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Wayne Potgieter

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  1. LOL - I change cars often. The carnival was bought purely as a temp measure when my Mother in Law and Father in law were visiting. We just needed a larger vehicle for that and I did not want to pay for car hire. At the time, there was a waiting list for Carnivals, so I ended up buying one and selling it with a total loss of $1,000 across the 3 months. Given that hiring a van would have cost me around $4k for the month that the inlaws were here, that was a pretty sweet move. I replaced the Carnival with a new Tesla Model Y. I love this car. It is amazing. I have had it for 16 months. Unfortunatley, I need a 7 seater. My Brother In law and his son have moved here and we frequently need to move the nephew around and my kids are simply too big to squash together. So I am in the market for a 7 seater SUV again and will sell the Tesla.
  2. It's been a while since I hooned it around Woodhill. Managed to get my 14-year-old son to spend the morning there yesterday. Had a whopper of a good time. We spent a stupid amount of time jumping the bikes at "chicken run" and just generally having a laugh. I need to do this more often. Yes, I went on my gravel bike. I think I might need to look for a second hand dual sus.
  3. Yeah, I can understand that. I felt a similar way with Mountain Biking after a year or two. Its just such an effort to get out and find a place to ride. Now, I spend more of my time bikepacking on a gravel bike. I find overnighting and getting to cool spots on my gravel bike to be much more aligned with myself at this point in time. Its not racing at all, more like hiking with a bicycle.
  4. I am keen top print a monitor shelf for my home office setup. I can find heaps of brackets and stands, but all of them require some form of wooden shelf to be inserted. (see this for the general idea - Not my file, just sharing for information purposes - all credit to original author) https://www.printables.com/model/56729-honeycomb-monitor-stand/comments Now, This got me wondering about whether it is possible to print the actual shelf using PLA and have it modular? So lets say a shelf that has some form of interconnector puzzle like ends so you can attach two or three shelf pieces together to increase the length and glue them. Would that even be strong enough to hold up a wide monitor?
  5. Also have this running in the printer as we speak https://www.printables.com/model/418962-bikepacking-front-rack
  6. Going on a bit of a bikepacking adventure. Have been exploring combining 3D printing with this. Here is a protype using some old white PLA for a fork mount. (Nalgene bottle for scale)
  7. Great review, I have been watching this thread intensely. I have the Garmin Epix and I love everything about it EXCEPT the HRM. Being heavily tattooed on the forearms, the current generation of Garmin sensors does not read my heart rate properly and I am bound to a chest strap. In my testing (putting it on in the store) the Ultra seems to get a really good read of my Heart Rate. Battery was a concern, but my level of activity matches yours. Maybe 1-2 hours a day with a long run on Sunday maxing out at 3 hours. I am also married to the Apple ecosystem. Iphone, Airpod Pros, Homepods, Mac, Ipad and Apple TV (holy heck, I sound like a fanboy) So I am hoping that the Ultra will pair nicely.
  8. My son is now at an age that I can start teaching him to ride a roadbike. Will keep to empty parking lots for a while but managed to grab this bike from a colleague for NZD1,000 (roughly ZAR10k) It has 40,000km on the clock, but brand new tyres and is well maintained. A couple of dents and scratches. Perfect for a learner bike.
  9. Great milestone. Congrats! EDIT: - The Saffa passport looks like you have rubbed off the front cover. Was that an attempt to remove the RSA and use a sharpie to draw some ferns on it? 😁
  10. Man, the technology has improved so much since I last played with it in the days of a reprap printer. Printed on a Bambu Lab P1S with AMS using Silk PLA Filament by my 13 year old son.
  11. Attention all Aussie Hubbers. I am keen to go to AU (any East Coast City) around late December 2023 into mid-January 2024 for a family getaway. Does anyone want to do a home swap? No money changing hands. You come to use my new 4 beddie in Auckland, I use your place and we have a change of scenery? My ideal (but not fixed) dates are 28 December to 14 January (or thereabouts) We can even swap cars as well to keep the costs nice and low.
  12. Daylight savings always makes my brain hurt. Did anyone else struggle to wake up this morning?
  13. I know it doesnt quite meet your requirements, but happy to do some cool stuff up north!
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