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  1. well what ever the stuff between your tube and tyre, a Strip of some sort I do not know the names of all the stuff point is he paid for it and ddin't get it.
  2. But mailing them and asking for advice should be allowed surely? I didn't camp Momsen and demand anything I merely asked for advice. In fact if they responded and said sorry you need to speak to Solomons I would have accepted that.
  3. Well then we can agree to disagree, on that, also not to mention my friend bought some Kevlar for his wheels when he took his bike in for a service, paid for it got a puncture the weekend and realized that they never put it in. BUT like I said this discussion is not around the service from Finish Line Cycles in particular
  4. Perhaps, but I don't entirely agree, it took the guys at yellow saddle one look ant he said listen I can true it but it won't last. the wheel is damaged. how can they pick this up and Finish line couldn't. but I am not here to discuss Finish line cycles as that is a completely other discussion all together.
  5. Perhaps My explanation isn't that clear. So In short I agree with some of the stuff you are saying but I wouldl ike to give you a quick recap: RIm buckled, got it trued(no one said anything about my weight and this was not the same store I bought the bike from) Rim buckled after a fall, Cool I broke it no problem there Rim Buckled while pushing down on my shock - Not cool Contacted Momsen after Solomons said yea actually you need these 6k rims and asked listen are the rims that bad? They sidestepped the question and said nothing about weight or asked me what I was doing just said sometimes rims break. Mailed them again asked for recommendations and no response. Went to another shop they said the rims are bad and you need new ones. I said I would like to perhaps have the same rims but perhaps with stringer spokes-called Momsen sorry we do not have these but we can sell you these XT rims. My question why sell the bike with the rims if you can't supply me with another set? - Response uhm yea, oh uhm. Mailed them again - no response Posted on FB asked why the do not respond to mails and why they sell bikes but can't provide me with the same rims afterwards.- they deleted the post at this stage I was still friendly and trying to get an asnswer from them Realized my post is deleted no I post the fact that their service is pathetic. What I have come to realize, is the following: Obviously got sold the wrong bike from Solomons - Yes not Momsens fault heavy okes needs stronger rims - I can live with that just whished someone would inform me of this - Thanks for nothing Solomons and Finish line cylces If you want advice on something come here as there are guys that know what they are talking about Momsens after sales servers is none existing at least from my experience. So in a nut shell thanks for the advice guys I have a new front rim with a double layer and it seems to work great. I will be replacing the back one ASAP.
  6. Not at all, I can assure you of this, I asked them on FB after mailing them 3 times, why they do not respond to emails All i ask for is advice. My second post was slightly more aggressive and I said fine if this is how you respond, by deleting posts that might reflect negative do it. there are other places I can inform people of your lack of service. Might have upset them slightly but still I have received no response no reply email or anything. If they replied to my first email I would not even have gone to FB and if they simply said wow sorry man please send me you contact details and someone will contact you I would have appreciated it and still speak good about them
  7. Thanks Bingo, but you do seem to miss the point, at no point did I even throw a warranty at their face, ask them to replace anything or threaten them. What I did do was ask them for help and advice, they chose to ignore this. A simple email or phone call with some advise would have gone miles. Not deleting complaints on their FB wall wall and instead contacting me would be great but no they chose to ignore me and I feel that it is every persons right to know what crap service I received from them whether you use it or not is completely up to you. As for the rim yea Solomons in woodmead should have said listen guy you might be slightly heavy for this bike think about buying new rims. oh and lets not forget finish line cycles that trued the wheel twice also without saying a word about my weight or that the rim might be stuffed. Guess all bike shops are sharks and only want to make a quick buck.
  8. Right let me try and respond to this one in particular: 2. What exactly did you expect when you bought the cheapest bike in their 29er range? Actually I could get cheaper ones so not entirely the cheapest, what did I expect buying a local bike? Some support? I never attacked them and accused them of selling me junk I asked for advice as I knew nothing and they decided that they did not need to respond. Fine I know now buying from a local brand means nothing as I would have probably gotten the same service buying a Titan or Silverback. As for my wheel, a friend of mine recommended a place called Yellow Saddle, and in all honesty probably my best experience I have had asking someone advice, He didn't try to rip me off and gave me sound advice. He built me a new rim and it works brilliantly. As for Momsen well my next bike won't be a Momsen that's for sure.
  9. Thanks for everyone's reply. And yes I eventually established the rims are crap, what my biggest concern is here is that Momsen even though they are local doesn't seem to want to help at all. In an email to them I asked ok cool if the rims are crap what do you recommend...and no one responded, then whan asking them on their FB wall they simply deleted the posts, twice? and then obviously the point that the AL129 seems to need some attention which then doesn't actually make it as cheap as you think
  10. Hi All Just thought I would share my experience Good and Bad that I have had with Momsen bikes. not sure if this is the right place on the forums so if not please feel free to move it. I bought my AL129 about 3 months ago, yes it is the entry level bike but I was just starting out. I loved the look and feel of it as well as the price. My first ride was at Rosemary Farm after the ride I noticed that my wheel was slightly buckled. I was a bit concerned as I didn't abuse it in any way so I did some reading and it seemed that machine made wheels are a tad crappy so I had it trued and went out again. all worked well for about 3 rides I then had a fall at an event and the wheel buckled again, this was expected and so far I was still loving my Momsen. Had it trued again at Finish ilne cycles and did another event, before even starting the race I pushed down on my shock and the wheel gave in. Bad true perhaps or bad rim? I then went to a couple of places when finally reaching someone that actually wanted to help me. He said the rim was completely stuffed and that I needed a new one, he also didn't charge me an arm and a leg. Where lies the problem then? Well I contacted Momsen about this and they completely sidestepped the question when asked are the rims that bad, I then asked for a recommendation on a new rim no one responded. When I called them to ask if they can supply a replacement they stated that they do not import these rims and tried to sell me some rim that would cost almost as much as the bike itself. So you build them locally? but do not have the rims? When I decided to confront them on Facebook they just keep on deleting my posts. So in short in my opinion they have some of the worst rims on the AL129 and it would seem some of the worst service around. Perhaps this is the norm when coming to cycling as I am still new to it but to me this is not acceptable. Just informing everyone of my experience and perhaps provide warning to those looking to buy Momsen bikes.
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