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Durbanville Mtb Night Rides


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Had to dig deep to find this thread again.


Anyone interested in doing a ride tonite.? 18h00 at Traffic Circle, top of Koeberg rd at Durbanville Highschool / spar Complex. Short loop over Spes Bona is just over 20km, longer loop including Spes Bona and Occultdale is about 40km.

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Ok, decided to join the Tygerberg Mtb Club ride at Meerendal tonite.

Feel free to join, only cost you R30.00 bucks if you're not a member.

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Not riding tonite!!

Hoekom nie? Dis omtrent die enigste aand hierdie week wat dit redelik droog lyk volgens windguru. En die komende naweek lyk sopnat & stormagtig!

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Hoekom nie? Dis omtrent die enigste aand hierdie week wat dit redelik droog lyk volgens windguru. En die komende naweek lyk sopnat & stormagtig!


OK, jy het my arm gedraai (maar net as dit nie reen teen 17h45 nie)


Wie kom saam / who else is joining?

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Sal w da wees, maar moet vroeg genoeg laat weet of die ride nog aan is of ni, ga van Century City af kom om te kom ry saam julle.

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Sal w da wees, maar moet vroeg genoeg laat weet of die ride nog aan is of ni, ga van Century City af kom om te kom ry saam julle.


As jy sien dit reen / gaan reen moet jy maar weet ek gaan nie ry nie. Sal so teen 16h00 laat weet of ek ry of nie.

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Leon, was a good ride last night, think Andre missed out... :whistling:


Don't remind me of it. :cursing: Only got out of office at 17h15, not enough time to get home and ready before 18h00.

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Don't remind me of it. :cursing: Only got out of office at 17h15, not enough time to get home and ready before 18h00.

Yeah, excellent ride, thanks!

Will have to miss out on next week's ride - not in town

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In Durbanville with my light(s) and maybe keen for a ride. When do you guys ride, Tuesday evenings?

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In Durbanville with my light(s) and maybe keen for a ride. When do you guys ride, Tuesday evenings?


Yes. :whistling: . 18h00 from traffic circle at Durbanville Highschool (top of Koeberg rd)

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