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Posts posted by Tokoloshe

  1. Disagree with Ferret. Here's why:


    Not all of us live in the West Rand and are familiar with Northgate. One only sees the R20 parking option, and being in a rush to get back to work 30 mins away, you just park where directed.


    Asking consumers to change their behaviour is not customer centric. Why not have an express queue where you swipe your chip and a high speed printer prints your race number on the spot. Quick in and out, no goodie bag for those that don't want it, and no need to the long signing process. If you've scanned, you've collected.


    I collected 1 number and from arriving at the counter (after the 1hr queue) to leaving was about 4.5 minutes. This is way too long.


    Simply put, their process is inefficient and not customer centric.


    At least they didn't make you walk all the way through the expo!

  2. We're doing a weekend of J2C training in Dullstroom on 26 and 27 Jan. Approx 125km on Saturday (1800m Ascent) and 75-80km on Sunday (+-1100m ascent). Pace +-20kph.

    Those familiar with the Spinman camps will know the routes.


    Departing from BP garage at 06:30 Sat morning.


    DM me or meet at the garage if keen.


    This is unsupported, experienced self sufficient riders only.

  3. The Braamfontein spruit was very busy yesterday. I've never seen so many MTB'ers out there. Which poses some challenge as the trail is dual direction.


    I was riding up (southerly direction) and started a bit late so most people were coming down. On many ascents going south, riders coming in the other direction (obviously at speed, descending) made no effort to move off the trail.


    My understanding of hte unwritten trail rules of MTB-ing say that ascending riders have right of way, as emphasised recently by Mr Tread on Twitter (@Mr_TREAD).


    What are the views on this...??

  4. Interesting responses - my post was not out of a grudge, but rather seeing as I had some facts I thought it would be beneficial to share with the cycling community.


    The point here (my p.o.v) is not whether one can actually go to the uk get the bike cheaper (too much admin) but just to highlight some consumer unfriendly activity.


    I will certainly be happy to pay for service - but to use an analogy - I am not going to buy BMW320 that retails in a competitive market for R300k for a price of R400k just because the dealership has a superior service offering.


    If CL does offer superior service (not going to enter this debate!) it could justify a 5% or maybe )(10% at a push) premium. But the R42k to R55k difference is not justifiable in my humble opinion


  5. Hubbers- thinking of buying a Gary Fisher superfly 29er? Consider this:


    At present Cyclelab has tied up all stock coming into SA, and is charging R55k (for an X.0 Spec carbon hardtail). Alternatively, you could fly to London, pick up the same bike ordered from a UK retailer, spend 4 days riding it on the trails in Wales, fly back to SA with it, pay your 15% import duty and 14% vat (pay for all this travel and accom) AND STILL SAVE R4K on the cyclelab price.


    Put another way, this bike SHOULD retail in SA for about R40k to R42k incl VAT. This assumes the local bike retailer marks it up by 35% (average in the US is 38%) on the local landed cost price (inclusive of import duties).


    Other retailers should be getting stock towards the end of October. This will bring the price down, but don't accept only a slight reduction on the Cyclelab price. These bikes should retail far lower.


    Oh, AND there is the issue of the super strong rand.


    When buying a bike - be aware of the what the real value is. Know your rights as a consumer for fair value.


    A LBS tying up all stock to avoid competitive pressure and then fleecing consumers is bad form.


    These commments could equally apply to other bikes/brands - I've just use the GF example as it is one I have researched.

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