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Everything posted by Patchelicious

  1. Perhaps, but you are also assuming his fact is indeed fact. (As I was not there when the incident happened lastnight, I cannot comment on. I can only comment on what is being said here. and no Hairy, Im not questioning your integrity ) You are very right that I have no claim to warrant my suggestion, but thats the point I was making. ps: this was an older post, much positive progress has been since.
  2. I really like the logic you used here. Good post, probably your best. Moral fibre of communities is massively important. Education of better road etiquette is also important. Telling people how they can cycle better also, I agree with you guys on all these points. Go and do these things, it will make the world a better place. But once you have made your comment (to help educate) leave it, you cannot MAKE an adult, who chooses to ride a bike in the dark do as you want, it might not be mob justice, but its the same mind set (I used that to make a point, and a joke ps). Coming to the hub to attack the dude, does not help the morality of anything. Just look at the last 2hours of arguing. If the intention was really just to help educate, then the original post would not have been such a personal attack on the dude. Stuff him, let him be the douche, no matter how much you actually just wanted to vent.
  3. haha, actually not a troll............today. I am really trying to make you see my point, just as you are trying to make me see yours. This does not make me a troll, trying to discredit me with a label like that will also not work. It is your thread, and I will respect that and not post "edit" much. 1. I agree riding without a light is not clever. 2. I agree that is illegal, stupid, idiotic. 3. I agree you can tell someone they should shape up if they are endagering themselves or others 4. I DISAGREE that you can get upset if that person does not take your advice, they have the right not too, no matter how right you are or believe you are. Thats it
  4. Gladly. Perhaps a good point and even a mulligan for you to make your point. If you could make your point, in summary, without all the adjectives of the original posts, I could even agree with it? Lets see?
  5. We have police do deal with legalities. If you want to take law into your own hands, then you are effectively promoting mob justice. Sheez, forcing beliefs, mob justice, the Coast Road sounds more like Syria than a nice place to ride.
  6. No, I think you thrive on conflict, don't confuse the two.
  7. You are missing the point further than a drunken pool player misses a backspin shot. You CAN tell him he must buy a light, just as much as he CAN say no. Just because its common sense to you, it does not mean it is for other people who have a different view BELIEF of what common sense is. Forcing your opinion/beliefs on people who see things differently than you, is worse than riding without a light.
  8. I'm fine with that, the one guy you should shake hands with is "the roadie on West Coast Road lastnight" who also agreed to disagree with you.....
  9. Perfect thanks: So, 1. Dont come here and ACT like a chop, never said he was one. 2. Makes you SEEM like THE douche, in the situation, again never called him one. Jeez dude, you guys are worse than children! Oops, there I just did comment on your character, but honestly, this pettiness does deserve it. No go an take your anger out on a interval session or something, I'm over this, clearly no point debating with someone who cannot take criticism. (Kind of sounds like the guy who you moaned about in the first place) Keep safe.
  10. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa, a character attack!!! sies, I demand an apology, how dare you assume something about my character
  11. Copy and paste the part you want an apologise to for attacking your character, and I will consider it. I however think it might be a bit hypocritical, as your opening post on this thread has more character attacks on the roadie dude than I have made posts. As to the part where you say I "questioned" you, I disagree, I merely said it is easy coming to a forum and posting a one sided story, I never that is what you did.
  12. This is most sensible post on this entire thread. One person can raise an opinion about something with another, said person must then also be ready to have that opinion rejected, as much as you have the right to tell him to be safe, he has the right to tell you to go away. Forcing ones opinion or beliefs on other is a very dangerous road to go down. So like I said, look after yourself, tell the guy what you want, but then dont cry when tells you to go away. The issue here is not that an opinion was raised, but rather the fact the guy did not get his way, and then comes to the hub looking for support.
  13. I am not sure how you were brought up, but I was taught that when you hand something to someone, you give it to them in their hands not shove it up their ass. I feel sorry for the next person who asks you to hand them the salt... ouch
  14. Honestly, you need not prove anything to me, I'm just a forum member. I am just saying, its very easy for me to post a topic called "To the MTBer on Sunset lastnight who swore at me" and blow it out of proportion and give a one sided version. Perhaps the guys was not intending to be caught out riding so late, maybe he wanted to squeeze in a last lap before heading home as he can only get out once a week, whatever.... he is a cyclist, he knows the dangers of being out on the road, you offered and opinion to him, he rejected it, get over it. As long as you and your cycling group are being safe, you are doing your part for the community.
  15. If it gets handed to me, its already out of my ass, clean your fingers! Everything on this entire thread is based on ONE side of the story, so believe what you want......
  16. I recommend you dont act like a total chop and turn this into a roadie MTB knobbly thing. I am sure he cycles because he likes it, just as much as you do. I am also sure if he was to post here, he would probably say your initial vocal exchanges were probably not very polite. In summary, coming here looking for a reaction with a one sided story just makes you seem the douche. Just saying.
  17. Nevermind. Found this: http://www.cwcycles.co.za/product/tacx-t2250-i-flow Is this all you need? Upgrades?
  18. This is EXACTLY what I want. So where and how much?
  19. I am very keen to get one of these, as I spend a lot of time on indoors. Which are the current (cost effective) VR turbos that one should look at? I want to see the video, auto adjust tensions etc..... Thanks
  20. Dude, like most things in life in is way easier to solve it by talking to the person and telling him that you are not comfortable with what he/she is doing, especially considering that you are new. Dont be like everybody else and come to the hub to moan about the slightly off milk they bought at Checkers...... Some one gets too close tell him to back off! If you come here, the douches will latch on and by page 3 it will be a flame war about why shaved legs are better than disk brakes.
  21. Very nice, but I just bought a vintage Orbea, so not in the market for another.
  22. Thats not a problem, my cousin Willie from Kraaifontein has all the Joe Cocker you could ask for, he even has posters in his koshuis room. I will get him to stand at the finish line with his 2000w brand new DionWired boombox and play that song when the team crosses the line! We need to start working on a team chant, like the rowers do, this might help us pedal in sync on the climbs.
  23. I not sure about, but I have the TopGun soundtrack and will have my Sony Diskman, I will probably be looping Highway to the Dangerzone for the climbs. That crabbing comes from a fight my wife and I had when I took delivery of the bike, ans she threw it out the flats window. She was upset that I spent R14k on a bike, she said we should have used it to visit her parents in Danville for Christmas. That would have been a bad investment haha. Have you told the rest of the teams of the Carbo Camp we are having at my place on Friday night yet? Remember to bring your Areospace!!!
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