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Posts posted by Funrider-CPT

  1. I see the same photographers that were ther on Saturday are now covering Cape Pioneer race ... wondering if they will only add something after that ride. They were certainly quite active on Saturday, so cannot believe that there are no pics. Surely I did not try and look good and pull my stomach in for nothing !!! :)

  2. I contacted them earlier the week ... the reply was "We are hopefully receiving them at the end of June and then we are going to get them out to the TRAIL RIDERS FROM Scottburgh" I needed to send my details through if not in KZN. Will see when they arrice.


    Now just looking to swop Salomon L for XL :)

  3. Covie - you should have gone for the Scott :) it has 3 blades.


    I am not so much worried about flying up the hills but I learnt long ago on the road (maybe watching too much TdF hill climbs) that spinning up a hill is just so much more economical ... on the legs, the lungs etc. But I can do with a bit more strength :)

  4. I recently changed from 26er (9sped) to 29er (10spd) and apart from me just not being stong enough up the hills I found the 29er climbing a bit (lot) tougher that the 26er.


    I can understand that, it take move power to turn the bigger wheels - at the same gearing. I then then looked and was surprised at the small chainring difference between the two bikes.

    • the 26er (9spd) has a 22t chainring - so wheels turn easier AND the gear is small
    • the 29er (10spd) has a 24t chainring -so with the wheels needing more power to turn, you need even more power because of gearing.

    A lot of 29er now also come out with 2 instead of 3 chainrings where the smaller of the 2 is even bigger than 24.


    I might be wrong but I think the clusters are equal on the two (at least in terms of granny-gear)


    I also believe you do not get smaller than 24t chainring for 10spd (shimano)


    OK, so long story but the questions are ...

    1. can I use 9spd 22t chainring on the 10spd?
    2. do you get 22t 10spd chainring?
    3. why do they do this? (or is it just that the 29ers should not be ridden if you are not strong enough?)




    I did not see another post that already covered this - if I missed it though, please point me in the right direction.

  5. The trail is the new event they added this year due to the huge demand. The routes are exactly the same but the three events run a day apart on the dates above. The race is for people who want to ...uhm race. The adventure used to be for people wanting to take it a bit easier and the trail is just an extention of that ... lots of people wanting to take it easier :)


    We managed to get into the trail for this year and I cannot wait but looking at the youtube clips there is some hard work to do as well, so I guess we wll need to start trianing.

  6. Hi

    we managed to get entry to new Sani2C trail for next year but have never done multi stage ride or ridden in KZN. I know there are many posts on tyre choices but any good/bad choices for this ride? I only use Crossmarks at the moment but during wet rides, these become slicks and I understand Sani has a fair amount of water.


  7. hi

    we managed to get entry to new Sani2C trail for next year. Apart from my question on what tyres to use (which I will rather post in Tech area)


    Can all you experienced multi-stage riders share any tips/tricks/advice - we have never done multi-stage ride OR done ride in KZN area.



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