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Think Bike

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Everything posted by Think Bike

  1. I'm a recent convert to the sport of cycling. With one Argus under the belt on an old fourth hand bike and a good few hours in the saddle, I'm convinced that cycling is a sport I'd like to retain. Armed with this ambition, and a few months of saving, I purchased my first "proper bike" - a Cannondale Supersix, full carbon frame. You name it, my view of the most enviable brand-name for each component was neatly assembled onto this bike. To my horror, two months later my world literally fell apart - On returning from a brief early evening ride, I passed my front wheel on an uphill on my return leg. Rest assured, the pavement was left unscathed as my face and hands suffered the brunt of the impact. In the emergency ward later, I was trying to recollect the sequence of events, unsuccessfully. To this day, all I can establish is the "new carbon fork" failed in a symmetrical fashion on both stems. Worst of all, all Cannondale's local agents were able to afford me is: a) They understand my situation and sympathise! B) They can't confirm the root cause of failure; c) The guarantee on this state of the art bike covers fair wear and tear on the frame - What is fair wear and tear on a frame? Immediate failure, progressive failure, a creeping and propagating crack, loss of life? c) They replaced the fork free of charge - Thanks! d) On request for technical standards of manufacture and testing, I received a "specification in Italian"!!! e) The agent is not taking my call - Nice brand representation! The reason for ths post is to warn any future and current Cannondale consumer - be sure of the brand and brand support you are purchasing as I for one WILL NOT be riding my Cannondale again, nor purchasing another in the future, hence my post headline. Albeit that my cycling career has been short, I maintain that it is a great sport, except on a Cannondale.
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