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Posts posted by GLuvsMtb

  1. OK - now which of the guys on here will let their wife / girlfriend go for a solo ride. Even though I ride solo myself, I will probably want to ride with my wife if no one else is joining her for a ride. Am I being Sexist?

  2. I have noted the quick judgement on a group that left a cyclist behind during a group ride this past weekend. I'm sure we have gone out for a solo ride before. I commute in summer. Often on my own and I ride some local trails on my way in to work / home - also alone (well there are other riders around, but not riding specifically with me). Who else does this?

  3. Asked that same question wheight weenie, nobody seems to be able to answer the question, though its a wicked design comes in at about 1400grams for an aluminum bike. (take that over carbon any day) Though it is their first HT so not sure if they got the geometry right. And havent found a single decent review on the interweb for the kwela, loads on the freaking Zula though.


    Speak to Patrick Morewood directly, or if you want some advice on a build, go to William (Williams Bike shop) somerset west. His son has a kwela and he has a long standing relationship with the brand. If my memory serves me the Kwela actually gets manufactured in the East. The bike was released earlier this year, so I doubt that there will be major changes to the design. I suspect that if they want to experiment in the 29'er market, this would be the logical place to start.

  4. Legal and responsible are 2 different concepts here. We all do it on bikes. I have to do it at least twice on my commute home every evening. 1 at the Koeberg/Plattekloof T junction and 2 at the Blouberg/Gie road intersection. If I tried to do it at 55km/h on my bicycle, I'd be dead by now. The way a motorbike should do this would be to go at a sedate pace so that vehicles have time to spot the bike and that he/she have time to react if someone doesn't see you.

    Always assume that you are invisible when on the bike and act accordingly. The biggest motorist comment after hitting one of us is" I didn't see him!" No matter how many lights you have flashing, motorists are not programmed to look out for us.

  5. I thinks thats perfect! Longer route but at slower pace ( ave 20km/h ), not that i've done the route with you all yet... however next wednesday Covie and I will be there, come hell or high water :)

    It would be great to see newcomers to mountainbiking joining the night ride. I don't like the fact that riders had to turn around 10kms into the ride because the race snakes hijacked the ride this week.

    If we decide on 2 groups and a slightly shorter distance, we need to stick to it as riders prepare themselves accordingly. I have a feeling that there will be a few tired TransBav legs on Wednesday. Let the 10 odd race snakes go off at 5:50 and let the other 50 of us ride at a civil pace.

  6. The City will only move on a matter if there is sufficient public interest / pressure to do so. Thats how politics work. We rely on PPA to talk on our behalf with the Shitty City. I have not renewed my PPA membership as I don't see them batting for us and they also seem to get more things wrong during mtb races than what they get right. As to PPA funding trail building: Its a good thing. They are recognising more and more that their future revenue source will be from mountainbiking, but until they have a dedicated division that looks after mountainbiking, I will sit on the sidelines.

    My money for 2010/2011 went to: Tygerberg MTB club and AMA rider.

    I cant wait to ride the new trails. Hope it rocks.

  7. Do you think that, due to the high demand, the organisers will consider hosting the Sani2C more than once a year? Surely they can run it three times a year and there'll still be a waiting list... money is money, right?

    Calendar dates are the issue. They also turn themselves inside-out to offer something new every year. As seen on other threads, riders come back year after year because it hasn't gone stale (well most riders feel that way). The logistics is also a HUGE factor as it takes at least 6 months of planning to put the event together. The fact that Joberg2C and Sani2C share some logistics helps a bit. The race also relies on volunteer support and access to private land. Furthermore the environment needs to be taken into account as well. Over-use will cause erosion that will lead to irreparable damage with land access being withdrawn. I think we are fortunate to have 4 events on the route already (Sani2C, Sani2C Adventure, Sani2C non-stop and Joberg2C). It is highly unlikely that any additional events will be fitted onto this busy trail.

  8. Hi there guys!


    This is Jaco.

    I just opened a new TheHubSA account. I am currently servicing from home. Im busy setting up a shop at the Contermanskloof farm. Im hoping to open up by 1 September. My main focus to start with, will be workshop, and i wont carry allot of stock in the beginning. I will be about 450m from the trail centre parking (up the tar road). All the trails will pass the shop as you come back towards the farm house (just after crossing between the 2 dams).


    I will also build a proper pump track next to the shop, and as soon as everything is set up and ready, i will start with skills development clinics from the shop.


    So, go for a ride at Contermanskloof and pop in and say hi!





    Good to see that you are taking a bad situation and turning it into a real opportunity. Enjoy the farm life, and remember to work on bikes every now and then too...

  9. well well.


    So its true. The Sani 2 C is a closed shop to outside entries. Its either bribe or hope that someone is willing to do some kind of a swop.


    Perhaps the Sani folk now know they have a following and will always have the places filled.


    Well closed shop means I wont bother. And if we let the track record be the way of the future the Joberg2c is also going (is already?) a closed shop to.

    I guess that part of their reasoning when reducing numbers were that many riders were going to jump to Joberg2C as they are now only 2 weeks apart. It is almost like a share listing on the JSE - you WANT it to be over subscribed to ensure that riders have a feeling of exclusivity and value. I remember having to queue in my younger days to get into clubs, and when you get inside, its 1/2 full. If I was walking past with no queue, I would have kept on walking...

    I won't be surprised to see a special release of entries due to popular demand, so put your name on the waiting list when the time comes and see what happens.

  10. There are so many trails to ride in the Western Cape, and so many different parts to ride on each trail! For those who like pedalling up hills, blasting down singletrack, and riding everything in between, help me put together a checklist, so that, if like me, you've only scratched the surface, you have something to work towards...


    For example:


    Majik Forest

    - ride to the beacon

    - ride the singletrack through the forest

    - ride the singletrack to the substation

    - ride the substation up the next hill

    - ride the singletrack back to the substation


    Jonkershoek / Stellenbosch

    - ride the contours to the top

    - ride ALL the singletrack sections down (3? 4?)

    - ride from the eerste river bridge up behind coertzenburg to eden and take the S/T down

    - ride Delvera Red route and take the black loop when you need a real technical climbing challenge

    - ?



    - ride the red route



    - ride Oak Valley Red / Black routes

    - ride Lebanon Red route

    - ride the contour routes from Elgin Country club to the top of Limietberg and take the S/T sections down



    - ride to the Mast, then go to silvermine gate and take the S/T sections down to the parking lot

    - ride to the start of the mast and take the Bridle path down

    - ?


    Contermanskloof / Hillcrest / Kliprug

    - Ride to the top of the mast, cross over to Hillcrest and take the red route S/T down.

    - Climb back over Hillcrest and take kliprug down to the farm house

    - Climb back up to the start of the Green / Blue route S/T at the top of the mast and ride the S/T down to the parking lot



    - Ride the long route and enjoy some of the best S/T sections around



    - take a weekend and ride every bit of trail on the Farm, including the 70km marathon route.

    So... what have you got to contribute to the checklist? What are your "must rides" in the WC?

  11. Well the boys are back and it seems like we are going to have lekker weather tomorrow night on our normal Wednesday night ride. Please lets make it a nice BIG turnout. I am planning to get the press photographer out here as well. Bring your buddy's and training partners. See you all .

    Bringing some mountainbikers that only recently started. What routes are we planning for the fast and slow groups tomorrow evening? Don't want to discourage the newer riders from joining again. Think this ride will be a big step up for them ito pace and intensity.

  12. When you do the Epic, you have an army of mechanics waiting at the end of each stage to take your broken bike off your hands. Hell there even used to be a shimano service station at the 1/2 way mark in prior epics. You want a bike that is simple and reliable. You have to carry spares or be able to source what you need enroute. You also want to spend as little time possible fixing mechanicals when they occur. Re-alligning a bent rotor will take you hours even if you have the right tools. The technology and reliability of rear suspension systems seems to have advanced in leaps and bounds in the last 3 years, but having to replace the seals on your rear shock in the middle of nowhere is not an option for most riders.

  13. Mountain bike stage races are sold on guys "roughing it" in tented villages. For a road event pro riders expect hotel accomodation for multi-day events. This, the riders meals, transport to and from starts and finishes etc is usually paid for by the team. You then have to either limit the event size to 200 or less riders or you have to confine the event to the Big city centres or both. Picking one central point is the way to go as riders and team personnel don't have to up and off every second day.

    Sounds like the Giro del Capo? Well yes, because this is the best way to do this. Why not focus on building the Giro into an international event?

  14. Nutrition is so much more than just the energy drink in your bottles. It all depends on your requirements:

    0 to 2hr ride - Energade or coke diluted with a bit of water works fine (its basically sugar and water)

    2 to 4hr ride - Get something that has some rehydrating qualities as well (game, Heed, etc)

    4 hr plus ride - Get something that provides carbs, fats and protein as well (perpetium etc)


    Supplement your nutrition intake with a good energy bar. I have a 1/4 powerbar every hour or so. On rides longer than 4 hours I take baby potatoes in olive oil and salt in a ziplock bag and I alternate eating potatoes on one hour and energy bar on the alternate hour.


    The most important factor is what it tastes like. It may taste great when you buy the stuff, but after tasting your own sweat for hours, you may not like whats in your bottles any more. Especially when its luke-warm. If your stomache doesnt agree with the product in your bottle, you end up not drinking it.

  15. Nothing wrong with the SB Remo / Oakland - All these entry level bikes (Giant Boulder, The Raleigh cheapo, Trek's cheapo) look about the same and weigh about the same. What should be non-negotiable is:


    A helmet

    Gloves to protect the hands

    Tool tubbie with a tube, tyre levers, multi tool and a small pump.

    Bottle cage if the bike does not have one

    Slime in the tubes (Springtime is duwweltjie time).

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