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IR Bikepro

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Everything posted by IR Bikepro

  1. Local bike shops have a 50% markup, not 80. unless you buy at the wrong shop. Even 80% isn't that bad if you look at clothing stores and food markup. It wont be replaced by the local shimano importers simply because you did not buy it from them. It should by handled by CRC. if more people buy local, the bike shops can stock more for less, because there is no capital to buy million rands worth of stock. Oh and IR Bikepro is sarcasm, aimed at the "professional" bike specialists on this site. I thought it would be an easy concept for such able minded people. Guess not
  2. The first problem, its Shimano... Anything with Shitmano logo on there is a big FAIL... Second, CRC isn't going to warranty the wheelset, with cheap prices you get cheaper after sale service. If all the South Africans spend less money at CRC (25 million annually) the bike shops in SA would be cheaper. All I can say is you get what you pay for.
  3. Those rocks that thrown the cyclists back on the road must have been pretty strong. I tried to throw a cyclist once and I was barely able to pick him up. I can imagine that the rocks were quite angry at the cyclists for hitting them though...
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