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  1. I agree with some that cycle lanes are not condusive to training but this oke who got knocked over yesterday was not training but commuting to work. As one of the hubbers said, they also use their bike to commute to work. All I'm saying is that cycle lanes need to be built in high congestion areas where cyclists regularly commute daily. Its easy for us to sit on our computers saying "screw cycle lanes, I can't train for a sub 3 Argus in cycle lanes!" while people risk their lives daily commuting to work because a bicycle is the only form of transport they have. That's who cycle lanes are protecting and many of them don't have access to platforms like The Hub to voice their concerns about their safety. Perspective here chaps.
  2. I still feel we need to start making better use of Bellville Velodrome as track is a fantastic and versatile way to train for both road and MTB. Problem is access to track bikes which few people have. I know Jaco Scholtz of TrackCyclingSA is doing fantastic work introducing more and more people to the track with rental bikes. I really feel that that could be a possible solution.
  3. C'mon Lucky Luke you know EXACTLY that that's not what I'm saying! How could you suggest that I think its right for motorists to mow down cyclists?? All I'm saying is that its setting a bad example and giving cyclists a bad rap! Motorists don't give a damn about those of us that obey the rules but the minute a cyclist does something risky or stupid they jump on the wagon and say "see! look how reckless they are!" Jeez talk about being shot down by you every time I have an opinion. Bloody hell.
  4. Taking all your q's and comments RE: cycling safety on SA roads. Will endeavour to read as many of your comments live on air.
  5. Which is why I pose the question... What else can we do? Impose stricter sentences on motorists? Build more cycling lanes?
  6. Too true. On many rides I see cyclists obeying all the rules watching and riding for their safety only for motorists to almost purposefully drive like idiots when they see us. I just feel when these groups of daredevils actively promote putting cyclists' lives at risk something needs to be done. Also I think we need to utilise Bellville Velodrome. A safe environment that can be utilised for training for all cycling disciplines that's standing there begging to be used.
  7. Following the tragic loss of yet another cyclist on our roads yesterday, we'd like to open the forum up to comments and suggestions from hubbers on the state of cycling safety on SA's roads... Is the blame solely on motorists or are cyclists to blame on occasion? While there are numerous knobs on the road such as the utter coward involved in the Koos Roux accident, cyclists can also not be completely absolved from blame. Lately we were informed about Lucas Brunelle and his documentary "Line of Sight" about the burgeoning alleycat racing scene. This type of racing is considered "daring" where cyclists antagonise motorists and conduct stunts such as hanging on to buses and crossing high speed motorways, swerving in and out of inner city traffic. While this may be considered fun by some and the alleycat scene may be growing here in Cape Town, what kind of message is this sending to other cyclists? That its okay to put your life in danger so recklessly? Place yourself in the shoes of a motorist who say for example is involved in an accident with one of these alleycat racers which for arguments sake causes a death. Imagine the trauma that motorist has to go through all because an idiot on a bike placed himself in reckless danger all in the name of cheap thrills. Cowards like the idiot who knocked Koos Roux over and buggered off should be prosecuted and punished severely, but a stop has to be made on both sides. These alleycat races do nothing to improve safety on our roads, in fact the complete opposite. Call me an old fart but I think a stop needs to be made to these races as well.
  8. Hi Guys, So just to give you a head's up for those that haven't heard... We are SA's first ever cycling radio show broadcasting every Wednesday between 7-8pm on 89.5fm in the Cape Town area or online at bushradio.co.za. Our aim is to be a portal of communication for the SA cycling community giving you the lastest news on the local and international Road, MTB and Track scene; the latest tech review and previews as well as featuring SA's top cyclists and industry leaders. Over the past weeks we have featured: Darren Lill, Charles Keey, Candice Neethling, James Reid and the controversial David George to name but a few. We aim to provide impartial and objective opinion on SA's fastest growing sport. On tonight's show... We bring you the latest Giro news. Your Sani2C round-up An in-depth chat about cycling safety on SA's roads And we chat to Craig Kolesky and Tyrone Rawlings about their Epic adventure in aid of OneSight. For those that missed our last shows, follow these links: James Reid & Candice Neethling: David George We hope to catch you all this evening!
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