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Posts posted by decibel

  1. I think this was decibel... Waiting for confirmation if this was the same incident, but he's currently in hospital with concussion from a fall.


    Yes, this was me. Thanks for the 6 pages of posts everyone, I appreciate the concern. Back to work today and feeling much better.


    I'm still a bit surprised/embarrassed that I crashed out here so badly having ridden here a lot previously, but like chuckza mentioned, perhaps there is no getting away from fluke accidents from time to time. I was very grateful not to have been riding alone this time around.


    Looking forward to being on the bike again in the next couple of months too... With a new helmet though. Any one ever considered riding XC with a full face helmet? Considering this after having taken the impact on my cheek and jaw.

  2. After following this thread for a while I tried GTX on my chain. Came back from the spruit with a large amount of grit and debris on the chain. Took a couple of rounds of cleaning to get back to a clean chain again (engine degreaser first and then clean green). There are some people here who will swear by their GTX, but for me the experiment was enough to dissuade me from doing that again. Think I'll stick to wax/dry lubes for the time being until I pluck up the courage for my next experiment, which will be chainsaw oil.

  3. I'm going to get shot for this!


    For a first bike I would buy 2nd hand no more than R5k. Get used to riding - see if you like riding - and what kind of riding you prefer. Set yourself some goals.


    Then go get yourself the kind of bike you want and park your 2nd hand bike next to the bin (or sell it at about the same price)

    I know of more seriously good bikes "in storage" than on the road/trail.


    I'm in agreement with this, but maybe with an upper limit closer to R10k. But it depends on the kind of person you are. Do you buy your car's brand new or do you go second hand because you hate the way a new one drops value significantly the minute it leaves the showroom?


    My personal view is that you can get some real value for money deals on the classifieds here. Guys are pretty quick to comment on items that are obviously overpriced. You lose the hand holding that the local bike shop might provide I guess. The average R10k bike on the forum here is probably fine for a year's worth of riding and weekend races. Probably not epic or stage race material but for some one just getting going it's probably better in my view than having another expensive late model bike end up on the classified section losing you a whack of value.

  4. Just from an interest perspective, what could possibly be in the lube that makes it so expensive?


    I think it's the same ingredient that makes all of our cycle gear expensive - sport cycling is a luxury and attracts premium pricing. Think of what you pay per tyre for your bike and what the same rand amount would buy you at speedys for a car tyre. For the same amount (or less) you can get a car tyre that lasts 50 times more km than your bike tyre.


    Unfortunately we're facing the same problem as golfers and their R30 per ball headaches.

  5. In about 8 years of riding the spruit on and off, in terms of crashes the bulk of mine have been due to not paying attention in rutted tracks. A couple have been on some of the more rocky sections like those in Alberts Farm or in the far end of Emmerentia slipping on roots. And a couple have been near misses with large group rides heading in the opposite direction and hogging the trail.


    Is it just my imagination or are the trails more deeply rutted now than they were in the last couple of years?

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