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Clean with CLEEN GREEN


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Guys Im not sure if this has been discussed before!


I know many of our LBS use parafin and water to clean bikes. Some use Mr Min after the bike is dried, to shine up the bike.


I find CLEEN GREEN works really well when cleaning my bike.

Simple -spray on - leave for 2 minutes and then spray off with a hosepipe.


Is CLEEN GREEN  a good product to wash bikes with?

Am I causing any damage or degreasing in any bearings that I need to worry about?


What can you suggest I use?


mrm67122009-12-12 06:18:15
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If you're getting Cleen Green into bearings, then yes, you will be degreasing them.




It's a very effective cleaner, but I am wary of using it on anything that is not tough as boots or very greasy and in need of degreasing.




What's wrong with using paraffin on the oily bits? It may thin any lubricant, but it won't emulsify and remove it like CG will.





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