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  1. Everything went smooth yesterday. Enjoyed the event. I was concerned that there was no marshal at the paarl circle controlling traffic from the right as we entered. Luckily the bakkie slowed down for us. My first ride with A guys, starting in A-B but I got spat out going up helshoogte...as expected though. Joined into lead C-E bunch after about 45km until the finish. Who was taking photos along the route?
  2. Can you guys post the links to the pictures taken. I've seen Andrew's on Facebook Thanks
  3. I seem to be missing about 6 laps But Strava never lies ???? That was a good day out and a great mental challenge. About 200km of my 272km was solo or with a buddy Will be back ???? Respect to all the top guys who kept lapping and lapping me ????
  4. It's Sunday What's the logistics like when it comes to storing your gear while on the track? Not going to have support there most of the day
  5. Yes congrats to all. Even a 3.10 is great after factoring in Boyes now did a 3:38 from J myself, and i will admit to doing alot of wheelsucking...fitness was nowhere near where it should have been. having your first child does crazy things hehe i must say the group started at a fast pace...well it felt fast, cause i did no PPA rides at all. training rides and only get your so fit
  6. considering that only the elites did sub 3, i wouldnt knock myself i think 3:15 is the new sub 3 with boyes drive and the wind
  7. crazy bananas!! at least it makes me feel a little better about my time
  8. did an unofficial 3:38 from H, but i was in survival mode from chappies already after losing the front of the group on smits after being blocked in by the slower chaps chasing, and not training enuff caught up with me
  9. when will businesses in general learn that cutting corners, or ripping their customers off cost them more in the long run than that extra profit they just made???
  10. does all the carb drinks say 'free whasp gel inside' then???
  11. @Pornstar.... dischem canal had minimal gels left friday when i bought a few they only had the free gel deal in tropical flavour......and i DID NOT like the tropical drink when using it with another brand bought kiwi gels....not thick, worked well, but the taste....aargh.... i remember reading that the taste was tweaked....do u think i bought the tweaked taste or not? I will buy again though....performance at a price lol oh, maybe u should consider stocking at sportsmans in canal? popped in there to see if they stocked your goodies
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