Hi there, I'm a Stellenbosch student who's parents are both attorneys, the best thing to do would be to send a letter addressed to the owner of the vehicle on an official letterhead. Just to inform them that the case has been reported and what your damages are. Ask for them to acknowledge the situation and to suggest a way to solve the situation. They will then most likely sort the situation out and prevent it from being blown out of potential. If not, proceed further. The fact that the driver never had a license will not mean anything, contrary to what everyone thinks, once the R500 fine is payed he gets treated like a licensed driver. Feel free to PM me and I can make a plan for a letter to be written. Vehicles owner can also be tracked my parents. It won't cost you much, if anything you can buy me a 29er... Haha, I WISH! I do need new riding shoes though!