I wanted to inform you of our horrible experience on Saturday morning. Three of us went out for a quick 2,5 hours to be back home for the kids activities and some family time J<?: PREFIX = O /> We left Linden Cycles at around 05:30 for a fast and flat ride out via Newlands up to Ontdekkers, then right into Ontdekkers and all the way to Randfontein and back. Needless to say we did not get past Ontdekkers where it crosses the N1 highway! Just after we turned left into Ontdekkers and crossed the N1 highway at 05:50 (it was already light), two blacks standing next to the road, jumped into the road. One had a knife and one had a handgun. Two of us cycled through them as we did not 100% realised what was going on, but our third mate weren?t that lucky as they pushed him of his bicycle. The one with the knife got on the bicycle and raced off into the direction of Maraisburg (<?: PREFIX = ST1 />Soweto ? i.e. South) parallel in the side road next to the N1. The arrogant one with the firearm casually searched him whilst we were screaming from about 15 ? 20 meters. He took his celphone, money and energy bar?. The bottom line is that they stole one bicycle, my bicycle hit the sidewalk in the process and the frame broke? Luckily we are both insured but we need to stop these idiots!!! It was very, very painful as we are all big guys but totally helpless due to the situation. No one got hurt and we are all FINE, but what a sad day in South AfricaON>!!! The reason why I am writing to you is twofold, please spread the word to the clubs and secondly we need to create some kind of a HOT SPOT ALERT via the website or somewhere else to document these HI-JACKING HOT SPOTS? Your Thoughts? The one thing I am going to warn you about, is that these guys will be back! When the one ran away he stopped and pointed the gun in our direction and said that they will get us next time!!!! I weren?t aware that the scum of our society is now targeting road bicycles, as I knew about all the horrific MTB incidents but never before about a road bicycle?.. We are however with the help of some police friends launch an initiative to find these guys, because I do believe they will be taking someone out at the exact same spot? We will keep you informed! We are still waiting for the police to show after we phoned them twice?. Be aware!!! Best Regards, Jacques