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  1. Yeah, the guys do speed both up & down this road. Sometimes how ever there are both cyclists and runners that rim & ride sometimes 4 next to each other. Just because its so early doesn't give anyone the right to take up the yellow lane plus a normal lane. That just leaves 1 lane for a car to drive past in. I agree with the above post, try be home by 18h00 or atleast 18h30. Please keep us posted on Jans status & if you know what really happened, do share.
  2. Not 100% sure of the name but its the steep hill in Sunninghill that leads up to a T Junction at Maxwell Drive. You know, the T-Junction where you take a right to get to Sunninghill Village. Just on that slight left bend before the road straightens out.
  3. I drove past this accident last night about 5 or less minutes after it happened. This guy looked extremely badly hurt. Why was he cycling so late? I would also like to know how he ended up in the middle of the road, along with the car that seemed to have knocked him. I think it was an SUV too.
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