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Cyclist Mom

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Everything posted by Cyclist Mom

  1. My son lost his Rudy Project Rydon Impax sunglasses at Café Neo - Mouille Point on Saturday 12 March 2011. Café Neo don't have them and I was wondering if any kind soul found them (they were given to him as a gift prior to the Cape Epic last year and have special meaning to him).
  2. You guys are all awesome - thanks so much for all your input. My son flew back to Natal today and although tired - seems well. I would really appreciate it if the Argus organisers were as caring - I still haven't heard back from them. I have heard from the wonderful officials who saw to him at the water point - they emailed to find out how he is doing in their personal capacity.Cyclist Mom2009-03-11 11:29:32
  3. Not really She wasn't able to carry him to the finish line and it was felt it would be best for her to get to the end and from that point try and get back to him in a vehicle or get hold of someone to help.. However, as I have said in my original posts, he was taken care of by some of the officials (who were really helpful and tried repeatedly to get an ambulance in) and a Dr on site. I also think you have to understand the stress she's been under- having to take care of her brother. (We don't live in Cape Town - my husband and myself weren't there) - so she picked up the slack! I think she's still running on that!!!
  4. Hi Wobbles Yes it is him. Thanks for the good wishes. He really is a great character!!!
  5. Thanks chaps. The worst thing is, it's his first year out of school and since he didn't have a clue as to what to study, we allowed him to have a "gap" year of cycling. This is going to set him back somewhat as he'll have to take it easy for a few weeks now.
  6. I have no idea if there was a trained medic - the driver asked him if he was ok and he said she gave him the once over. He was taken to a water point where a Dr was present. He checked him and said he outwardly looked ok - but he would be happier if my son was taken to the hospital - just to be sure. He checked on him through out the time he was there - but I'm afraid there wouldn't have been much he could have done if the need had arisen. Traumas like this need to be delt with at a hospital.
  7. I just thought every cyclist should know that a closed race is not necessarily so!!!! After having completed almost the entire Argus on sunday, my son had 6 - 8 km to go when he came around a bend to be met head on by an unauthorised vehicle traveling contra flow to the cyclists. He tried to avoid a collision by slamming on his brakes, but it was unfortuntely unavoidable and he hit the windscreen at +-35km/hr- putting an end to what would have been a really good finish (at this point he had been on the road for 3hrs10mins). I think the worst thing about it is that it was a Fire services combi - which, when questioned by my son as to what they were doing on the "closed" road, answered that they were dropping off co-workers at Hout Bay!!!!!!!! So if she hadn't have hit him - she certainly would have hit someone else along the way!!!!! My opinion (and it is just that), is that they decided to use a City Of Cape Town vehicle to gain access to the race so that they could see it from a wind free - up front perspective!!!!! We have found out that the Fire Dept has nothing to do with the Argus - the police services sort out the road closure (haa ha!!) My son was taken to a water point, where he spend 5 hours, before a really helpful official dropped him at my daughter's flat. My daughter & her boyfriend took him to Cape Town Mediclinc, where it was feared that he had broken his neck and that he might become paralised at any moment!!!!! Fortunately, the Dr's had over reacted (rather that than the alternative) - and it turns out he has 2 cracks. He spent the night there under observation. He got off really lucky all things considered - his bike, I'm afraid wasn't as lucky!!!
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