Good afternoon everyone, Im slowly getting into the sport of MTB and went out today for my first bicycle ride in 10 years. I borrowed a bicycle from someone and did about 15km today at the Botteleray trails with a friend who has been cycling for a while. Im still learning the cornering techniques, the sport etiquette etc but I had lots of fun although I will probably be dead tomorrow morning. I am planning on buying my first bicycle soon, will have to be a xxl frame but I have my eye on 2 bicycles already as my budget for now is max R10 000. To the marshall on the track, I again sincerely apologise for not having the correct permit and looking like I tried to dodge paying for the day but it is honestly not the case. I was unaware of the fact that different boards are for different areas in the Western Cape, as I said earlier, Im still learning everything. I will go to the shop tomorrow and pay for a day pass for yesterday, no issue from my side but if you read this thank you very much, appreciate the attitude you showed on the trail. To the guy that helped with the flatish tire, thank you so so much for your generosity, highly appreciated. All in all I really enjoyed the day although "killer" took me a while to complete, and then there were more hills between the single tracks but it was a lot of fun! If you guys have any tips or etiquette tips I'm all ears, Im hear to learn and ultimately enjoy the sport. Have a nice weekend everyone. Ah yes, if anyone finds a broken chommie on the trail, its mine, you can discard of it please.