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  1. Thanks pieter1 for the use of your singlespeed.even with the setup issues it was still a blast. Looking forward to seeing the photos!!?
  2. Entered at 10.30pm last night! Done very little riding lately and going to rock it SS 32x18!! I can feel the pain already! Very keen!
  3. For the first time in quite a while I truly felt like I was fulfulling rule number #9... Waking up to hear it pouring with rain this morning I felt like a little kid on Xmas.was so excited to get on the bike and commute. Fresh cold rain falling on your steamy body is a great feeling. Some people think you crazy others you can see are a tad jealous.
  4. Glad I could help,I had a couple lying in my hockey bag so strapped one onto the chest strap of my bag and it's found a new permanent home...I always find people have a tendency to stop or freeze when you blow on it properly...hope it helps!
  5. Started commuting to work again this week after having finally fixed my bike after 3 months.... getting back to riding/commuting feels amazing! Great to still see many commuters on pretorias roads. I still see alot of guys have issues with pedestrians,my fox 40 whistle still does the trick even when headphones are involved.
  6. I met the guys who were looking at bringing them Into the country...they brought about 30 or 40 in....after import duties and other costs that's more or less what they were looking at price wise...the other issue is they are pretty difficult to install.hunter cycles was being used as there Installion guys,they reckoned they struggled to attach it to road bikes wheels and took them a few hours to get it into a mtb and not hinder the operation of the bike. Don't mean to say negative things about the product,but when you see it in person it ls quite bulky and does not look nice on the bike,also I felt it did not perform as well as it does in the marketing video. If you got money to throw away for a cool light show at critical mass fine but not practical in its current form.
  7. Agreed they are very cool! But at almost R4000 I just can't justify it...
  8. For the first time in a year commuting in Pretoria I felt a little vulnerable today...felt like everyone wanted to drive into me including SAP making an illegal U turn and pushing me Into the gutter. How'd everyone else fair?
  9. Thanks for the warning,Im going to hit a detour through kk this afternoon as well.haven't seen you on the roads for a while!?
  10. I should be ecstatic about this news....and it really is great news ..well done to ryder and all envolved,the team is growing and will continue to make a name for itself at the top of cycling. Just hope the African and south African aspect is not lost!
  11. So I learnt on my commute home last night that your bike can be a serious weapon when you least expect it.... At the exact moment a lady in her Nissan juke was passing me a stone shot out from my back tyre and shattered her passenger window showering glass on both of us...she was shocked but concerned for my safety...I said it may of been a stone from my tyre but she waved it off and said it can't be (I know it was)...I'm curious to know what are the legal implications in this situation? Should I have been liable for the damage?
  12. What roads did this occur on ? I will keep a look out for her....those kids have uniforms in?
  13. While you guys are discussing safety ..I had a puncture between pta boys high and the gautrain. .I go that way to add distance. ..guy approached me and was very suspicious. .screamed at him to stop and used my voice and pretended to have something in my back pocket to defend myslef. ..He was startled by my aggression and backed off...called an uber taxi after that. Took 2 min to arrive!
  15. Assuming you in CT. .who stocks there?
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