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The Mummy

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Everything posted by The Mummy

  1. "Bonk training" is an exercise program designed for weight loss. It suggests the following strategy on an empty stomach the first thing in the morning, when glycogen store levels are low: consume coffee or caffeine equivalent to 2 or 3 cups of coffee, run or cycle at a casual pace (60% of max heart rate) for 20-90 minutes, have a normal breakfast right after exercising. Proponents claim this will force the body to "bonk" shortly into the exercise, and subsequently burn more fat to generate the energy. It is not clear how medically sound this idea is; exerting too much energy and "bonking hard," or experiencing severe hypoglycemia, can be dangerous http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hit_the_wall
  2. Hey Mandibles, Maybe i will join you guys...
  3. For those that are blind http://picasaweb.google.com/booysenjacques/200709Sep
  4. bigger versions: http://lh4.google.com/booysenjacques/RwAOpY920_I/AAAAAAAABK0/C-RlcIL_Bkw/HPIM1561.JPGimgmax=512 http://lh4.google.com/booysenjacques/RwAOmY920-I/AAAAAAAABKw/FQG5b0MqhoU/HPIM1560.JPGimgmax=512
  5. http://lh3.google.com/booysenjacques/RwCNCI921AI/AAAAAAAABKo/YwJYxonJ-0A/HPIM1552.JPGimgmax=512 Daemon must have had road stans coz look what the thorns did to our tires.
  6. http://lh4.google.co.uk/booysenjacques/RwAOmY920-I/AAAAAAAABJo/H0yBfnzVPag/s144/HPIM1560.JPGhttp://lh4.google.co.uk/booysenjacques/RwAOpY920_I/AAAAAAAABJw/oWGabjShx-I/s144/HPIM1561.JPG Some free ride road cycling
  7. I've got Maxxis Cross Mark Tires, Think I will give it another try and check what the LBS says, I think the tire bombed off because there were too few stans left after some leaked out during the night before, when i fixed it the next day with an air bomb it sealed but not properly. And ja you don't get sidewall punctures every day, I will give stans another chance to leave an impression on me Thanks
  8. A month ago I converted my MTB tubes to Stans, and while I had some good results with the one wheel fixing itself, the other is giving me headaches. Firstly I had a side wall puncture with the Stans, it deflated very quickly and the stans didn't fix it so I had no choice to put in a tube again, i reckon it was because the stans stays on the bottom of the tire. They then put stans in again and it was fine for a day or so and was flat the next morning i woke up. The only way I could rescue my deflated stans was to use an air bomb, and it worked, the next day I was riding up breeds neck and what happens? BANG! It sounded like somebody were shooting on us, my tire popped off with my leg full of stans, jik. Anyway maybe it is just my bad luck, or maybe I did something wrong. Any Ideas or Did this happen to any of you stans fans?
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