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Cycle Nut

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Everything posted by Cycle Nut

  1. Another abnomalie is the seeding times one gets. Often a group of strong riders will fly past me and they start three or four groups back. I am not slouch in F group but these guys are way better than me? They must have done races to seed yet get bad placings?
  2. Hey Jono, CLint and I rode 50km in the cradle looking for offending pins but all looks good!
  3. Hi Dani, No not superfit, just want to put in some quality time in the saddle. drop me an email at ssand@netactive.co.za with your details and we can see if our schedules can allow a couple of rides a week. SeanSandham2009-11-08 04:05:37
  4. Hi Hubsters! Looking to get a few weekday rides in. Leaving from Ruimsig area out into the Cradle. Anybody got free time! MTB and road, any reason to ride! Toodles Sean
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