any experience with gravity droppers? If so what size should one order?
  2. Thanks for all the help!!! Will recheck measurements with some help from the wife!!
  3. OK been on the competitive cycling website - did all the measurements and came up with the sizing I need-64-67cm bike-where does one find such a huge bike I have never seen a 67cm bike advertised!!! They also talk about the top tube measurement being the most important measurement and the 57cm raleigh has a top tube measuring 57.5 whereas I need a 58.6-60.2-is this raleigh then close enough???
  4. I am a relative newcomer to cycling and am wanting to get a road bike.So I need some help from you cycling gurus out there. I have in the past riden a trekk 220 that was a 56 cm frame and I must admit I felt ok on this bike but everybody said it was too small for me. I then rode on a 62cm bike which they said was the correct size but it did not feel as good as the smaller more nimble bike.(I am 1.97m tall)I felt like I was riding on stilts it was so big!!! What are the pro and cons to riding a frame size that is too small and adjusting the seat height accordingly?? I have seen a raleigh that is a large and need to know if this bike would be the right size or too small.
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