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  1. Does anyone know where i can have a manitou fork serviced in the Pretoria area?
  2. Same thing happened to me on the single track near Big Red Barn. I was riding on single track and they were running in the path in front of me. Next moment the last one turns around, both feet up in the air and pointed straight at my face, it was only about a meter or so in front of my bike, so it happened so fast, luckily i ducked and it went over my head. I am now pretty cautious when they are around. And yes everyone makes fun of you!!!
  3. I am looking for a tech support package for the Epic. This will be my first Epic, so if there is someone who has done it before, who would you recommend? The ones I've got so far is: CycleLab - R4500 Tool Up Cycles - R3500
  4. I'm in! Doing 4 day solo ride.
  5. Ok i have now narrowed down my shopping to these two bikes. I can get them both at exactly the same price. The catch comes in: The Giant i can get with tubeless conversion already on it. The Scott with original tyres. But in my opinion, the Scott is a better spec bike than the Giant. Also the Scott is 3x10 gear ratio wheras the Giant is only 2x10. So which one do i go for and why??? Scott Spark 940 - http://www.scott-sports.com/global/en/products/227690/scott-spark-940-bike/;jsessionid=3390CE2328C50DE853FEF90161661246 Giant Anthem X1 - http://www.giant-bicycles.com/en-za/bikes/model/anthem.x.29er/12778/59366/
  6. I think that depends who your surgeon is. I went to Daan du Plessis and he has a name to keep up, so his success rate is pretty good. I don't think it's the surgery itself that goes wrong, its post op rehab. One has to start physio and exercises immediately(obviously only to the level your legs permit), and not train too hard too fast. Has to be gradual introduction back into training for a rather long period. Otherwise you'll end up back where you were as result of overtraining. I'll be the guinea pig as so many people told me not to do the surgery whilst others said it was better to do it. I must add that i did try almost everything else before opted to do the surgery. I had physio, rest(3 months no exercise), strengthen glutes, legs, core etc, got innersoles from podiatrist, BG Fit done, foam roller, cortison injections, only thing i didn't try was lynotherapy.
  7. I think ITB has become my worst enemy... So true what everybody said, get help soon!!! the sooner you treat it, correctly, the better your chances of sorting it out before it gets beyond the point of repair. Also invest in a foam roller, best invention ever for ITB. I agree with going to a physio who is cycling related. I am now one week post op , started swimming last night as i cannot cycle or run, and it went ok. I am looking after this thing as much as possible, they say the reason why most ops fail is because people don't do rehab correctly afterwards and start training too early.
  8. The animals went crazy the day after we left! And some tips on our first night by Ranger Nick and Tough guy Tim aka TGT:
  9. Yellowood... Enough said!
  10. This event is a definite must do for every mountainbiker. Absolutely loved every second of the weekend. We had 5-star treatment from the moment we arrived till the moment we left. Awesome routes and scenery, great venue, loved the game drives and entertainment at night. Well done to all the organisers! What an event!
  11. I'm still trying to figure out how on copy a part of your post and then reply on it... But thanks for the reply.
  12. Hi All What are your thoughts on the Continental Race King 2.2 UST tyres? For a friend of mine who is just average mountainbiker and the all round weekend warrior. I used to have Mountain King 2.2 but had a couple of side wall punctures, so not sure about these other ones either... Let me know! Thanks
  13. Ok so Sani2C done! What an awesome race. Some of the best single track i've ever done. Definitely worth doing. The food is great, had hot showers all the time, massage facilities and a whole lot of people in good spirit! the guys that stayed in the tent next to us, even managed to pack themselves 3 bottles of red wine in their black box!
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