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    Western Cape
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    Fairest Cape.

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  1. Thanks Martin. Not sure it's going to work, as I've just realized mine is the Force shifters, not Red. Not sure if there is a big difference between them or is it just the material (carbon vs alu) they're made of.
  2. Rehashing an old thread. I'm also in search for these hoods, tore one with my last cable replacement exercise. Bought these shifters second hand, so no idea of year model. Is there a way to establish which year model the shifters is?
  3. And then you still have some Clever Trevors that go and ride on some of the trails that are closed / not opened yet, and then stuff it up.
  4. You can also contact Reon @Sportopia Cycles. He takes pride in his work, and if memory serves me right, also Lyne Components distributor.
  5. At least the MyWhoosh team are quick with replies. "Yes, our team is working on adding more equipment to the compatibility list."
  6. ChrisF, I wonder why not. I'm now ruing my decision to drop my $7.50 pm subscription to Roovy a few months back. It's now $14,99 pm, and my current financial situation does not allow for such excesses. 😜 I'll just have to live with not having HR recorded in one file / download. I will just push record on my Instinct every time, at least I will have a Garmin file with my recorded HR over the session.
  7. MyWhoosh replied with the following statement: Hi *****, Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. Regards, MyWhoosh Support
  8. Anyone of you clever people know if you can / how to import HR data from your Garmin to a MyWhoosh workout to at least have HR data also on your workout. Apparently my Instinct 2 is not "compatible" and as such does not link with MyWhoosh. Ps. I dunno if the SarisM2 has the cadence sensor built in, but I do have a Garmin cadence sensor on my bike, and MyWhoosh somehow paired with a cadence sensor and I get cadence data with my workout data. Pss. I sent MyWhoosh a mail regarding the importation of data from Garmin files. Still awaiting their reply, will update here as soon as I get an answer.
  9. Ah, now the light goes on. My OPPO does not support / have a slot for Ant+ dongle. No wonder it does not work. Eish, us old toppies and technology.........
  10. Anyone been able to pair their Garmin HRM to MyWhoosh? My Instinct2 does not pair, and MyWhoosh technical support told me that it's not compatible. I then tried my HRM straps to see if any of them pairs, but with no success. According to the support website, Garmin HRM straps are compatible. Am I missing something here?
  11. One million and eleventy five. Lol, this post was in 2021.
  12. Contact Reon @Sportopia Cycles, he's a Tri athlete himself and they offer Tri Fittings inhouse. o eight three 4804326
  13. Look at the Salt Carbon range. "Affordable", excellent quality and full back up service. Contact Reon @Sportopia Cycles for the best advice and service.
  14. Yes, it wasn't smart, and he paid the price for it. Just a bit more context, this was in the early 90's in a wild west little town called Carletonville. Peoples attitude was different then, and tended to get involved when wrong things was being done. Today they look the other way and get away as fast as possible.
  15. Dunno, never got to asking him. But I agree, pick your fight, and this was not his fight.
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