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Ride to Ladies Slipper


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Spud and I are riding MTB's from the Kragga Kamma Vets surgery to Ladies Slipper along the railway line on Saturday 20/12/2008 @ <FONT color=#ff0000><strong>05h30</strong></FONT> anyone welcome to join us.<img src="https://assets.bikehub.co.za/legacy_images/smilies/smiley4.gif" height="17" width="17" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="Big%20smile" />


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<DIV>We can add in about another 20kays if we go out towards the Van Staadens bridge(Train not the N2) and come out at the Puttergills farm and head back through the Van Staadens Pass back to the Railway lines and then home should be about 100-110 kays.


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<DIV>Are you keen now.<img src="https://assets.bikehub.co.za/legacy_images/smilies/smiley4.gif" height="17" width="17" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="Big%20smile" /></DIV></DIV><edited><editID>Dirty Twin</editID><editDate>2008-12-19 02:19:47</editDate></edited>

u guys doing this again any time soon?

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