I'll have a bite at this one! Quote Porky "You misinterpret the whole debate Rogz or maybe you just wanted to be controversial.?" cut Perhaps its the "Christian" argument thats controversial? "Christians believe that your life IS mapped out for you, because God has planned good things for all his followers, YOU dont know what that map is, but God dos." cut Would this mapping out your life and the good things planned for Gods' followers include the battery and rape of an 8 month old baby and all the other terrible things that happen to innocent and good people??? "However, here on earth, we have free will to follow Gods map or follow Satans map. If you believe in God as your father and creator, you will follow his map and his plan will come to pass. If you dont, well, Satans plan may come to pass." cut It is a well known fact, that according to Gods' laws, no man is free from sin.We all accept that it is impossible to be free from sin.As soon as you have emotions you are going to become a sinner. If the God of the bible is the all knowing, all powerful creator, he must have known what he was doing when he created us. IE> that we were going to sin etc.In fact if God created everything he created evil, satan aswell.It does say in the bible that God is the creater of good and evil!!!! We are told in the bible that bad sh*t started happening to man when he got into the fruit of a particular tree!!! Well if God is in control of everything, He must have known that that was bound to happen or is God not in control,and you have as you say free will??to do the evil he created and apparently knew(if he is all powerfull, omni present, omni science and omni everything??), that you were going to do anyway, Hey he created you!!! So, we believe as christians when we go around making plans and spinning wheels,its not us, its God working THROUGH us and putting his plan into action by opening doors we need to walk through and closing those we dont. As for the snide remark about killing yourself, well if you were a christian you would know that suicide is against the will of God, and anything against the will of God is from Satan. God put you here and you remain here, because he wants you to be here, to do something for him, or he wants to do something through you, when its time he will call you home (his plan) but, only God, has that right to call you home." End of porky's quote As stated this is pretty controversial stuff Porky. It seems to me that we may just be, according to the Christians, some very,very cruel experiment. Look at what you are saying.::: God creates us with a plan. We cannot be free from sin or evil,(the evil he created),satan tempts us and is responsible for all the bad sh*t that happens,(God created everything including old nick!!) Christians tell us that then God,because he loves us so, sent his only son to become man and die for our sins(the evil we fell into that He claims to have created) Not having a go at you Porks, just try to understand that some of us read the bible and ask different questions,hopefully you can clear mine up for me. As KonaFan has stated, the old Christian "simplicity" is seen by some as controversial