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Posts posted by linnega

  1. You can get all tariff info off CargoInfo.


    Edman's numbers are about right.  Also depends on what your supplier discloses to SARS.  Do yourself a favour and be honest - don't ask the supplier to under-declare or declare the item as a gift.  He may well do so of his own accord, but getting a tax evasion charge for a few rondt is not really worth it.  You will also find that many suppliers declare the cost price as the insurance amount and SARS are too lazy to properly inspect the parcel, so they simply calculate a charge on the "insured" amount.  Other times SARS simply don't bother to calculate a charge and then it will get through entirely duty and VAT free.





    Probably would be a bit more meaningful if compared to a real recession.  '90 and '01 were pretty small fry.  The current recession, particularly in the US, can only be compared to the Great Depression.


    Although, I'm sure that you've heard plenty of rumblings from those accountant types in your office.  The Groot Meneer from your office was at our offices yesterday - I presume checking that he can still count on us as a client for 2010.Smile


  3. Not necessarily from Giant and Merida although they are the biggest.  The Taiwanese companies have formed a consortium of sorts which they very innovatively have named the A-team which includes 22 of Taiwan's biggest manufacturers.  Combined manufacturing capacity and R&D.  The smaller guys will usually source frames manufactured in China (labour is cheaper) but most of these operations are owned by the Taiwanese companies, in particular this consortium which is probably the most influential in the bike industry.

  4. I imagine the big brands Giant and Merida will be fine and all their big customers - Specialized, Trek, etc.  The guys that might feel the pinch are smaller brands with less clout at Merida/Giant and the consortium they have formed in Taiwan.  Guys like Planet-X, Silverback, Tribal, even Raleigh will nopt have sufficient control over their input costs and may find they will either lose customers or have to cut their (already tight) margins.

  5. If you don't usually use gel or energy bars leave them behind.  There is plenty to eat and drink at the tables - even a Nando's burger half way through day 2.  At camp food is more than adequate for stuffing your face.


    Bring lots of duct tape - you can never have too much.


  6. Above about 15kph a bicycle helmet is pretty damn ineffective.  The impact absorption happens as the helmet compresses - as soon as it cracks there is no further benefit.  As for pricing and effectiveness, there is no real correlation.  Your Game cheapie is the same as your R2500 carbon fiber wonder creation from Bell.  The only real benefit (in terms of impact protection) of the expensive helmets is that they are lighter, so you are less likely to hit your head.  Of course, not wearing a helmet reduces that likelihood further.

  7. Arnie very closely resembled a sloth on 30th November when he was supposed to be entertaining (although the snoring was entertaining and made for a good impromptu photo shoot), and the 1st of December when he supposed to be riding.  I rode for 12h30, didn't see him once.


    Anyway, agree with all.  The bottle thing is just stupidity and about time it died.  There are still a few KZN roadies that do it.  Never understood the bum slapping - point (and shout if necessary).  It does remind me of the time I was riding with a bunch of poms in the Pyrenees - I yelled "car up" as we were winding up a narrow pass that could barely take a car let alone a bike and a car moving in opposite directions.  They all looked behind them - to this day I can't understand why.  Perhaps Greyowl or one of the other limeys can explain.


  8. What exactly did you notice.  Your link (once fixed) leads to a pic of an Aussie called Jack Bobridge riding for the University of South Australia (UniSA) team.  He is wearing Aussie colours, so I assume he is U23 or Junior champ?

  9. I must say the through axle concept was designed to fix minor issues (as far as I'm concerned).  The fact that disk brake wheels have no decent quick release system is the main issue for me - and this only exacerbates the problem with a sideways "not like quick releases are that quick to release anyway..." from magazines and marketers in favour of the new system.  I would love an MTB wheel that could be removed with a single flip instead of my twice daily flip, rotate 12 times and release effort.  As far as flex goes the only noticeable flex to me has been because of different forks, never because of the way I inserted the fork (and I can assure you sometimes insertion has been really bad to accomodate misaligned brakes by not too bright mechanics that serviced my forks and did me a "favour" by messing with the brake alignment).


  10. Nevegal's will always be **** on the tar.  Get some hard semi-slicks from Conti (City Contacts are good), pump them up to 90 psi and you have tyres that will work fine on just about any dry, hard surface.  If you are riding over rocks or roots you will start to have problems.

    Mampara - pumping Nevegal's to max (50 psi if I remember right) will not help.

  11. Duty is 30% and VAT will be charged on the shoes at an effective 15.4%.  You won't pay British sales tax though - although CRC usually shows the price excluding taxes (if it is in ZAR then that is your cost + the duties and VAT mentioned).


    CRC are generally pretty good and well stocked.  Postal service to OR Tambo is excellent, but once Customs get their grubby paws on your package anything could happen.


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